
Episode 2

(The episode opens with a 6-year-old girl who has long black hair in a ponytail, white skin, wearing a purple dress making a circle named Patrina)

(Patrina makes a circle with a star that has four triangles around it)

Patrina (in the middle of the circle) (eyes glowing): deen fo emit siht ni pleh ruoy rof ksa I, ahsinaK

(The circle glows, blows Patrina off the circle)

(A 13-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a dark blue shirt, white skirt, and blue heels named Kanisha appears from the circle)

Kanisha: How may I help you?

Patrina: I need to find a genie, can you help me with that?

Kanisha: Of course, fine

Patrina: Wait, can you disguise yourself as a genie? That way I don't have to send you on a meaningless quest

Kanisha (smiles): What a kind hearted kindergartner

Patrina (modestly): Thank you, I won a reward for that

Kanisha: What an angel

(Kanisha changes her outfit into a red shirt, green tail, two gold shackles one on the right arm and one on the left arm, her belly is shown)

Patrina (eyes widened): Wow!

Kanisha: Yeah, I went old school (files her nails) so, what would you like to wish for, mistress?

Patrina: Mistress, is that what genie call their masters that happen to be a girl

(Kanisha kisses Patrina's finger and Patrina's finger is healed)

Kanisha: Sorry, do you prefer certain pronouns?

Patrina: Oh no, I am fine

Kanisha: Okay, then for female Masters, yes you call them Mistress

Patrina: Oh, I learn something new, today

Kanisha: Joy, I love taking requests from children

Patrina (surprised): You do!

Kanisha (smiles): Yeah, you (pitch Patrina's cheek) children are so pure

Patrina: But, you help people too

Kanisha: Yeah, but it's to right the wrong I have committed in the past

Patrina: Oh come on, I don't believe you

Kanisha: You do realize you have to use blood to make the circle and summon me

Patrina: Yeah, but all spells do

Kanisha: Okay, so why do you need a genie?

Patrina: Right, I kinda lied to my friends and told them I do

Kanisha: Oh, a storyteller, I like it

(A doorbell is heard)

Patrina: That must be my friends

(The screen switches to A woman who has straight black hair, white skin, wearing a blue dress opening the door)

(The woman's name is Dela)

(The kids on the other side of the door is a 6-year-old boy who has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Isaac, another 6-year-old boy who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Felix, a 6-year-old girl who has short red hair, white skin, wearing a yellow shirt, pink skirt, and white heels named Uma, and another 6-year-old girl who has long black hair, white skin, wearing a black shirt, pants, and white shoes with skulls on them named Jeanne-Alice)

Dela: Well, come inside, Patrina, your friends are here

Patrina (not shown): I'm coming, thanks mom

(The kids walk inside the house)

Dela: Your welcome

(Patrina runs downstairs, leaps, and lands on the floor)

The kids except Jeanne-Alice: Cool!

Patrina: Welcome friends, join me upstairs in my room

(Patrina and the kids go upstairs)

(The screen switches to Patrina opening the door and the kids walk in)

Uma: Alright, where's this genie?

Patrina: Hang on

(Patrina grabs a lava lamp and rubs it)

Felix (surprised): She actually has a lava lamp

Uma: That doesn't prove anything

(Kanisha appears as a genie)

Kanisha (country voice): Mistress, you summoned me

(The kids looked shocked)

Patrina: I told you

Jeanne-Alice: Hang on, make a wish and make it juicy, that proves this isn't a trick

Patrina: (annoyed) Fine, genie, I wish that...that... I wish that I was a mermaid

(Kanisha snap her fingers)

(Patrina grows gills, scales, and a hot pink tail; also wearing a blue t-shirt)

Patrina: Well

Kanisha (country voice): Uh, mistress, you should

(Patrina gasp for air)

Isaac: What's Wrong with her?

Patrina (gasping) (turning blue): I wish I was in a human-sized fish tank

(Kanisha snap her fingers again and a giant fish tank that Patrina lands in)

Patrina: Thank you

Kanisha (country voice): Of course, mistress

Patrina: So, is that enough proof?

Isaac: Yup

Felix: Yup

Uma: No, make a wish for all of us to get one wish

Patrina: Fine, I wish that each of my friends get a wish from you

Kanisha (country voice): Are you sure mistress, that will be your last wish?

Patrina: Yes, I am sure

Kanisha: Alright

(Kanisha snaps her fingers)

(Sparkles appears around the kids)

Isaac: Whoa! I wish that I could make whatever I draw come to life and only things I want to come to life

Kanisha (country voice): That is mighty clever (winks) boy

Isaac: Thank you

(Kanisha snaps her fingers)

(Isaac grab a paper and pencil, then draws a grey wolf)

(A grey wolf appears)

Isaac: Awesome

Jeanne-Alice: Alright, mine turn, I wish I was a vampire with my own personal umbrella

Kanisha (country voice): Got it, creature of night

(Kanisha snaps her fingers)

(Jeanne-Alice's fangs are shown and has an umbrella)

Jeanne-Alice: Wicked (look at a mirror) it's true

Kanisha (country voice): Who's next?

Felix: Me, I wish that I can travel through any book with a device to be able to get out of that universe

Kanisha (country voice): A bookworm, love it

(Kanisha snaps her fingers)

(A watch appears on Felix's arms)

(Felix grabs a book, opens it, and enters the book as a spark)

(Felix reappears)

Felix: Thank you, Uma your turn

Uma: Thank you, I want to be a movie actress who is a long lasting contract with Hollywood and oh and I never go out of style, plus I want a device that gives me disguises for both my body and voice

Kanisha (country voice): Alright (snaps her fingers)

(Uma has sunglasses, a red dress, and heels; also a necklace)

(Uma reaches into her pocket and sees a bedazzled phone, then smiles)

Uma: (squeals) Oh my gosh (jumps) thank you, Patrina I will never doubt you about anything and sorry that you are stuck as a mermaid I will help you every day to get to school when I am not busy, bye (runs of out of the room)

Patrina: Okay, that went well

Isaac: Patrina, you are awesome (walks out of the room)

Felix: Let's hang out more (walk out of the room)

Jeanne-Alice: Yeah, you are cool or whatever, but don't let Uma get in your head (walks out of the room)

Patrina: Well, that worked, now I am stuck as a mermaid, because if I change back they will find it suspicious

Kanisha (whispers): Unless you have a special ring to change you back and forth or I could erase their memories of this little wish

Patrina (whispers): Ring please

(Kanisha gives the red ring to Patrina)

Kanisha: Hope you can handle this double life

Patrina: Of course

Kanisha: So, does that mean you are satisfied with your wishes

Patrina: Yeah thank your

Kanisha: You are quite welcome

(Patrina pulls Kanisha in for a hug)

Kanisha: Hope you and your friends have fun

(Kanisha disappears)

(Patrina smiles)

(Episode ends)