
Episode 1

(The episode opens with A 13-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing blue headband, white Victorian dress and heels named Kanisha appears from a circle with a star that has four triangles around it)

(The person who has blond hair in a ponytail, white skin, wearing a blue dress gets blasted from the circle)

(The person's name is Callie)

(Callie looks shocked)

Kanisha (curtsied): Kanisha at your service, your majesty

Callie (gets up): How did?

Kanisha: I know exactly who summoned me

Callie: Nevermind, I want to send a letter to my mother, my birth mother, I heard she fell ill

Kanisha (gets out a pencil and paper): What do you want me to write?

Callie: I hope you are feeling well, I am sorry with my princess duties that I couldn't visit you, but I wish the best of luck in your health

(Callie stops)

Kanisha: Is that all your majesty?

Callie: You can teleport, can't you?

Kanisha: Yes, I can

Callie: Please send me to my mother

Kanisha: Is that your final request?

Callie (looking sad): You mean I can't make any more?

Kanisha: Just a little joke, your majesty. Anyway, where's your mom?

Callie: Oh! Yeah, living above the bakery in the village: Barnsley

Kanisha: Got it

(Kanisha's eyes glows, makes a circle appear on the ceiling, grabs Callie's hand and goes the circle)

(The circle disappears)

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Callie appearing in a bedroom)

A voice: Callie, is that you?

(Callie turns around to see a woman who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a white dress sitting in a chair)

(The woman gets up, walks to Callie, and hugs)

Kanisha: Isn't that sweet?

The woman (looks at Kanisha): Who are you?

Kanisha: Kanisha, Cara, (smiles) ma'am

Cara: You know my name?

Callie: Mom, are you okay? I heard you fell ill

Cara: Oh, that it's okay, I just had a mild attack

(Kanisha's outfit transformed into a doctor's)

Kanisha: May I check you?

Callie: You are a doctor too?

Kanisha: Yeah, please sit down

Cara: Okay (sits on her bed)

(Kanisha feels her heart beat and scans Cara)

Callie: Well?

Kanisha: She is perfectly healthy, she just was under some stress, which is what cause most panic attacks, as long as she relax she'll be fine

Cara: Amazing that exactly what the doctor said last time

Callie: Can you stay with her to make sure of that?

Cara: Now that's not necessary besides she probably has other things to do

Kanisha: I can send a clone (reveals a second version of herself)

Clone Kanisha: At your service, your majesty

Cara and Callie (shocked): No way!

Kanisha: So, what would you like me to do?

Clone Kanisha: And me as well

Cara: Uh, original stay with my mom, and clone come with me

Kanisha and Clone Kanisha: Yes, your majesty

Cara: I guess there's no to convince you

Callie: No

Cara: Fine

(Kanisha walks to Cara)

(Clone Kanisha takes Callie to the portal)

Callie: Bye mom, write me a letter

Cara: I will and don't let those rich kids get you down

Callie: I won't

(The portal disappears)

(Cara sighs)

Kanisha: I understand you don't want your daughter worry, but she is jus being stubborn because she loves you

Cara: I know, say you never said how come you can make a clone or how you knew my name

Kanisha: I am a mutant with every power you can name and I use those powers to protect people

Cara: You don't say

Kanisha: I do

Cara: Then, could you take me somewhere?

Kanisha: Sure

(The screen shows Cara sitting on a chair, looking at the sun setting)

(Kanisha is behind Cara)

(They both feel the wind)

(Kanisha gives Cara a canvas, a paint brush, and paint)

(Cara paints the sun set)

(Kanisha opens the portal)

(Cara goes through the portal)

(Kanisha follows Cara and closes the portal)

(The screen shows Clone Kanisha writing a letter)

(Callie entering the room)

Callie: Man was that exhausting (lays on the bed)

Clone Kanisha: Another match meeting?

Callie: Yes, why can't she understand I don't want to get married I'm only 16

Clone Kanisha: She probably just want you to have somebody to be with you for the rest of your life

Callie: Well, she needs to understand I will find that person on my own

Clone Kanisha: True, I always tell parents that, they don't like to listen

Callie: So, are you finished with it?

Clone Kanisha: Of course, you sure you want to do this, I mean what if she doesn't answer?

Callie: She was clearly giving me the eyes

Clone Kanisha: Okay (whistles)

(A carrier pigeon appears)

(Clone Kanisha wraps the letter to the pigeon and communicates with the pigeon)

(The pigeon flies off)

Callie: It blows my mind that you can talk to animals

Clone Kanisha: It's nothing

Callie: Are you kidding, I would love to have your powers

Clone Kanisha: It's not always a good thing

Callie: What could be bad about them?

Clone Kanisha: Many things (smiles) but you don't need to worry about tha

Callie: Wait, we can talk like friends, please tell me

Clone Kanisha: Sure, but you may not like it

Callie: It's okay, tell me

Clone Kanisha: I killed a lot of people because of my powers, which has made people hate me to this day and beyond

Callie: But you save people too

Clone Kanisha: True, that spell was created to prove I would help anybody in need

(Callie hugs Clone Kanisha)

Callie: I never thought

Clone Kanisha: It's okay.

Callie: But, it's in the past, you don't kill anymore.

Clone Kanisha: Not unless somebody requests it

Callie: How often does that happen?

Clone Kanisha: Quite, do you hate me now? Knowing I kill no matter who asks?

Callie: No, because your other half is still watching my mom, so that means you aren't an emotionless monster

Clone Kanisha: Thanks

(Episode ends)