

Felix, a simple nurse from Earth was stuck in a landslide with his fellow passengers. During the event, he saved a child's life in exchange for his life. Drained of his blood, he fell into an eternal slumber, when suddenly he met a goddess. This goddess, impressed by his sacrifice, became his sponsor so that he can travel to another dimension and live freely. One day, he was reincarnated as a prince from Imperial Germany.... ----------------------------------- Hi! I am a newbie author so please forgive me for any mistakes hehe, also, no harem!!!!!!!!! Please checkout my original novel (Whale Fall) I promise you, it will definitely entertain you. I am also posting this on Sribblehub! 'Ey matey, wanna give me some coffeey? https://ko-fi.com/jimzzs

Income_Tax · Cómic
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33 Chs


*Kwuh* (Sound of digging)





"Just wait for a moment! Alright?! Be strong and just wait alright?! It will take an hour for us to dig towards you!"

A muffled megaphone can be heard underneath all the sounds of digging. This is due to a landslide that occurred in a nearby mountainside. Buried deep inside the mountain of rubble and dirt is an ambulance. Inside the ambulance, one driver, a nurse, and a patient and the patient's parent. Luckily, the glass of the ambulance was strong and stopped the dirt and rubble from coming inside the vehicle.

The driver was injured but can still go on. His nose was broken due to the impact of the air bag hitting his face. Other than that, he is .safe and alright. 

The nurse, a black haired male, is injured with his head bleeding due to colliding with the metal interior of the vehicle. The nurse is keeping the vitals of the patient while prolonging all the resources in the ambulance to last a minimum of an hour. 

The patient, a child, was lying in bed unconscious but was holding his parent's hand. She was a victim of a serial killer who stabbed the child in the stomach. The child suffered a stab wound in her stomach which pumps out dozens of blood out of her. It was patched carelessly as first aid in order for the child to reach the hospital safely.

Another passenger, the parent of the patient, was crying loudly, yet uninjured.

"It should be me was stabbed. ME! And now we are stuck here.... In the middle of dirt... and the only light source is a flashlight... Nurse, how's... my... child.."

"She's carrying on, however, she may not last until we get out of here... By any chance, what is your child's blood type?"

"Type O-negative. Please tell me nurse if my child will be okay..."

"She'll be find, ma'am. Might I ask, are you also type O-negative ma'am?"

"No.. But my husband is."


The nurse with difficulty evident in his face, was seen by the mother of the child. Due to this, the mother cried louder. 

"Oh, my sweet child! Please stay alive! Nurse, tell me will my child be alright? Please tell me nurse my child will be alright. Please.... Please....."

The nurse with determination in his face, assured the mother.

"She'll be alright ma'am. She's a strong fighter. Coincidentally ma'am, I am also a Type 0-negative. I will be giving her the necessary blood that she needs in order to survive being under here."

The mother, with relief thanked the nurse for his help.

"Thank you nurse! I will never forget about this. To tell you the truth, we were expecting another child to come, and I will definitely name him after you."

"That's quite an honor ma'am. I'll tell you my name later, if it is alright with you ma'am?"

The nurse grabbed from a nearby cabinet a blood transfusion kit and asked the driver to help.

"Hey Mister driver, help me for a bit, yeah?"

"Alright sir."

The driver immediately went to the back of the ambulance and asked the nurse on what to do.

"Just monitor my pulse, and ask me questions to make sure I will not faint during the operation. However, if I faint, please make sure that the patient's life is not at stake as opposed to mine."

"Okay sir. I will monitor both the patient and you sir."

The nurse gathered the necessary materials in order for the procedure such as an adhesive tape an a cotton, in order to keep the needle site stable and clean.

The nurse asked the driver to light the flashlight in his arms. He then started the operation by inserting the needle into his arm and straight to his veins. He felt like a giant ant had bitten him in his arms. He then put the cotton and adhesive tape atop the needle and made sure that it was alright.

He then inserted the other end of the tube to the patient arms. About 10 seconds, blood starts flowing through the tube.

"Mister driver, I am now in your hands alright?"

"Yes sir,"

Another hour passed and the digging sounds come closer and closer yet all of them knew that it will probably take a longer time for the rescuers to reach them. The mother asked the nurse about his wellbeing.

"Are you feeling fine, nurse?"

"I feel a bit dizzy but it will be alright."

"Thank you nurse, please tell us if we can do anything for you."

Another hour passed, and the passengers can now clearly hear the sound of the megaphone and the digging. It will probably take another hour for the rescuers to rescue them.

"Nurse? Are you fine?"

"I... I... am.. fine."

The nurse, clearly exhausted and dizzy was trying to keep himself coherent. The driver then asked the nurse about his current situation,

"Are you really okay sir?"

"Yes, ... I.. am fine." 

"We can stop this sir or reduce the volume-"

"NO! The patient's life comes first. We need to keep her alive! Promise me mister, even if I faint, even if it became fatal, please do not remove this tube."



"Alright sir..."

The mother, seeing this, was greatly moved by the sacrifice of the nurse, cried and asked his name.

"Please, nurse, tell me your name."

"My name... ma'am.. is Felix."

Then he lost his consciousness due to the large amount of blood that is pumping out of him. 

By the time the rescuers reached them, it was too late. More than half of Felix's blood was already donated to the child. The child was quickly brought to the hospital in order to treat the almost fatal stab wound.

Felix's name was known throughout the world as the self-sacrificing nurse, who donated his blood to his patient in order to save her. In time, the parent's of the child named their newborn as 'Felix' a nice name to have.

Meanwhile, our protagonist, Felix, was floating out in the vastness of space. Space where black and speckled white makes the ultimate canvas. He has his eyes closed, sleeping peacefully without a care in the world, or in his case, the universe. 

Suddenly he woken up and opened his eyes, the scenery he now saw is not the space he was used to. It was a vibrant forest with a giant apple tree in the middle of it all. Plants can be seen swaying in the wind. Animals of different species are playing with one another without a care of their normal hierarchy. Suddenly Felix heard a wonderful, soft, and heavenly voice.

"Are you now awake?"