

Alexander, a simple kid who died at a very early age gets reincarnated as a god in another world. But, he is not the only god in there. There are three other gods who maintain a tri-balance, and with Alexander's arrival, this balance was ruined...

TheHouse · Fantasía
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1 Chs


--Is this... is this truly the end?--

Those were the last thoughts of Alexander before he died.

When Alexander was born, doctors found a strange tumor in the center of his brain. The tumor was microscopic and it seemed to not affect the brain at all. But later on in Alexander's life, it was found out that the tumor had a very peculiar property,

"The tumor... It will 'eat' your brain on your 19th birthday...".

Alexander was only 6 when he was told the news, he was too little to understand how much this would change his fate.

It took little Alexander a year to make peace with this information, he knew there was only way to live his life to the fullest before his demise,

"I'll just have to reach the top of the world in just 12 years, how will I do it? By doing everything it can offer!"

Alexander began his journey by reading every book, light novel and manga there is. This proved to be harder than he expected because he had to learn every language there is, too.

It took him 7 years to complete this task, the next thing on his list was:

"Conquer the world!".

He announced this on a large square in the middle of the city he lived in. And of course, everyone who heard him just laughed this off as a joke.

"Just watch me! In 5 years, you won't be laughing anymore!"

Nobody was listening to his childish ramblings by this point, and even Alexander began to realize how ridiculous his dream was.

He devolved into the same state he was in 8 years ago when he got the news, he shut himself in his room and stayed there for an undefined amount of time.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Alexander was lying in a fetal position on the ground, thinking about all of the time he wasted chasing a child's dream.

--Why? Why was I doing all of this in the first place?--

--I could've just enjoyed my short 19 years like a normal person, but noooooo, I had to waste them like an idiot.--

--Only 5 years remain, I'm afraid, I'm scared, I want someone to help me, please...--

Someone knocked on his bedroom's door twice, a paper slip followed after from the other side.

Alexander crawls up to it and carefully inspects it.

"I heard you talking about... conquering... the world? I can be of assistance, meet me anytime in an alleyway lit by a red dim light. I'll be waiting~"

The words were written in cursive with a red ink trying to imitate blood, the ink was still fresh.

Alexander put the slip in the right pocket of his sweatpants, went up to get a sport jacket from his bed, and went outside.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

It was the middle of the winter, the snowflakes gently fell down onto his head. The temperature was below zero, but it didn't bother him one bit, the warmth of his track suit was enough.

--A red dim light a red dim light a red dim light...--

He thought the entire time. His mind was fully focused on finding the alleyway.

Soon enough, he entered an alleyway. It was as if the entire city was asleep, it was eerily quiet and no speck of light could be seen.

"Over here~."

A soft whisper came from the darkness, Alexander followed it.

"Over here~."

A blue dim light filled the alleyway, but that was the wrong color.

"Over here~."

A green dim light filled the alleyway, but that also the wrong color.

"This is the place~."

Alexander found himself in a dim red alleyway, he felt something appear in his right pocket.

Instead of a paper slip he took out a syringe that was filled with a gray liquid.

"This is my solution to your problem, useeee ittt~".

Alexander had a choice, either go back and forget about all of this or-

"W-what exactly will happen, w-when I inject this... syringe?"

He asked in a shaky voice, the whisper replied,

"It will speed the time, show you the future that you dreamed of, as for what happens after..."

"What happens after?"

"This... is something that god will decide, whether you live or not after taking this is not up to me."

--If only I could make a save file in a spot like this...--

"Fine, see you on the other side, mysterious whisper."

After saying this, Alexander inserted the syringe needle into the vein on his left arm. The gray liquid slowly flowed in.

Alexander saw his whole life, his past and future, flash before his eyes, before seeing himself on top of the world as he imagined. In his mind, he was already 19.

--Is this... is this truly the end?--

Good day or evening to whoever is reading this, I'm currently in a process of rethinking the story so I will be deleting the next 2 chapters. (That I wrote like a month ago or more). I don't know how much time it will take for new chapters to arrive but they might (or not) be worth the wait.

TheHousecreators' thoughts