

In a world where gods rule over realms and mortals live in fear of their wrath, a young girl named Elara possesses a mysterious and perilous ability that makes her a target for divine execution. Hidden away by her mother, Elara has lived her entire life in seclusion, unaware of her true potential.   One fateful day, she encounters a captivating and enigmatic stranger, Lucius, who reveals himself to be a demon from the depths of the underworld. Drawn to Elara, Lucius is not deterred by the gods' relentless pursuit. He conceals his true nature, walking among mortals as an ordinary human, even managing to elude the gods' keen eyes. As Elara and Lucius fall deeply in love, their connection becomes the ultimate forbidden love story. The gods, sensing an unconventional force at play, intensify their efforts to uncover the truth about Elara's power and the identity of the mysterious man in her life

Yumerokoni · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 2: A Hidden Life

Years passed, and Elara grew up within the protective embrace of the mystical grove. Seraphina and Lyria had become her guardians, teaching her the ancient ways and the importance of keeping her powers a secret from the outside world.

Elara, now a young girl with a curiosity that matched her mysterious abilities, asked one day, "Why must I hide, Mother? Why can't I go out and explore like other children?"

Seraphina, her eyes filled with love and sadness, knelt beside her daughter. "My dear, your abilities are unlike anything the world has ever seen. The gods will stop at nothing to find you and control your power. We protect you because we love you."

Lyria, watching over them, added, "You are special, Elara, and your uniqueness is both a gift and a burden. But you are not alone. We are here to guide you."

Elara nodded, her eyes reflecting the weight of her secret. She understood the necessity of their actions, even if she longed to experience the outside world.

One day, while exploring the grove, Elara discovered an old, forgotten tome hidden beneath the roots of an ancient tree. The book was filled with ancient knowledge, detailing stories of mortals who had defied the gods and their destinies. It spoke of the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

Elara brought the book to Seraphina and Lyria, her eyes shining with newfound hope. "This book, tells of people who challenged the divine. Is it possible to defy destiny?"

Seraphina and Lyria exchanged glances, realizing that Elara was growing and seeking her path. Lyria spoke, "It is possible, but it comes with great risk. Challenging the gods is a choice that could lead to dire consequences."

Seraphina, knowing her daughter's spirit, added, "Elara, we will support you in your choices, but we must be cautious. Your powers are still a

secret, and your destiny is intertwined with the love that binds our hidden family."

As Elara delved deeper into the ancient knowledge, she found herself torn between her desire to explore the world and the responsibility to protect her powers. The love that surrounded her, and the fateful secrets that had shaped her life, were the foundation of her existence.

In the hidden grove, as whispers of destiny and love danced among the ancient trees, the bond between Seraphina, Lyria, and Elara deepened. Theirs was a life of mystery, love, and the ever-present danger of divine discovery, and it was a life that would soon be tested by forces both mortal and divine.


Elara's days in the mystical grove were filled with learning, secrets, and the occasional glimpse of the world beyond the sanctuary. Seraphina and Lyria continued to guide her, teaching her not only the ways of magic but also the importance of her hidden identity.

One bright morning, Elara watched as sunlight filtered through the leaves of the ancient trees. She approached her mother and asked, "Mother, what is love like? I've read about it in the ancient tome, but I've never felt it."

Seraphina smiled, a mix of emotions in her eyes. "Love, my dear, is a powerful force that can bring joy and pain. It's the bond that unites us as a family and keeps us safe. You'll understand it when the time is right."

Unbeknownst to them, in the shadows beyond the sanctuary, someone had been watching Elara for years. It was Lucius, the demon who had fallen in love with her the moment he set eyes on her during her birth. He had disguised himself as a mortal, living nearby, and had been drawn to the mystical aura that surrounded Elara.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Lucius revealed himself to Elara in a secluded part of the grove. "Elara, I have watched you from afar for so long," he confessed, his eyes filled with an otherworldly intensity.

Startled, Elara looked at the mysterious man before her. "Who are you, and how did you find this place? This is a hidden sanctuary."

Lucius, captivated by her beauty and her powers, replied, "I am but a traveler who stumbled upon this grove by chance. Your aura called out to me, and I couldn't resist."

Seraphina and Lyria, alerted by the unfamiliar presence, rushed to the scene. Their eyes met Lucius, and Seraphina spoke with a mix of concern and curiosity, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

Lucius, a master of disguise, offered a charming smile and replied, "I am a wanderer, a seeker of the mystical and the unknown. I mean no harm to you or your daughter."

Elara, torn between her curiosity and the danger of revealing her powers, asked, "Can we trust you?"

Lucius' gaze met Elara's, and he whispered, "I have watched over you, protected you from afar, because I am drawn to your power, yes, but also because I love you, Elara."

The grove seemed to hold its breath as Elara, Seraphina, and Lyria stood at the crossroads of their destinies. Love, secrets, and the presence of an unexpected and enigmatic suitor had arrived to challenge the delicate balance of their hidden lives. 


As the moon bathed the mystical grove in silver light, the presence of Lucius, the enigmatic stranger who professed his love for Elara, hung in the air like a question yet to be answered. Elara, Seraphina, and Lyria were torn between the attraction they felt for this stranger and the danger of exposing Elara's hazardous powers.

Their lives were forever altered by the events of that night. As days turned into weeks, Lucius became a part of their lives, assisting in tasks within the sanctuary. Elara's heart opened to his gentle nature and the undeniable connection that seemed to transcend mortal boundaries. 

One fateful night, as a storm raged in the heavens, the celestial council convened to discuss the matter of Elara. The Oracle's prophecies had grown stronger, and the gods were determined to locate the child they deemed a threat to their dominion.

One of the more ruthless gods, Nyxius, decided to take matters into his own hands. Cloaked in darkness, he descended upon the earthly realm, his eyes fixated on the hidden grove. Nyxius was known for his cunning and relentless pursuit of those who defied divine will.

As Nyxius approached the grove, Seraphina, Lyria, and Lucius sensed the ominous presence. They quickly moved to protect Elara, creating a barrier of magic to keep the god at bay.

Seraphina, her voice trembling with determination, said to Lucius, "You must take Elara and flee. Keep her safe at all costs."

Lucius, filled with curiosity and concern at the same time, nodded. "I will protect her with my life, but can I ask, what's happening?" 

Seraphina didn't bother to answer and stepped out to face the unexpected guest. 

As the battle raged between the divine powers of Nyxius and the formidable magic of Seraphina and Lyria, Elara and Lucius made their escape into the night. They left behind the only family Elara had ever known, and her heart ached for the mother who had sacrificed everything to protect her.

But Nyxius, determined to fulfill the prophecy, showed no mercy. He unleashed a devastating burst of celestial energy that struck Seraphina down, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Her life force drained, Seraphina's eyes met those of her friend, Lyria, as she uttered a final, whispered plea, "Protect her."

Lyria, wounded and heartbroken, struggled to hold back Nyxius, but the god's power was overwhelming. Seraphina's life force faded, and with her last breath, she sealed the grove, protecting it from further divine intrusion.

In the distance, as Elara and Lucius fled through the storm, the girl with the hazardous powers, unaware of her mother's sacrifice, clung to the love that had shaped her life. The sanctity of the grove was broken, and the events set in motion by the gods and their desires would forever change the destiny of Elara and all who dared to love her.



As Elara and Lucius fled through the stormy night, a sense of despair and heartache weighed heavily on their hearts. Elara clung to Lucius, tears mixing with the rain that drenched them. She had lost her mother, the one who had protected and loved her throughout her life.

Lucius held her close, whispering words of comfort. "I promise you, Elara, we will find a safe place for you. Your mother's sacrifice will not be in vain."

Elara, her voice trembling, asked, "Why would the gods want to harm me? What did I ever do to them?"

Lucius explained, "Your powers are a threat to them, my love. They fear what they cannot control. But together, we will find a way to protect you from their reach."

Back in the hidden grove, Nyxius, victorious but unsatisfied, returned to the celestial realm, his dark mission accomplished. Lyria, battered and heartbroken, mourned the loss of her dear friend and the knowledge that Elara was now alone in the world.

Days turned into weeks, and Elara and Lucius sought refuge in a secluded village far from the sanctuary. They adopted new identities, trying to live ordinary lives while constantly looking over their shoulders for any sign of divine pursuit.

One night, as they watched the stars in the clear sky, Elara spoke to Lucius, her voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and hope. "My mother once told me that love could change destinies. She loved me so much, and it led to her sacrifice. I don't want her sacrifice to be in vain."

Lucius, his eyes locked with Elara's, affirmed, "We will find a way to challenge fate and defy the gods who seek to control you. We'll do it together, Elara, with love as our guide."

Their love story, born out of secrecy and danger, continued to unfold. The gods may have taken away her mother, but they couldn't extinguish the fire of hope and love that burned within Elara's heart. The journey of Elara and Lucius, bound by an unbreakable connection and the desire to rewrite destiny, was just beginning.


The days turned into months, and Elara and Lucius built a life together in their hidden village. The villagers, unaware of Elara's true identity, accepted them as a loving couple with a bond that seemed to defy the ordinary.

Elara's powers remained hidden, thanks to her mother's lessons and the sanctuary's protection. She and Lucius shared their love, and their connection grew stronger with each passing day. Yet, the weight of her mother's sacrifice and the constant threat of divine discovery never left Elara's mind.

One evening, as they strolled along the village path, Elara asked, "Lucius, what do we do now? Can we defy the gods who are so powerful and relentless?"

Lucius took her hand and pulled her close. "Elara, our love is our greatest strength. Love has the power to shape destinies and challenge the divine. We must learn to control your powers, to harness them for the greater good."

Elara nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "I want to honor my mother's sacrifice and make sure her love was not in vain. But how do we control my powers?"

Lucius explained, "We will seek out knowledge, ancient magic, and allies who can help us unlock the secrets of your abilities. Together, we will become a force that even the gods cannot reckon with."

As the night settled around them, they held each other, their love a beacon of hope in a world where divine forces sought to control their destinies. They were ready to embark on a journey filled with danger, secrets, and the hope of a love that would defy even the gods themselves.

The bond between Elara and Lucius, born out of the most perilous circumstances, would be tested in ways they could not imagine, and their destiny would forever be entwined with the power of the forbidden love that united them.