

"Kalas" is an engaging and intriguing web novel that features a unique female protagonist with a strong personality. The story revolves around Kalas, an ambitious and daring woman, who becomes the feared villain in the business world as the head of one of the largest technology companies in the world. Contrary to common clichés, Kalas is not just a main character, but a captivating antagonist who defies traditional expectations. Her fierce determination, sharp intelligence, and extraordinary leadership skills have propelled her to the top of the technology industry, where she rules with an iron fist. The plot of "Kalas" explores the secrets, rivalries and betrayals that permeate the high-tech business world. As the story progresses, we realize that Kalas's seemingly impenetrable reputation is just camouflage for her own scars and a mysterious past that she keeps hidden. As Kalas builds empires and faces countless challenges, her journey connects with exciting encounters with equally fascinating characters. There are intense rivalries, surprising alliances and forbidden passions that add a captivating touch to the plot. "Kalas" delves into the dark side of ambition and power, exploring themes such as morality, business ethics and the price of domination. The story not only features surprising twists, but also delves into Kalas's complex psychology, leading readers to question their own beliefs about villains and protagonists. With its gripping narrative and a distinctive female protagonist who defies stereotypes, "Kalas" is a web novel that delves deep into the mind of a villain determined to bring the corporate world under her control. Prepare to be surprised and fall in love with a story full of intrigue, power and shocking revelations.

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10 Chs



Winston Q is alone in the Nostradamus Room, waiting for you. He is sitting at the long meeting table that occupies much of the room, his swivel chair turned away from you so that he faces the plate-glass windows that run the length of one wall, offering a view out across the city of Seattle. A curious habit, given that Winston Q was born completely blind.

"Come in," he says, as you stand in the doorway. "Take a seat."

You do so. "I confess I feel quite underprepared for this meeting," you say, as he turns to face you. "But then, nobody seems to know what it might be about." Winston Q is chief financial officer of MetaHuman Incorporated, a position of considerable importance. You can't imagine what you might have done to attract his interest. Or, for that matter, his wrath.

"To all external intents and purposes, MetaHuman Incorporated is a biotechnology firm," Winston continues. "We use cutting-edge science to improve the human condition. And, of course, we attach a substantial price tag for our services. But you've been with us a while now. You know what really goes on in this building. We play with dark sorceries and extraterrestrial technologies. We gleefully cross lines that humanity was never meant to."

"Yes," you answer. "Our company is rather unusual. I still don't see why you wanted to speak to me."

"I want to talk to you about the theft of two million dollars," he says. "The theft that you committed."