
Kakashi: White Fang's Legacy

Over the years in Konoha, the high-level has killed many geniuses, clans or lead to ninja to defection. Reborn as Kakashi, he was given a system that gave him the abilities of these people. These people include Sakumo Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, Shisui Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Hizashi Hyuga and Orochimaru.

Know_Pain_ · Cómic
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3 Chs

Land Of Waves

Walking out of the village with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Tazuna, Naruto start getting excited and starts talking out load and laughing.

"Hey, am I supposed to trust my life to this runt he's a joke?" Tazuna asked incredulously.

"Naruto that's enough, remember what I have told you the day we started training.' I ordered.

"My bad Sensei, I was just excited." He apologized.

"Let's go." I said.

After about an hour of walking we finally passed by the puddle of water I was waiting for. The demon brothers jumped out and wrapped Kakashi with a chain, following what the original Kakashi did he uses a substitute to see how his students would do.

Thinking that they have succeeded in killing Kakashi, they go after Naruto. With my training Naruto reacted jumping back to join the side of Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto takes a look at Sasuke and they nod, going through hand seals they release a combination jutsu.

"Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!" Sasuke called out.

"Wind style: Great breakthrough!" Naruto called out.

A fire ball with its size and speed enhanced by a force of wind, flies through the air towards the unexpected demon brother sending them crashing into a tree dead. Knowing that it was over I appear in front of my team.

"Good job, Naruto you retreated and gathered with the team when needed. Sasuke good cooperation, Sakura good job not freaking out." I said praising them.

With praising my students over, I asked Tazuna to explain promising to continue the mission. After he finished explaining we start moving to the Land of Waves.

Getting off the boat we start walking for a while before Naruto threw a kunai at a white rabbit. Hearing the sound of the bade flying through the air.

"Dodge!" I ordered.

With my order Sakura and Naruto dodge while Sasuke dodges pulling Tazuna. Looking at Zabuza posing like a model on his sword I sweat drop.

"If it isn't Kakashi of the sharin-" he was saying but I cut him off.

"No, you're wrong, my sharingan broke I think the bingo book needs an update. See." I said pointing to my left eye.

"I see, then this should be easier than I expected." He said appearing on the water.

"Wrong!" I said unsheathing my saber and appearing in front of him.

Seeing the saber about to slice him across the chest he brings up his sword to block it. Being blocked Kakashi jumps back putting the sword in his sheath and goes through hand seals and rushes Zabuza before he can even move.

"Raikiri!" I yelled, my fist going through his chest.

Coughing up blood Zabuza falls to the ground dead.

"Zabuza-sama!" Haku yelled appearing in front of Zabuza's body.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said.

"Please kill me, a tool without his master is useless." He said with lifeless eyes.

'It seems killing Zabuza was the wrong choice, he was too weak. Before I can get serious, he actually died guess I underestimated my power.' I thought with a sad sigh.

"Very well." I said taking my sword and beheading him.

'Fuck! Now I feel like shit, I wanted to save Haku but those eyes showed that he was already dead inside.' I thought with a disappointed sigh.

[Ding! Hidden Mission Complete. Rewarded With Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, Byakugan And Gentle Fist (Hizashi) For Killing Mist Duo]

'At least I got something for it.' I thought not excited at all.

Returning to the side of the team, we start walking to Tazuna's house.

"Sensei, how strong are you exactly?" Sasuke asked, he was curious after seeing me easily beat Zabuza.

"To be honest, I'm the strongest ninja in to ever exist in Konoha besides the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara." I said the truth.

With that everyone stopped and looked at me with their mouths wide open.

"Huh, what is it?" I asked.

"Sensei, what about the old man?" Asked Naruto.

"To be honest, he is the weakest Hokage. Not that he is weak but the others atr just stronger." I spoke.

"We're here." Tazuna said arriving at his house.

After everyone gets settled, Kakashi heads out of the house leaving a shadow clone behind. Kakashi wanting to get this mission over with decides to kill Gato and his thugs. Covering his eyes with his headband, he activates his newly acquired dojutsu. Using the byakugan, Kakashi finds Gato's place after about thirty minutes. Hiding in the trees he starts thinking.

'How should I do this? Damn, I really don't have any large-scale techniques. Guess it's just going to be a slaughter.' I thought.

With his thoughts over, Kakashi body flickers in front of Gato's building. Taking out a kunai, he does it as fast and silently as he could. After killing about forty men the remaining ten rush towards Kakashi, after being alerted. Taking out his saber he kills the remaining thugs along with beheading Gato. Flicking the blood of the saber, Kakashi sheathes his saber then body flickers back to Tazuna's house.

Walking into the house, Kakashi greets them with a "Yo."

"Wait! Where did you go Sensei?" Asked Sakura seeing the clone disappear into a puff of smoke.

"I went kill Gato, his head is in here." I said taking out a scroll.

"Really can I see it?" Tazuna asked shaking a bit.

"Is it appropriate to show this in front of your daughter?" I asked.

"It's fine, that man killed my husband?" She said tearing up.

"Ok, sorry for your loss." I said unsealing the head making it appear in my hands.

"Thank you." Tazuna said.

"No problem, I hope my team can rest her for the night before we return to the village." I said.

"Yes, we would be glad to help." Tsunami said wiping her tears away.

"Thank, ok team we will rest here for tonight." I said.

Seeing Sasuke and Sakura nod and a "Ok, Sensei" from Naruto, I finally can relax.