

Esurient's body lit up, a heavenly multicoloured light enveloping them as they soared over the ledge of the titan's leg.

Their body got brighter and brighter until it seemed like they were just about to explode or turn to ash, then...

A radiant beam shot out of the tip of the blade, aimed downwards towards the wave of goblins.

The beam annihilated the first goblin it hit, losing no momentum whatsoever as it instantly killed the second, and the third, and the fourth.

Quickly, Esurient started spinning around the titan's leg, still aiming downwards so they could eradicate the climbing goblins.

Even with their reinforced bodies, they were still powerless before the beam originating from Esurient, it had some sort of fire properties after all.

Slowly, Esurient began to pick up speed, spinning around the titan's leg even quicker. At the same time, the beam was slowly dying out, but they were going to get the most of it.

Goblins turned to shards of ice the second the beam hit them, their remnants coating the other goblins yet to be hit.

The obsidian material of the titan's leg reflected the light of the attack, some semblance of colour now evident on the pitch black limb.

It was a beautiful sight, the radiant multicoloured light of the attack was reflected in the eyes of everyone watching, even the remaining ice goblins could not take their eyes off it.

And even if they did, it was because they were dead.

Equilibrium slowly started to die out, it's damaging lessening.

But by the time the beam of raw power had died out, it had done enough.

Kai's mind was flooded by a wave of notifications, his sight scrambled by the falling shards of countless dead Glacial Goblin's

Kai grinned happily.

There were no more goblins about to reach the ledge. There were some that had somehow survived, but they were all the ones at the very back of the pack, nowhere near the ledge.

Sighing softly as he leaned back against the ledge, Kai glanced over at the fourth leg and saw that it was already in its descent phase.

It wouldn't be long now until the goblins just fell off naturally, but he still sent Esurient down to scrounge up a few scraps of XP.

And while his trusty Ruby sidekick done that, Kai glanced at his status screen.

Level 56 reached

Skill selection obtained

Kai whistled softly. Three levels didn't really seem like a lot for killing hundreds and hundreds of goblins, but they were all incredibly weak and presumably a low level.

Still, he was a little curious as to why there had been so many goblins living underground in a random section of this unforgiving environment.

But Kai was happy that he ended up with another skill selection. If it was anything like the previous four ones then he was sure to get something good out of it.

Turns out, there was another surprise that Kai had received for surviving that whole ordeal.

He had received not one, not two, but three items.

Kai blinked, wondering if he was imagining things.

He had only just given his theory about items having a drop chance based on their relationship with him as well, but that was practically nullified after massacring all of those Glacial Goblins.

However, when Kai glanced at the items he received, he realised that his theory was still in play.

Because all of the items he had received were Common Rarity, and he was now in possession of three of the same item.

So he was still mostly right with his theory. The more incredible items came from killing a much higher leveled opponent or having some sort of story with them, while items you received from killing a large amount of enemies mainly relied on his luck stat.

Still, three items for kinda fighting one wave of enemies...

He didn't even receive any when mauling all those abominations back in the Forest of Ethania!

Then again, his Luck stat was a fair bit lower back then than it was now, so that was probably part of the reason.

Kai blinked.

Currently, his Luck stat was still halved, so did that mean...

Kai gripped his hair and resisted the urge to cry out.

Imagine! Just imagine how many items he could have gotten if his stats weren't halved. Even if they were all the same item, who cared? He could sell them, save them, bathe in them, he could do anything with them!

Kai sighed again. He wanted to look at the description of the item, but he would have to wait a few minutes as the leg they were on was just about to start ascending.

Gripping some outcrops of obsidian, Kai looked around and made sure everyone else was ready. Once he was certain that everyone was prepared, he laid back and closed his eyes just as they began to rise even higher in the air.

Even though he couldn't see it, Kai could hear the graty cried of the remaining goblins below as they all fell off the leg of the titan.

Sadly, he was unable to hear the sounds of them shattering as they hit the ground, wouldn't that have been a symphony for his ears.

Minutes passed in which Kai remained peacefully still, listening to the sounds of the wind hitting against the obsidian leg of the titan.

At least, it would have been peaceful if he didn't hear one singular panicked squeak.

Kai's eyes shot open just in time to see Remy be ripped away by the wind, the rat panicking wildly in the air.

Reacting on impulse, Kai was just about to leap off the edge of the ledge and pray for the best when he watched a Ruby blade shot forward.

Esurient raced towards Remy and managed to adjust their body perfectly so that they caught the rat and had the small rodent balancing on its side.

But sadly, the titan's leg was moving much too quick for the pair to catch up.

Kai started panicking a little. The limit of how far away Esurient could be was just under two and a half kilometers, but the titan's leg would be traveling much more than that.

The remaining members of the group could only watch in horror as the duo of rat and blade grew smaller in their lines of sight.

Minutes passed excrutiangly slowly, until the leg had finally reconnected with the ground.

There was no sign of Remy and Esurient.

Kai bit his lower lip softly.

With a pained expression, he glanced into his Status and...

His eyes widened.

Esurient had not been returned.

The next moment, Kai heard a squeak come from above him. His head snapped upwards as he saw the sight of a rat riding a levitating blade heading right towards them diagonally.

So that was how Esurient had done it.

Rather than trying to follow Kai in general, they went to where they would be when the leg landed.

Kai sighed in relief, taking Remy in one hand and Esurient in the other.

"Good job, both of you."

Esurient trembled slightly, while Remy clung to Kai's thigh, not wanting to let go, which made Kai chuckle a little.

Then, Esurient pulled away and placed themselves on the flat ground, as if they were... tired?

Kai frowned slightly, and opened his Status again, then he-


He had always thought he had a lot of Mana, but turns out that wasn't true.

Just unleashing that one Equilibrium had cost him all of his Mana.

It was still halved due to the backlash of Ignition, but still.

Using that ability once would drain half of his Mana.

So Kai knew what he had to do.

He simply placed all of the 111 unasigned stat points he gained from that ordeal into Mana.

A moment later, he felt a little bit of Mana run around his veins, already beginning to regenerate. It was also regenerating much quicker due to the fact that Esurient was out and about.

Kai sighed softly.

He hadn't expected that skill to take so much out of him. Even though it didn't physically damage him, he felt tired after unleashing it.

Still, it had worked in the end, so it wasn't all bad.

Well, there was one bad thing, and that was that Kai wouldn't be able to use that skill again for another week.

Which could end up being a problem if they ended up getting overrun by monsters again.

But there was some good things to get to.

And the first of those being the new item he gained, so it was time to take a look.

Remnant of Ice (Common)

The name was a little on the nose, but it was fine, Kai only hoped that it would be useful.

And it was.

Partially increases the wearer's resistance to the cold.

Kai grinned.

What a perfect item. And he had gained three of these!

Maybe his luck for getting these items did rely on some sort of story, considering that there was three people who could equip these in this group.

Summoning the item, Kai-

Frowned as the item didn't appear in his hand.

Just as he was about to think that it was like the sword and crown he had received in the past, he felt a sudden prick in his ear.

Lifting his hand, Kai felt where the pain had come from and...

Was that an earing?

"Do I have something in my ear?"

Cecilia glanced over at him before her eyes widened, an approving expression on her face.

"It is! It looks quite good on you, Sir."

Kai grinned.

"That's great, because I have one for you too."

After distributing the other two items to Cecilia and Petunia, Kai was able to see what the item looked like.


It was a simple blue earing.

There was nothing special about it, it just looked like a shard of the ice goblins had been put in an earing.

Ah, it's not like he had expected the appearance of a common item to be anything special.

Still, Kai couldn't help but notice the fact that he felt a little less cold.

Now, it was time to move onto the skill selection. Who knew, maybe they would have upgraded a little after passing level 50.

Well, that's what Kai was hoping anyway, but it probably wouldn't happ-

Kai stopped that thought and grinned madly after looking at the title of the first skill offered.


Soul Memorial (Legendary)