
Kaiju User in The Cultivation World

--- Synopsis --- In a world with no superpower or magical ability, a young man acquired the ability to create Kaiju's cores and used them. However, in such a mundane and warless world, he barely could use his power because even natural disasters rarely happen there. After years of boring experience, he decided to end his life by himself with Kaiju's overload. He used his most powerful technique and overloaded himself with Kaiju's cores, causing his body to explode to nothingness. Unknown to him, when he was supposed to die and walk through heaven's gate. He woke up in a completely unknown body and in an entirely different world, where a strong being is respected and weak was trampled. "Such an interesting world." "These people used this force called "profound energy." to cultivate their strength." "Unlike me, who need to use Kaiju's cores to fly, they could hover in the sky freely like birds." "Haha..." "I, Hayate Kurogami, have decided." "I'll conquer this world with my whole being!" (An: Yes, I wrote new fanfic) (Warning: My grammar is not the best, but at least readable) (PS: I don't own any characters, or world besides my OCs) (Art Source: I forgot where I got it on Twitter, and I'll change the cover if the creator wants me to do it) Support me through P4treon: P4treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/NineClouds69 Do you want to discuss this Fanfiction? Join My Discord's server: https://discord.gg/xnWexbbwNG Check my early work if you're interested ;)

Nine_Clouds · Cómic
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117 Chs

Invitation to the tournament

--- Chapter 31 ---

Hayate looked at Shah Long with a grin on his face.

The first beyond S-Grade Hayate ever created, which showed he wasn't limited anymore.

Dragon God's Soul suddenly reacted to Shah Long's existence and wrapped the enormous Kaiju with a beastly aura. Purple flames covered Shah Long's limbs.


Azure Dragon Emperor released a deafening might roar.

Hayate usually only felt a spiritual connection with his Kaiju Cores, but now even his blood seems to be linked with Shah Long.

Shah Long turned into a large sphere like a translucent yoga ball and emitted a faint purple ray. "At the right time, I'll definitely use you." He said while patting the core.

"What are you actually?" Jasmine muttered in Sky Poison Pearl.

"Are you devil or some kind of it?"

Hayate shook his head and replied, "I thought I had answered your question in the past?"

"I'm not much of a human anymore."

"A monster or Kaiju is a fitting description for me right now."

Hayate's pupil became cross-slitted for a moment, which was the effect when using Kaiju Creation. He closed his eyes and returned them to normal.

"Jasmine, I'll give you a month's worth of desserts from Silver Lake's Gourmet." Hayate suddenly proposed.

"However, you have to teach me your movement technique."

Jasmine drooled slightly and realized Hayate was baiting her to teach him Star God's Broken Shadow.

She denied her inner desire and replied, "No, I won't teach you!"

"Hmph, I'll only teach my disciple such technique."

"So you're out of the criteria."

"Two months' worth of desserts," Hayate added casually.

"..." Jasmine's mouth trembled a little.

"Y-You jerk..."

"That's unfair!"

Even though Jasmine knew Hayate was a despicable guy who always tried to manipulate one's decision verbally, she didn't expect him to be this cruel.

"Four months," Hayate yawned and checked some Kaiju Cores near him. "Not enough?"

"What about six months then?"


Jasmine's mouth twitched because imagining mountain desserts was enough to waver her decision. She gritted her teeth and swayed her head away from him.

"Hmph, my answer is still no." She replied indifferently.

"One year," Hayate was about to walk out of his inner world.


Jasmine abruptly reached over Hayate and pulled his arm.

"F-Fine," She said softly.

"One year, this princess agrees."

"Nice cooperation, partner," Hayate smirked while patting Jasmine's head.

Jasmine could only pout at Hayate's smug face because she hadn't fully recovered yet. If Absolute God Slaying Poison didn't affect her profound energy, she would have beat him to pulp now.

Hayate returned to the real world and felt a soft sensation below his face. He smiled because Cang Yue's lap pillow was quite marvelous and comparable to Hong Guan's.

"Are you awake?" Cang Yue lowered her head.

"Yeah," Hayate answered with a chuckle.

"I want to sleep more, but they must have arrived here."

"Hmm, who?" Cang Yue frowned at Hayate's statement, and two people approached them from afar.

She turned around and saw two young men walking toward them with calm expressions.

The first young man looked around twenty years of age, was clad in white without a speck of dust, and had an elegant appearance. His expression was crystal clear and without any vulgarity.

The other young man was younger. He seems to be fifteen or sixteen years old, and his face possessed a trace of childhood innocence. He reasonably was covered in white clothing.

"Ah, Brother Ling Yun." Cang Yue said, to which the first young man responded with a nod.

"Woah, so pretty." The younger one said with bright eyes.

"Princess sister, you're prettier than anyone I've seen so far."

"It's been a while, Ling Jie." Cang Yue smiled slightly because of how innocent he was.

Hayate peeked from Cang Yue's lap and saw them with an observant gaze.

Ling Jie noticed Hayate's gaze and quickly pointed his finger in shock. "Who are you?" He questioned immediately.

"Me?" Hayate returned with a clueless tone.

He wanted to test them because he knew Ling Yun and Ling Jie from Heavenly Sword Villa, the strongest major sect within the Blue Wind Empire.

The history of Heavenly Sword Villa and Blue Wind Empire are tied together. Both actually were founded on the same day of the same year. The ancestor of the Blue Wind Empire and the founder of the Heavenly Sword Villa were like blood brothers.

After the Blue Wind Imperial Family came into power, they continuously supported the Heavenly Sword Villa until it became Blue Wind Empire's number one sect. In return, the Heavenly Sword Villa has always existed as the guardians of the imperial family.

In the current era, the relationship between the imperial family and Heavenly Sword Villa has gradually become distant.

However, the agreement remains that the sect will protect against threats to the imperial family.

The Crown Prince and Third Prince's fight for the throne were in an awkward spot because Heavenly Sword Villa protected the emperor from the shadow.

They cannot harm Cang Wanhe directly because Heavenly Sword Villa will take this matter seriously. Even if they combined their support from Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan, both princes still couldn't win.

Hayate obviously learned this because he had indirect control of Xiao Sect for four years.

Truthfully, Hong Guan recently attempted to plant spies inside Heavenly Sword Villa. She agreed to attend the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament months early, not only because of the business but also infiltration.

Little Ghost weekly sent the progression note from Hong Guan to Hayate.

Cang Yue giggled and said, "Little Brother Ling Jie, Hayate is my fiance."

"You must have heard his name once."

"Ah..." Ling Jie nodded his head. "So you're the son of the beautiful Mil-, I mean Madam Guan."

Ling Yun massaged his temple because his younger brother liked to spout random words so suddenly. He had to admit that Hong Guan possessed an enchanting beauty.

Since Hong Guan, or what people like to call Madam Guan, stayed in the Heavenly Sword Villa for months, her beauty captivated everyone there, including himself.

"Heh, I thought you were saying Cang Yue is the prettiest person you've ever seen so far." Hayate teased while staring at Ling Jie. "Was that a lie?"

"I-It's not..." Ling Jie responded with a stutter. His face gradually reddened in shame because of Hayate's statement.

"It's a joke." Hayate chuckled casually.

"I know that my mother is beautiful."

"I've seen so many men propose to her, after all."

"Even some women proposed to her."

Ling Yun shook his head because his younger brother was still too innocent.

"Well, as you have probably guessed," He stated calmly. "We are here to send an invitation to the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament."

Cang Yue's expression changed from calm to excited because she had been waiting for this. "Mhm, We'll be there in a few days." She answered instantly.

Ling Yun was confused by Cang Yue's enthusiastic reaction because Blue Wind Empire had never entered the top one hundred.

After years of cultivating good seedlings, Blue Wind Empire can't win or even gain enough attention from the public.

He wondered if Hayate was connected to Cang Yue's sudden excitement because he knew Cang Yue wouldn't participate in this tournament.

"I'll participate in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament." Cang Yue smiled, which caught Ling Yun off guard.

"Eh?" Ling Yun stared in disbelief.

Even Ling Jie, who was ashamed a moment ago, looked at Cang Yue with a surprised look.

"Um, Are you sure, Princess sister?" He asked with a worried tone.

He watched the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament a few times, and there are geniuses from every faction in the Blue Wind Empire.

Ling Jie wasn't looking down on Cang Yue or anything but more worried for her instead.

Cang Yue understood Ling Jie's question very well because no one knew her true strength besides some people she trusted.

"I'm okay," She replied while caressing Hayate's head. "If I lose midway, I still have him."

Ling Jie moved his gaze to Hayate again and frowned because he couldn't tell how high his cultivation was.

Ling Yun stared at Hayate and barely sensed any profound energy from his body. No, He was more like a regular person without any cultivation whatsoever.

"Why do you seem to trust him, Princess sister?" Ling Jie disliked Hayate because he teased him. "From what I heard, he became your fiance a few weeks ago, no?"

"Well, Kid. I'm strong, that's it." Hayate answered while lifting his head from Cang Yue's comfortable lap pillows.

He stretched for a second and walked to Ling Jie, showing their height difference.

Since Hayate rested his head on Cang Yue's laps, they could only see his face before. His body got concealed by Cang Yue's robe and some bushes around them.

After absorbing Dragon God's Blood, Marrow, and Soul, Hayate experienced another minor physical transformation. It's not an enormous change because he only grew taller on the outside.

Of course, Hayate's internal body received the most change in the past three months.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Hayate asked playfully.

"How about a little game, Ling Jie, was it?"

"I'll stand here without moving a single step, and you can attack me with your sword."

Ling Jie quickly glanced at his brother, who nodded solemnly, and accepted Hayate's challenge.

"Okay, I'll show you how powerful I am." Ling Jie pulled his sword from his spatial ring.

A sharp sword movement swiftly was executed by Ling Jie. He slashed forward to Hayate's shoulder and released his cultivation.

"Heaven's Might Sword Art."



"How about that-." Ling Jie attacked Hayate three times in a row quickly.

"That's not bad," Hayate commented while looking at Ling Jie's shocked expression.

Ling Jie's sword did reach Hayate's shoulder, but it didn't even leave a single scratch.


Hayate flicked the sword and pushed Ling Jie away indirectly because he gripped his sword too tight. The vibration caused the young man to release an annoyed groan.

"Uugh, my entire right arm is numb." Ling Jie muttered while releasing the sword from his hand.

"How strong is your body?!"

Hayate used a thoughtful expression and answered, "Hmm, I don't know."

"Well, your attack is not bad."

"I can see that you've practiced your sword every day."

"Still lacking behind, Cang Yue, though." He continued, which made Cang Yue shake her head.

"That's not true," Cang Yue humbly responded. "I'm a complete beginner in the way of the sword."

Even though Cang Yue is happy inside because of Hayate's praise, she doesn't want to make Ling Yun and Ling Jie alerted by her sudden increase in strength.

"Did you really learn how to use sword, Princess sister?" Lin Jie gazed at her with puppy eyes.

Cang Yue couldn't help but smile and replied, "Yes, but I only learn it on the side while cultivating my profound energy."

"It's nothing special."

'No, that can't be.' Ling Yun thought solemnly.

He has been observing Hayate and unconsciously forgot to monitor Cang Yue.

'There is a lingering sword intent around her body.'

'She's not a newbie.'

Ling Yun pulled his younger brother and commented, "I see you had hidden your true strength for years."

He wouldn't have believed if Cang Yue said that she began her training properly a year ago.

"Well, we are here only to say that." Ling Yun cupped his hand at Cang Yue and Hayate.

"Then, I'll see you two in the tournament."

"I hope we can fight well against each other." He politely added while staring at Hayate.

"Sure." Hayate nodded in agreement.

"Ah, do you need me to escort you two?" Cang Yue said naturally.

"No, it's okay." Ling Yun smiled at her.

Hayate waved his hand as they walked away from them, leaving the Imperial Palace.

"JUST YOU WAIT!" Ling Jie suddenly shouted.

"I'll defeat you in the tournament!!"

Ling Jie's shout slowly became quiet, which caused Hayate to smile inside.

He had never seen such an innocent yet battle-hungry person for a while.

"Ling Jie, huh." He commented while covering his mouth.

"What an amusing individual."