
Venture [Chaos]

[Ah, we're finally back on Stampeding Bison,] Hurricroak sighed. [I missed this dry desert air.]

[We're not back in the desert yet, my froggy friend,] Nepherage retorted, [we still need to make port in Pearl Tusk Harbor for a bit before we can caravan back.]

[Ah, right.]


[Just to double check, we're not going to be here for that long, right?,] Spring Brawler asked. [Because the last time we were here, things got a little hectic.]

[Hectic is an understatement, we were there,] Razorstella noted.

[Yeah, I started existing about...a week ago? So I wasn't here for...whatever you guys had to deal with,] Screamira pointed out. [What did you guys do here exactly?]
