
Kaidan Game Train: Abide Rule or Die!

"Welcome aboard the Dimensional Rift game exclusive train. This train will depart from the Level E Departure Station and head to Level D stations. Please ensure your safety while boarding in an orderly manner and abide by the train rules." "The train rules are as follows:" "1. Do not bring non-game items onto the train. (Underwear is the exception)" "2. Consumption is mandatory. (All train staff are unpaid volunteers)" "3. Do not turn on the lights after they are out. (Except for those who are exceptionally talented and courageous)" "Additionally, the train encourages various leisure activities such as sneak attacks, brawling, and predation. Players are free to choose." "We wish you a pleasant journey."

Haiyan Mountain · Horror
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485 Chs

Chapter 41 Hao Wei Dao Fresh Meat Supply Factory

In the taxi on the way back to the city, Xu Huo was stuck in a residential area.

The streets were crowded with people, car horns blared continuously, and the number of onlookers kept increasing. Many who squeezed through the crowd were vividly telling something to others.

He rolled down the window and listened, faintly making out words like "corpse" and "dismemberment".

"The world's a mess these days," the driver sighed. "You have people who harm no one, bother no one, but end up dismembered."

"Someone died in there?"

"Indeed, several families," the driver said. "Overnight, fourteen people from five families were silently slaughtered. Only heads, hands, feet, and guts were left of adults and kids alike. Everything else was gone!"

"What kind of sick bastard could do something so deranged? And all in one night without any of the neighbors noticing. God knows how they disposed of the bodies..."

As the driver went on, Xu Huo was struck by another unsettling thought.