
Kabuki Kai

Set in the Feudal Era of 1683; Tamari Uchirōku the infamous "Monk of Madness" sets out on a journey to find the Six Sacred Masks to oppose the faceless demon that attacked his temple; stealing one of the Masks and killing his Master. Causing Tamari to be labeled a criminal for the slaughter of the Head monk as well as the destruction of the temple. The die has been cast, and Tamari knows what must be done in order to clear his name and avenge his fallen monks.

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50 Chs

Kabuki class (Session 2) "Abilities of the soul: Part 1"

"Welcome again my class" Said Tamari. "Today, we will be discussing the things that can be done with "Yangshi" and "Yinko"."

Tamari stepped up to the blackboard; drawing a sketch of a white soul, a body and a weapon.

"Think of the soul as battery; and with Yangshi and Yinko being the positive and negative energy within the battery." He said. "Which is used to power your body."

Tamari pointed at the white soul sketch.

"With Yangshi, you can do two different things." He tapped on the body sketch.

"You can use it to strengthen your body or..." He looked around the room.

A blond haired child raised his hand. "Imbue your weapon."

"Correct; Yangshi can be used to strengthen or imbue your weapon." Smiled Tamari.

He moved towards the class door, placing his hand on the handle.

"Today, we'll be having someone very special helping me with the demonstration."

He opened the door. "Hi, everyone~!" Waved Senshi walking into the room.

She wore a black skirt with an untucked red dress shirt, with two buttons undone at the top. A pink Suiren Lotus pin on the right side of her hair, complementing her green eyes.

"Ms. Yukina!" Cheered the class.

"Hey, hey! Ms. Yukina I made you a card!" Shouted a student.

"I got you a gift basket!" Said another.

"I made you some dango!" The children swamped her with gifts of all kinds.

"Aw, your all so sweet. Thank you for having me." She smiled.

Tamari frowned with a disgusting jealousy. *Ahem* "Yes, I'll be having Ms. Yukina here assist me with demonstrating the properties of Yangshi."

"Hold on a sec there Tamari..." Said Senshi patting him on the shoulder.

"You will address me as Mr. Uchirōku!" Demanded Tamari.

"Woah, calm down Mr. Usugurai*" Said Senshi. (Dimwitted)*

The room filled with laughter.

Senshi raised her eyebrows with a grin. "Eheheh." She snickered.

Tamari was bright red, looking as if he was about to explode.

Senshi looked at Tamari. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Tamari grabbed his pointing stick, snapping it. "...Yes! I'm fine." He said, a vein bulging on the right side of his forehead.

"Now, let's "please" get back to the lesson." He said sternly.

"Okay~!" Agreed Senshi.

*Whew* "Now, Yangshi can be used to strengthen your body... Observe."

Tamari punched Senshi in the shoulder. "See? A normal punch can only do so much." He said.

His face then turned to a calm peaceful stare. His arm began to glow a vibrant blueish gold.

"Now, if i concentrate my Yangshi in my arm...Ms. Yukina get ready."

"Ready!" She replied.

He punched her again and she was sent back against the wall. But she was okay, since she held her arms up in defense.

"Woaaaaaaaaah!!" Cheered the children in awe.

"Pretty cool huh?" Said Tamari with a grin.

"Hey! It's not nice to hit a woman!" Yelled a student.

"Wait, yeah..." Agreed another.

"He hit her!"

"He hurt Ms. Yukina!!"

The classroom turned from a scream of cheers to a roar of boo's and anger.

"Hey, hey! Calm down please!" Cautioned Tamari. "She's okay, she wasn't harmed."

The students were having none of it; screaming and throwing papers and pencils everywhere.

"Gah! Ah!" Yelled Tamari.

Senshi walked up to him; placing her hand on his shoulder. And with a voice as soft as silk she spoke. "Oh, dear students~"

The class stopped, all heads turned to her.

"Let's not give poor old Tamari a hard time, okay?" She said. "He didn't mean any harm. Besides, he can't hurt me...He's not that strong."

"We'll I wouldn't say that." Tamari added.

"But! I can certainly~ hurt him!" She slammed her fist into his chest, knocking him against the wall with tremendous force.

The class cheered with excitement as Senshi held up her arms in triumph. "Heheh"

Tamari stumbled his way back over to the desk, nearly fainting. "Ah, hack!" He choked.

In a squeaky voice he looked up to his class. "Alright, students... Now we will demonstrate how to imbue... hack! ...weapons~"

"Ms. Yukina, will you please-"

"Sure thing!" She slammed a giant blade down on the desk; nearly crushing it.

"All ready to go!" She said.

Tamari looked at her, nearly blowing a fuse. "Where did you get this..." He asked.

"The janitorial closet." She replied.

His face contorted, growing crimson as fumes came out from his head. "Take. It. Back." He demanded.

"Huh?" She was looking off into the hallway.

"Take it back!!" He shouted.

"Mkay." She threw the sword into the hallway, shutting the door behind her. "Done!" She said dusting herself off.

Screams could be heard from the hall as she stepped away from the door.

*Sigh* "Now, if you can see clearly. I will take "this" knife and use it to cut this woodblock." Said Tamari.

He placed the edge against the block, making a rough cut. "See?" He said. "Now, if I "imbue it with my yangshi..."

The knife glowed a blueish gold, using the knife he cut clean through the block.

"There, now. Can anyone tell me what imbuement is called?" He asked.

A child raised their hand. "Yunsei?"

"Correct." Replied Tamari. "The process of imbuing a weapon is called Yunsei."

Another child raised their hand from the back. "Why is it called Yunsei? Is there more to it than just imbuing?" They asked.

"Yūshūna Shitsumon*!" Said Tamari. (Excellent Question)*

"Yunsei is the phenomenon when the characteristics of a person's soul-"

/Ring! Ring! Ring!/

"Is it time to go?" Asked Senshi.

*Sigh* "Sadly, yes. I thought we would have more time...maybe tomorrow."

The students got up from they're seats, heading for the door.

"Wait, what about the mess!?" Shouted Tamari. But the students ignored him, continuing forward.

Senshi stepped up. "Let me take care of it." She said.

She took in a deep breath; and with a voice like thunder she spoke. "Hey! Come back you little brats! Get in here and clean this room!" She shouted.

The children jumped at the sound of her voice. Turning around, they crept back inside.

"Hmf, that's better!" She grunted.

They began tidying up the room; with utmost precision. "Thank you." Smiled Tamari.

Senshi grinned. "Heheh, anytime."