
Justiciar - Lord of the Mysteries

The MC is transmigrated as Prince Edessak in world of Mysteries two years before the plot starts. How will the new Edessak survive in this world filled with chaos and madness,will he fall succumbing to his fate? or will he bring order to this world full of chaos. For this is Legend of The Justiciar. (I started writing this novel as I felt really bad for Prince Edessak, he is forced to commit suicide by his land steward, William Sikes. Later his father used his death as a scapegoat to explain the Great smog incident to the churches and public. And I also love the Arbiter pathway a lot, so I started writing this stupid novel. English is not my first language so do point out my mistakes.)

LastsonofZod · Derivados de obras
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27 Chs

03) Neutrality

(POV:George Augustus III)

Plans are fickle things, just like fate. They change, I guess this is the 'abolition' of narrative, as a Seq1 of the pathway which authorises chaos in world, I felt it quite clearly, the moment my fate altered not only mine but also this worlds. As if thousand year plans were changing, no they forced to change the order in which they took place. But I couldn't point it out, Maybe Aucuses? he certainly has power over order, but I doubt it, the ones beyond deities? A likely situation however I'm powerless to even know 'their' actions.

Maybe fatefully so, my lazy third son had decided that he shall become an extraordinary, and my instincts told me he would advance with little to no unease. If

fate wills it maybe he could even become an angel under me in future.

(Farmhouse, Northern Ever-growing Forest)

10th January 1347

It's indeed a joy to be alive, and even a greater joy is digesting potions, seriously though it's like having your EXP bar filling up.

My life wasn't drastically different from the old Edessak, the only difference was me working out, mostly calisthenics.

The prince previously never really worked out, so it was surprising to see how active and alive my body felt, if I didn't knew any better i would have thought the thing I took was super soldier serum.

However the best thing that happened to me, was completely digesting the arbiter potion last night, complete digestion basically gives out the main theme of the potion and is not only related acting but also realising, and in my case understanding the concept of Arbitration, which in this case depends on the neutral belief over the law, not because it's 'good' or 'evil', because "Only a neutral party can arbitrate".

For now I have not deemed any of the laws of Loen as good or bad but rather as the "Order".

As I woke up I rechecked my spirituality and conformed my suspicions that I have indeed digested the potion, took a bath, came to my room, sat in a meditative position, and took out the ingredients for Sequence 8 Sheriff:

Main Ingredients:

A pair of Terror Demon Worm's eyes.

Silver War Bear's right palm.

Supplementary ingredients:

Syrup Of Molten yellow Lily core 50ml.

It looked similar like a yellow coloured soft drink and smelt like nothing.

After drinking it I felt nothing for a while, but the. slowly started to remember my days from police academy and later my days of patrolling in the city, as my trance ended i had consumed ½ of the potion, and instinctively knew that the rest of potion can only be digested when one acted like a real sheriff, "a being with sufficient authority and strength to enforce order".

As I calmed my spirituality, I checked myself , I found that i had grown almost 5cm, getting taller and stronger is always a welcome. I was currently 186cm and roundness of face had morphed into a more mature jawlined face similar to my father, the only difference being my rather young spirited slender blue eyes.

As I left my room, I noticed the presence of both my main guards, Arthur Fleck and Sian Crowell both of whom were Seq 6 Judges, they looked deeply at me and after a brief standoff for if I had lost control which was likely after advancing, especially so quickly, after making sure I was okay, they smiled and bowed deeply, Arthur congratulated me as did Sian following his lead, thus cementing my position as a really talented Beyonder in MI9 circle, and then after the report that we would depart for Backlund, today evening, they left to oversee the preparation for my departure along with my servants.

For it was time to meet George Augustus III, and figure whether he was only my father or a real daddy.