
Justice League and the Merge Point

Batman fights the Joker when suddenly a earthquake and a big flashing came along . All of a sudden Batman realizes the whole world needs the help of the Justice League

PanosBoukas · Acción
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 ( Batman )

(B) : I remember this day like it was yesterday . Joker was robbing a bank with the help of Falcone , joker was on the ground ready to pull his last joke before getting to Arkham Asylum . The i heard a strange noise and a flashing came through then i saw the whole universe in a couple of seconds . Joker then said .( And even i though i couldn't get crazier ).Then

Diana and Clark came to handle down the situation , while Barry and Cyborg were trying to figure out a way to stip this madness .Lucky for them the portal closed by herself . But we had to be prepared for another portal madness . Martian Man Hunter called all the Justice League members to anounce our preparement for the next portal opening . So we got seperated to groups of 6 , mine group was me , Damian , Dick , Jason , Tim and Barbara . Green arrow had Black Canary , Huntress , The Question , Supergirl and Blue Beetle .