
Justice Haven

In a world where giant hollows prey on humans, Rylan joins a special ninja squad called the Zero to get revenge on the monsters who killed his mom. A teenage boy named Rylan Maxwell , a weak and powerless healer, mistakenly gains the power of Shoji, a humanoid hollow responsible for the mass murder of people in Justice Haven. Rylan must face trials and use his special powers to fight alongside the Seven Gods of Heaven to defeat the hollow race.

pen_demon · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Rylan's trial

Moving with sonic speed, Shoji grabbed the Reaper's face with his palm and smashed it against the floor of the train. The impact created a shockwave that shredded the train car to pieces, metal and glass flying in all directions.

The Reaper was badly injured, blood gushing from his face. Despite the agony, a smile appeared on his lips. "Ki... kill me now," he muttered slowly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Huh, you're still alive? You're quite the strong one, aren't you?" Shoji replied, a hint of admiration in his voice. Removing his hand from his pocket, Shoji squatted down, his gaze deadly serious as he stared at the Reaper.

"I was taking a pretty good nap before you woke me up," Shoji said, smiling as he stood up. The malevolent energy around him began to wane.

"You know, you're lucky today. This brat is taking his body back," Shoji continued, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and irritation. Slowly, Rylan began to regain consciousness, the dark energy dissipating as Shoji retreated.

Feeling exhausted, Rylan collapsed to the ground, his body trembling from the ordeal. He looked around, trying to make sense of the destruction surrounding him. The train car was in ruins, and the Reaper lay nearby, battered but alive.

Rylan struggled to his feet, his legs barely supporting him. He approached the Reaper cautiously, his mind racing with questions. "Why did you attack me?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

The Reaper coughed, spitting out blood. "You... this monster "

Rylan shook his head, frustration and confusion mingling in his expression. "I'm not a traitor. I don't even know what you're talking about."

The Reaper sighed, the fight draining out of him. "There are things you don't understand. Forces at play that are beyond your comprehension."

Before Rylan could respond, a group of figures clad in the distinctive attire of the Elite Squad Zero appeared, having tracked the chaos to its source. They moved quickly, securing the area and tending to the injured Reaper.

One of them, a stern-looking woman with piercing blue eyes, approached Rylan. "You're coming with us," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Rylan, too weak to resist, nodded as they escorted him away. The world around him faded in and out of focus, his exhaustion and confusion blending into a haze. Slowly, he opened his eyes, the bright light above blinding him momentarily.

"This looks like an unfamiliar ceiling," he muttered, his voice hoarse.

As his blurry sight became clearer, he realized he was in a very sophisticated courtroom. The room was grand, with high, vaulted ceilings adorned with intricate carvings. Before him were seven seats arranged in a semi-circle, each occupied by a member of the council, their faces expressing disgust as they glared at him. The disdain in their eyes was palpable, making Rylan feel exposed and vulnerable.

The courtroom was filled with members of the Elite Squad Zero, their presence adding to the gravity of the situation. Their uniforms, pristine and adorned with the insignia of their rank, created an atmosphere of solemnity and power.

Rylan was chained on all fours, his body stripped of any clothing above the waist, revealing his hardened, well-defined muscles. His chest rose and fell with each labored breath, the heavy iron shackles clamped around his wrists and ankles connected to thick chains bolted securely to the floor. The cold metal bit into his skin, a constant reminder of his captivity.

A young man climbed to the front of the altar, clearing his throat to draw attention. "The trial can now begin," he announced, his voice echoing through the chamber.

Rylan struggled to lift his head, his eyes scanning the room. The members of the council leaned forward, their expressions a mix of stern judgment and anticipation.

"Rylan Maxwell," the young man began, "you stand accused of harboring the ancient Hollow, Shoji, within your body. Shoji, the evolved Hollow who murdered 60% of humanity in ancient times. It took the combined might of two gods to seal him away in an ancient dungeon. How do you plead?"

Rylan's heart raced. "I'm not a traitor,"

Rylan's heart pounded in his chest as the council's decision echoed in his ears. "Perhaps you can explain how you unsealed him," one of the council members demanded, their voice dripping with suspicion.

"I don't know either! I woke up like this. Please, believe me," Rylan pleaded, his voice shaking with desperation. The courtroom fell silent, the air thick with tension.

Finally, one of the council members spoke, their voice cold and unyielding. "Kill him."

Rylan's eyes widened in horror. He bit his lip hard, feeling the metallic taste of blood. "No, wait! Believe me, please! I mean no harm!"

"Prevention is better than cure, Rylan Maxwell," the council leader intoned, his voice final and unforgiving.

One of the Elite Squad Zero members stepped forward, a sinister grin spreading across his face as he swung a massive axe. "Brace yourself, traitor. It'd be a great honor to kill the great Shoji himself. Maybe I'll be promoted to be Princess Sylpha's bodyguard," he taunted, lifting the axe high.

As the axe descended, a blur of motion interrupted the execution. Saske appeared, stopping the blade with his own weapon. Elana and Aaron flanked him, their expressions resolute.

The courtroom erupted into chaos, murmurs and whispers filling the air. "What is the meaning of this, Saske Ubanai?" the council demanded, their authority challenged.

With a smile on his face, Saske replied, "Greetings, council. Sorry for the interruption but…" His expression turned serious. "I won't let you kill him."

Rylan's eyes filled with gratitude and hope as he saw the unknown people defending him. Their presence was a lifeline in the sea of despair.

"What insolence, Saske! Do you have any idea what this means?!" one of the council members, a stern-looking woman, banged her fist hard on the desk.

Saske stood tall, his voice unwavering. "I know exactly what this means. Rylan Maxwell is not our enemy. Killing him won't solve anything; it will only destroy a potential ally who can help us understand and contain Shoji."

The council members exchanged uneasy glances, their authority challenged. The council leader, his expression a mix of frustration and contemplation, finally spoke. "You're making a grave mistake, Saske. If Rylan cannot control Shoji, we are all doomed."

Elana stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "We believe in Rylan. Give us the chance to prove that he can control Shoji. We will take full responsibility for him."

The courtroom fell into a tense silence as the council deliberated. Finally, the council leader spoke, his voice heavy with reluctance. "Very well. Rylan Maxwell will be placed under the custody of Saske, Elana, and Aaron. You have one month to prove that he can control Shoji. If you fail, the execution will proceed."

Rylan felt the weight of the chains loosen as his captors released him. He struggled to stand, his body trembling with exhaustion and relief. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Saske nodded, his expression serious. "Don't thank us yet. We have a long and dangerous journey ahead. But we believe in you, Rylan."

As they escorted him out of the courtroom, Rylan caught a glimpse of Nana. His expression turned to one of shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Nana?! What are you doing here?" Rylan asked, his voice trembling with surprise.

"Ooh, we brought her here since you won't be going back," Saske mentioned casually.

Nana sighed, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "I know everything, Rylan."

The weight of her words hung in the air as they continued their journey to Saske's base. Once there, Rylan and Nana were led to a room where Mimi, the healer, awaited. Mimi's face was stern as she examined Rylan's injuries, her hands glowing with a soft, healing light.

"Talk about pathetic—a healer who couldn't heal himself," Mimi said, shaking her head. She seemed unaware that Rylan, pretending to sleep, could hear her.

"You're one to talk, bitch," Rylan thought, a grin forming on his face. He was unaware that Mimi could read thoughts.

Without warning, Mimi dipped the massaging towel into hot water and pressed it tightly against his mouth. The sudden pain caused Rylan to cry out, his voice echoing throughout the base. "Aaaaahhh!"

Mimi's eyes narrowed as she leaned closer. "Watch your thoughts, Rylan. I can hear every single one."

Rylan's eyes widened in shock and pain, realizing that he was in the presence of someone who could delve into his mind. The agony of the hot towel was nothing compared to the fear of having his innermost thoughts exposed.

"You think you're tough, but you have a lot to learn," Mimi said, her voice cold. "If you want to survive, you'll need to start respecting those who are here to help you."

As the pain subsided, Rylan managed to nod weakly, the realization of his precarious situation sinking in deeper. Mimi removed the towel, her expression softening slightly as she continued to heal his wounds with a more gentle touch.



In the hollow dimension, the figure on the throne grinned hard, his eyes gleaming with malevolent anticipation.

"Ooh," he murmured, snapping his fingers. Two wraiths materialized before him, their forms wreathed in shadow.

"Yes, my lord," they answered in unison, their voices echoing with an eerie resonance.

"Take as many minions as you need. Bring me Shoji's vessel," the figure commanded, his grin widening. The wraiths bowed deeply before vanishing into the darkness to carry out their master's orders.


Evening had fallen at the Squad Zero base, casting long shadows across the grounds. Inside the base, a gentle knock sounded on Rylan's door.

"Come in," he called, his voice still hoarse from the day's events.

The door creaked open, and Elana walked in, her expression a mix of relief and worry. "Elana," Rylan muttered, struggling to sit up.

Without wasting a moment, Elana rushed into his arms, her sobs muffled against his chest. "Thank goodness you're okay, Rylan. I've searched for years to find you, to tell you thank you. I thought you were dead," she cried, her tears soaking into his shirt.

Rylan, still feeling weak and overwhelmed, gently wrapped his arms around her. "Elana... I thought I'd never see you again," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'm so sorry for everything. I never wanted any of this to happen."

Elana pulled back slightly, her eyes red but filled with determination. "You have nothing to apologize for, Rylan. You saved me back then, and I've been looking for you ever since. I owe you my life."

Rylan shook his head. "I didn't do anything special. I just did what anyone would have done."

"No," Elana insisted, her grip on him tightening. "You did more than that. You gave me hope when I had none. And now, we need to find a way to give you hope, too."

As they sat together, Rylan felt a surge of warmth and resolve. Elana's presence, her unwavering belief in him, was a beacon of light in the darkness.