
Justice Haven

In a world where giant hollows prey on humans, Rylan joins a special ninja squad called the Zero to get revenge on the monsters who killed his mom. A teenage boy named Rylan Maxwell , a weak and powerless healer, mistakenly gains the power of Shoji, a humanoid hollow responsible for the mass murder of people in Justice Haven. Rylan must face trials and use his special powers to fight alongside the Seven Gods of Heaven to defeat the hollow race.

pen_demon · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Arrival of the hero candidates

The next day, the sun rose, brightening up the surroundings with a warm glow. Birds chirped, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, bringing a sense of calm after the chaos of the previous night. Saske, ever lighthearted and mischievous, sneaked into Rylan's room, seeing him sleeping peacefully. With a grin, he started poking Rylan on his chin.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up," Saske chanted.

Aaron stood by the door, his face boiling with anger and impatience. "Aaron, isn't he cute when he's sleeping? I wonder what he's dreaming about," Saske mused, still poking Rylan.

"Will you just get to it already!" Aaron yelled, the volume of his voice jolting Rylan awake as he tried to grasp the situation.

"Master Saske," Rylan quickly sat up straight. "Aaron-senpai," he called out, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, Rylum, you're awake!" Saske said delightedly.

"Ermm… it's Rylan, Master Saske," Rylan corrected gently.

"Oh, is that so? Sorry, Rylum," Saske replied nonchalantly.

"Guess he never gets it right, huh," Rylan thought to himself with a sigh.

"Get dressed, we're going out," Saske said, now serious.

With an affirmative nod, Rylan responded like a soldier submitting to his commander. "Yes, sir."

"Before then, wear this," Aaron said, throwing him a set of clothes before walking out with Saske.

Rylan looked at the clothes—a dark, fitted outfit with a red stripe across the shoulder. It was somehow different from the Elite Squad Zero uniform, which was undeniably cooler. Rylan packed his long, dark, curly hair behind his back, adjusting the outfit to fit snugly.

Now fully dressed, Rylan stepped out of his room.

"Oh, there you are," Saske greeted with a playful grin.


Rylan, along with Saske and Aaron, arrived at the heart of Justice Haven, the royal capital. The bustling city was a sight to behold, with its advanced infrastructure and a lively atmosphere. The streets were filled with people going about their day, and the sheer scale of the city left Rylan in awe.

"Wow, this city is so big," Rylan said, bewildered as he took in the busy streets and the throngs of people. This place was far more populated and advanced than his own hometown.

It happened that Nana was taken to join another squad while Elana went out on a mission.

"Brace yourself, Rylum. We're going to have fun," Saske said with his usual levity.

"Yes!" Rylan replied, mimicking Saske's funny gesture.

"Don't even think about it. We're here for other students," Aaron said sternly.

"Other students?" Rylan asked, curious.

"Oh yes, the hero candidate program begins soon. We accept students who are interested from all over the world and give them training to prepare them before the selection," Saske explained.

"That makes sense," Rylan replied, nodding.

"But why am I here?" Rylan asked, still unsure of his role.

"Because you're going to participate in the hero selection," Saske stated matter-of-factly.

Rylan sighed. "Not that I have a choice, after my head was almost chopped off. If there's a way I can prove I'm not a threat to humanity, participating—no, becoming a hero candidate—would be a stepping stone for me," he thought to himself.

Aaron pulled out a list and began reading aloud. "Alright, for this year, we have Katsumi Kira, age 17, status: level 30, special power: decomposition. Number 2, izuki Freeman, age 18, status: level 20, special power: inferno. And lastly, the third student, Noelle Greyrat, age 18, status: level 39, special power: curse manipulation."

Aaron then turned to Rylan. "And then we have Rylan Maxwell, age 18, status: level 8, special power: healing. Talking about pathetic," Aaron stated bluntly.

"Damn it, why do I feel like I don't belong here," Rylan said slowly, feeling a pang of self-doubt.

Shortly, a train stopped right before them, and the awaited students stepped out. They each carried an air of confidence and strength that Rylan found both intimidating and inspiring.

Katsumi Kira, with an intense gaze, scanned the surroundings, his presence commanding attention. izuki, with a fiery aura, seemed ready to take on any challenge. Noelle Greyrat, exuding an aura of mystique, appeared calm and composed, her eyes betraying a depth of power.

izuki and Rylan turned to face each other, each looking as if they had met somewhere before. It suddenly clicked for Rylan—right at the hospital. He could never forget izuki's appearance: rough, reddish hair and a mashed potato face, a clear hater of pretty boys.

"Huh," Rylan said in shock.

"Huh," izuki echoed, equally stunned.

In a flash, izuki vanished, reappearing mid-air to land a powerful kick on Rylan's face. The impact sent Rylan staggering back, but he managed to grip izuki's leg tightly.

"You're quite the hater, you know," Rylan said, grinning as blood trickled from his nose. Still holding on to izuki's leg, Rylan flung him hard to the ground, and they both began exchanging blows.

"Die, damn it!" izuki cursed, his voice filled with rage.

Katsumi, standing nearby, tried to stop the chaos unfolding before him. "Hey, calm down, both of you!" he shouted, but his efforts were in vain.

After a furious exchange, they finally settled down, each sporting a black eye. Katsumi, who had been dragged into the fight while trying to break it up, also had a red eye.

"Such barbaric acts, hmph! Men are worthless," Noelle said in disgust, staring at her mirror as she adjusted her hair.

Saske, watching the scene with amusement, clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "My, my, I suppose you've introduced yourselves already. Now, let's get down to business."

Aaron, still fuming from the earlier antics, stepped forward, glaring at Rylan and izuki. "Enough of this nonsense. We're here for serious training, not a playground brawl."

Saske nodded. "Indeed. Today marks the beginning of your journey as hero candidates. Each of you has been chosen for your unique abilities and potential. It's time to prove yourselves worthy of this honor."

Arriving at a massive, dilapidated construction company, the building stood ominously, its age and neglect evident. The structure emitted an unpleasant smell, and the team stood on high alert, sensing the danger within.

"Welcome, guys. This will be your first training mission: eradicate the hollows lurking in that building. Good luck," Saske announced, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Huh! Just wait a minute, this aura... it feels like that of a higher hollow," Katsumi stammered, beads of sweat dripping down his face.

"Alright, let's fucking do this!" izuki yelled, charging into the building without hesitation.

"Dumbass, wait!" Rylan shouted, chasing after him. Despite his low rank, Rylan could feel the intimidating presence emanating from the building, a feeling that sent shivers down his spine.

Noelle, her eyes gleaming with excitement, grinned as she tagged along. "This is going to be fun," she thought to herself.

"Dammit," Katsumi cursed, his heart pounding as he reluctantly followed the others.

Saske chuckled, observing the chaos. "What an interesting first year we have, Aaron."

"They all should die; they are quite the handful of troubles," Aaron blurted out, his usual stern demeanor masking any hint of concern.