
Justice Haven

In a world where giant hollows prey on humans, Rylan joins a special ninja squad called the Zero to get revenge on the monsters who killed his mom. A teenage boy named Rylan Maxwell , a weak and powerless healer, mistakenly gains the power of Shoji, a humanoid hollow responsible for the mass murder of people in Justice Haven. Rylan must face trials and use his special powers to fight alongside the Seven Gods of Heaven to defeat the hollow race.

pen_demon · Fantasía
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15 Chs

abyssal confrontation

Rylan took a deep breath as he stood before guild entrance. This was his chance to gain experience and prove himself, even if he considered himself a failure with his weak healing power.

Inside, the guild was lively, with adventurers chatting, planning quests, and sharing tales of their exploits. Rylan made his way to the quest board, scanning for simple tasks that he might be able to handle. His eyes darted over requests for herb gathering, escort missions, and pest control.

As he contemplated which quest to choose, a sudden holographic image projected above the board, accompanied by an urgent voice that silenced the room.

"Emergency! Emergency! A huge dungeon gate has appeared on the outskirts of Justice Haven. It has a tremendous amount of magic and an aura of hollows emerging within. All S-rank adventurers are to form a group of five, including a healer. Good luck with your mission."

The announcement sent a ripple of tension through the guild. A huge man with two giant swords strapped to his back grunted in irritation. "Tsk... Hollows again."

Rylan watched as the man quickly gathered a group of four other S-rank adventurers. They were an impressive sight:

1. **Thorn "Ironfist" Grey** - The man with the giant swords. He was known for his brute strength and unrivaled combat skills, capable of cleaving through the toughest armor with ease.


2. **Elara Windrunner** - A lithe and agile archer with keen senses. Her arrows never missed their mark, and she possessed wind magic that allowed her to move with incredible speed and grace.

3. **Kael the Conjurer** - A mage with an affinity for fire and earth elements. His spells were powerful and destructive, making him a formidable force in battle.

4. **Seraphine the Shadow** - A rogue with unparalleled stealth and agility. She could disappear into the shadows and strike from the darkness with deadly precision.

As the group formed, the guild attendant noticed Rylan lingering near the board. She leaned in and whispered, "Are you going?"

Rylan shook his head vigorously. "No, not at all. I'm a weak healer. Besides, who would want someone like me? I'd just slow them down."

Before he could turn away, Thorn's imposing figure loomed over him. "You're a healer. Come with us."

Rylan stammered, "No, no, no. I... I..."

Before he could finish, the holographic board displayed a countdown. "Group formation successful. Teleporting in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1."

"No, wait! I'm—"

A pentagram circle materialized beneath Rylan's feet, cutting off his words. In an instant, he was enveloped in a blinding light, and the world around him vanished.

When the light faded, Rylan found himself standing in the outskirts of Justice Haven, the massive dungeon gate looming ominously before them. The four S-rank adventurers turned to face him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Alright, healer," Thorn said gruffly. "Let's see what you've got."

Rylan swallowed hard, his nerves threatening to overwhelm him. He had no choice but to prove himself now, amidst these seasoned warriors. The mission had begun, and there was no turning back.

Inside the dungeon, everything was different from all the dungeons they had seen before. The air was thick with an ominous presence, and the walls seemed to pulse with an eerie, malevolent energy.

"What in the world is this?" Thorn asked, raising his brows, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

"This can't possibly be the master's gate," Elara replied, looking around as she positioned her bow, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement.

There was a turn to the left. Suddenly, Seraphine signaled for a stop, focusing all her senses and listening for even the slightest sound. Like a rumble, two hollows emerged from beneath Rylan. The hollows were grotesque creatures, with skeletal frames covered in tattered, leathery skin. Their eyes glowed with an eerie light, and their elongated limbs ended in razor-sharp claws. Despite their fragile appearance, they were surprisingly resilient and fast.

"Watch out!" Seraphine shouted as she swiftly moved Rylan out of the way. Thorn skillfully drew his sword and, using superspeed, whooshed past the others, shredding the hollows into pieces. The creatures let out a ghastly wail before dissolving into black mist.

"Tsk... what a show-off," Karl said, his hands blazing with flames.

"Amazing, I couldn't even see his movement. So that's an S-rank. Damn it, I need to get stronger," Rylan thought to himself.

"Are you alright?" Seraphine asked, offering him a hand up.

"Yes, I'm fine," Rylan replied, brushing off the dust from his clothes.

They ventured deeper into the dungeon, the oppressive atmosphere growing heavier with each step. As they rounded a corner, they were met with a horde of hollows. These creatures were even more menacing than the previous ones, with elongated, serrated limbs and mouths that dripped with acidic saliva.

"Get ready!" Elara shouted, drawing her bowstring back and releasing a volley of arrows. The arrows found their mark, piercing through the first row of hollows, but more kept coming.

Thorn leapt into action, his sword a blur of silver as he cleaved through the horde with astonishing speed and precision. Seraphine engaged in a deadly dance, her twin daggers flashing as she moved with lethal grace, slicing through the hollows that dared come close.

Karl stood back, summoning a massive fireball in his hands. "Stand back!" he yelled, hurling the fireball into the mass of hollows. The explosion rocked the dungeon, incinerating several of the creatures instantly.

Rylan watched in awe, his heart pounding. He felt a surge of determination. "I have to help," he muttered to himself. Summoning his courage, he snapped his fingers, displaying his stats. The lady-like voice welcomed him, but he barely noticed as he focused on his healing power.

"Rylan, cover us!" Thorn shouted as he continued his relentless assault.

Rylan nodded, channeling his weak healing power to keep his teammates in fighting condition. He could only heal minor injuries, but it was enough to keep them going. He concentrated on mending small cuts and bruises, providing just enough relief to keep his friends in the fight.

The battle raged on, the team working in perfect harmony. Thorn's swordsmanship, Elara's marksmanship, Seraphine's agility, and Karl's destructive magic combined to create a formidable force. Despite their coordination, the sheer number of hollows made it a grueling struggle.

As the last hollow fell, disintegrating into a cloud of black mist, the group stood panting, covered in sweat and grime.

"Is everyone okay?" Seraphine asked, her eyes darting around to check on her teammates.

"Yeah, thanks to Rylan," Elara said, giving him a nod of appreciation.

"Don't mention it," Rylan replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

After fighting and killing a large number of hollows, they finally reached a dark gate. The group looked at each other and nodded in affirmation before pushing it open. Inside, they were greeted with a breathtaking sight. The room was filled with ancient gold and treasures, enough to last a generation. The glint of gold coins and the sparkle of precious gems filled their eyes with excitement.

"Jackpot!" Karl exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

While the others celebrated their fortune, a box in the corner caught Rylan's attention. Curiosity piqued, he went ahead to check it. He cautiously opened it.

"Huh! Water!" he exclaimed. After their scary encounter inside the dungeon, he was exhausted and tired.

"I don't care if it's water or not; it looks refreshing," Rylan grinned as he positioned the box towards his mouth and gulped down the white liquid.

"Hey, kid!" Thorn called out, noticing Rylan.

"You shouldn't drink that; it's dangerous," Kael added, his tone serious.

"I'm sorry, guys. I was just so thir..."

Rylan's words were cut short as his heart began pounding in pain. Blood started pouring from his eyes, and he wriggled in agony.

"Kid! Kid!" Thorn and Seraphine rushed to his side, panic evident in their voices.

Rylan could hear them calling, but he was losing his breath. His eyes slowly closed as he lost consciousness, the world around him fading into darkness.


Rylan awoke in a dimly lit room, the pain in his body a dull throb. He tried to sit up, but his limbs felt heavy and unresponsive.

"Easy there," a familiar voice said. It was Seraphine, her face a mixture of relief and concern. "You've been out for a while."

"What... happened?" Rylan croaked, his throat dry.

"You drank some sort of cursed liquid," Thorn explained, standing at the foot of the bed. "We managed to stabilize you, but it was close."

"Thanks," Rylan muttered, feeling a wave of gratitude towards his friends.

"You need to be more careful," Elara added, her tone stern but kind. "This dungeon is full of traps, and we can't afford to lose anyone.