
Just wanted peace

A leader that tried to get revenge for his fallen friend, slayed the gods that opposed him. Only for him to die by an unknown force. He woke up without his memories, but with the same heart. A protector that swore to protect her team, managing to even block the powers of the gods. Only to see her best friend, and leader dying in front of her, she used her life and protected the only friend she had left. She rebirth without any memories, but swore the same thing. A swordsman, seeing all his friends died in front of him. Took a step back, and trained. Killing those that was related to the gods. Giving up on his humanity for his team. But never giving up on searching for them, even if they couldn't rebirth. A mage, used all his life energy to complete their mission. To protect their homeland. Only to be cursed when he died, never being able to break free of it. He awoke his memories, yet he can't contact any of his teammates. A smiths that helped her teammates to craft all their equipment was left alone. She didn't want to pull them down more, leaving something that will only let them remember her when they grow strong enough. She could only hope for them, to grow stronger. Yet, all of them only wished for one thing. They wanted peace. Will they find peace? Even after all the things they been through? From chapter 3.5 onwards, I have a editor to help me, @Melody_Night Currently chapters is on hold. Due to never ending exams and homework. Thank the teachers for that...

razyro · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 5.5 : New information

Wilford heard a high-pitched scream from downstairs. He quickly ran down and saw a crowd. He heard gossips being thrown here and there amongst the crowd.

He quickly spotted his sibling and sped walked to them.

Willa was looking at the scene. Terrified from what she saw, she shut her eyes tight and sat there like a statue.

Wilard looked at the scene and felt his body go cold, but felt something warm from behind him as someone covered his eyes.

Wilford quickly covered his siblings' eyes, and he looked at the scene in front of him. A bloody mess.

Chase's body seemed to have been stabbed in the heart and parts of him almost tore off from the main body. It was lying flat from the fall.


Target information

[Chase Tracey] {Escapist}

Age: 29

Job: Detective (Runner)

Alias: Gale


Stamina(0) | Strength(0) | Agility(0) | Intelligence(0)| Wisdom(0) | Dexterity(0)

Special skills

Camouflage(Advanced) Lv zero | Danger sense(Advanced) Lv zero | Lock Pick(Intermediate) Lv zero | Shooting(??) Lv zero

Extra Information : Target death unknown


He felt sorrow, seeing all the stats zero.

Without wasting time, he quickly pulled them away from the crowd, and walked back to the building. In front, he saw nurses and doctors ushing out to the scene.

Once inside, he quickly pulled them to a corner and released his hands from their faces.

He started to explain to them about their relatives' death based on what he heard.

Willa's eyes widened, but Willard showed no reaction.

He was about to explain to them about their parents death, when he heard another system message.

"User past life family detected"

He looked at the panel visible in front of him.


[User past life family remembered traces of their death]

He looked at his siblings, using observation on them.

[Willa Silver] {None}


Age: 6(Current),15(Past)

Job: None


Stamina(23) | Strength(10) | Agility(26) | Intelligence(32)| Wisdom(32) | Dexterity(20)

Special skills

Emotion reader(Basic) Lv Max | Danger Sense(Basic) Lv Max | Stronger skin(Natural born talent)(Basic) Lv max | Procrastinate

Extra Information : Shot to death in past life



[Willard Silver] {None}

Age 7(Current), 18(Past)

Job: None


Stamina(23) | Strength(10) | Agility(26) | Intelligence(32)| Wisdom(32) | Dexterity(20)

Special skills

Emotion reader(Basic) Lv Max | Sharp Sense(Basic) Lv Max | Future sight(Natural born talent)(Basic) Lv Max | Shooting(Basic) Lv 3 |

Extra Information : Thrown off a high building during past life


He looked at his siblings' innocent faces, but saw nothing. He then continued to explain how their parents died.

Surprisingly, they didn't seem to care about it too much.

He was about to say something else, when he found himself drowning again.

The faint light became brighter, but then it turned into a bright red light.

He saw his past figure, holding a girl. The girl's chest has a hole in the middle with blood spilling out.

Wilford saw another guy that was unconscious, lying not too far, with his head in a large pool of blood.

His past self's head was hanging low, tears were falling on the girl's body uncontrollably, his fist covered in blood.

At that very moment, his vision turned dark and he saw another scene unfold in front of his eyes.

This time, he saw a boy being thrown off a roof that looks awfully familiar. His past life tried to catch him from the ground floor, but another figure punched his face, making his past self unable to catch the falling boy.

The boy died instantly when his body came in contact with the concrete ground.

"Aghh!!" His past life screamed in agony, as he punched the enemy head back. and quickly ran back to the stairs.

Wilford can't control his movements, and he reappeared back at the same place he was before. seeing the boy laying flat on the ground with a pool of blood, he than saw his past life running towards the boy

"I failed to protect... I failed as a Detective, and I failed at being a good brother…"

*Active Observation Lv 8*


Target information

[Willa Silver] {None}, [Theia Easton] {None}

Age: 6(Current),15(Past)

Job: None , None


Stamina(23) | Strength(10) | Agility(26) | Intelligence(32)| Wisdom(32) | Dexterity(20)

Special skills

Emotion reader(Basic) Lv Max | Danger Sense(Basic) Lv Max | Stronger skin(Natural born talent)(Basic) Lv max | Procastitate

Extra Information : Shot to death in past life



Target Information

[Willard Silver] {None}, [Rambures Steere] {None}

Age 7(Current), 18(Past)

Job: None, Soldier(Past)


Stamina(23) | Strength(10) | Agility(26) | Intelligence(32)| Wisdom(32) | Dexterity(20)

Special skills

Emotion reader(Basic) Lv Max | Sharp Sense(Basic) Lv Max | Future sight(Natural born talent)(Basic) Lv Max | Shooting(Basic) Lv 3 |

Extra Information : Thrown off a high building during past life


Two panels appeared in front of him, as he moved the panels away to the side and looked at his past life figure.

He saw his past figure having neatly combed brown hair, as he wore a yellow t-shirt and jeans.

His vision ended and he got transported back into reality.

He faced his current siblings.

He now knows why they didn't feel attached to their parents, judging from the panels he saw in his dream.

He sighed inwardly, feeling a sense of guilt from his past life.

~User gains 2 guilt~

He suddenly felt all his stats lower by two, as he lowered his head in shame.

He softly muttered, "I am sorry for being a bad big brother. Will you forgive me?"

Both of them seemed surprised, but then tears also filled their eyes as they nodded their head.

"Of course!" Willa said, as she jumped up and hugged him.

"You're the best big bro!" Wilard also joined in the hug. Wilford's vision gradually became blurry.

~User -2 Guilt~

Even though the system said that, he just couldn't feel the weight of guilt lift off his shoulders.

After a few moments, they broke off the hug.

They didn't speak as the two just followed Willford.

Willford searched up on how to go back home as this was the first time he had been to the city.

They had to take a train back home, which would at least take about 1 hour and 30 minutes without stopping.

"Come on, let's go home."


Sadly, the train is always busy.

When they finally found seats on the train, Wilford checked what kind of notifications he got from the system.

The first few notifications was about him gaining more points in Stamina, Agility and Strength.

His skill, carry, has reached level 15.

Then a certain notification caught his eye.

"User received the "Legendary Escapist" legacy."

<Legacy received are: Shooting(Basic) Lv 1. Energy Transfer(Basic) Lv1. Danger sense(Basic) Lv 1. Energy gun(Uncommon). Unknown skill(Unlock when conditions met)>

He was surprised with what skills he received. 'Where is the gun?' He asked the system.

[System will unlocked storage inventory when system reads and understand 'Space, by Trazor Yaw" in the library]

He quickly took out his phone, pretending to search for something on the internet as he was still not used to controlling the system with only his mind.

He shifted the system screen on his phone, and searched up the title mentioned.

[Book locked: Only unlock when user Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity maxed]

He felt annoyed by this message. Trying his very best not to shout at the system out loud for this.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to read the system's book for his daily quest.

He slowly read many comics, making him take his mind off things.

[System daily quest completed]

▪︎ User gain new skill ▪︎

Passive skill:

Speed reading(Basic) Lv 2

He smiled at that notification, he now can complete his book mission a lot faster now.

He then looked up from his phone, feeling something pressing against his side. He turned his head to his left to see Willa sleeping and on his right, was Willard.

He gently patted on his siblings' head, as he slowly closed his eyes.

A silent panel appeared.


°Hidden mission: Unknown°

Time limit: 2 Years

Completion: 4%

Reward: Unknown

Penalty: Past memories gone, system erased, user current family death, user past life allie's death.


The panel closes itself.


Editor: Melody Night