
Just To Meet You

*COMPLETED* "If you don't believe me, then follow the family rules." Her eyes closed as she faced her fiancé's accusations and distrust. She inwardly convinced herself. 'This is the last time I'm giving my heart to you, Peter. If you choose her, then we are over.' With a blade in his hand, he charged forward. He watched as the sharp tip of the weapon meets her soft, porcelain chest. Shocked by her unmoving body, he pulled the blade away from the broken skin. Her white top was dyed scarlet while the blade had already dropped to the floor, making a "clang" sound. "Why didn't you dodge?!" Peter Sin attempted few steps forward to apply pressure on her wound. It hurt, but she held in her cries. Blood squirted to his sleeve and shirt when he forced the blade out of her wound. Holding the bloody mess near her heart, a broken smile cracked on her face as she retreated away from the man in front of her. "At the end, you still chose her words over mine. You've never believed in me, but it doesn't matter anymore. Let's break up. Even if we pass by each other in the future, we'll be nothing but strangers." He tried approaching her again, but failed as she strode backwards in larger steps than before. "Mister Sin, goodbye." "Selina!" He screamed, but held back from chasing after her lonesome figure. His heart was a mess as he fell onto the ground and stared at the blood stain on his clothes. __________________ Selina Gu drove straight home where she had prepared herself to announce her failed engagement to her mother, Katrina Gu. Pressing her wound, she slowly leaned against the wall to bring herself to the living room where her mom's voice echoed loudly. Selina: "So, all my life..I've been nothing but a chess piece. Are you done with your game?" Katrina: "...Daughter." Selina: "Daughter? Do you know how many years and efforts I've wanted to hear you call me daughter? But all this is fake. Just an act. I've always convinced myself I'm the one who could do better because I wanted to hear a compliment from you. But you? You've forced me to the edge and suffocated me!" _____________________ Katrina: "It's mother's fault! Don't jump. I'm begging you!" Bryan (Selina's brother): "Did you get bullied? Brother will protect you. Please, come back down! It's dangerous to stand at the edge! You don't know how to swim!" "I don't want to play this game anymore. I'm tired of my life. Didn't you want revenge? I'll complete it for you. Sorry, brother." Selina fell forward with her eyes closed. She didn't struggle as she desired to forget everything. ___________________ Assistant: "Mister Hui, after multiple investigations, we have confirmed that the girl you have been searching for is Selina Gu." _________________ Awakening from her coma after a month later, Selina woke up hearing a familiar voice by her side. Although she couldn't recognize him, her instincts told her he wasn't going to harm her. "Selina! You're awake!" Jason Hui tossed his laptop to the table, ditching the video meeting he was in and hugged her. "Does it hurt anywhere? Are you thirsty? Hungry? I'll go get a doctor!" He spat out countless questions, confusing her greatly. ________________ Jason held her hands, "It's okay if you don't remember me. As long as I remember our promise, that's all it matters. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." _________________ "Jason Hui!" "Wife, if you're not happy about something you just have to say it. No need to shout. You'll get a sore throat." Selina pointed to the rubber band on the counter, "I forgot to tie my hair, but my hands are dirty from marinating meat. Do you know how to tie girl's hair?" A minute later, a messy ponytail was created and Selina looked at him with a speechless expression. Noting to himself on his calendar, he typed, "Learn how to do wife's hair." Image in book cover does not belong to me. All credits to the author of image in book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Ciudad
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321 Chs

You Want Me To Ask My Brother?

The phone call between Peter and Roger lasted no more than ten minutes. Before Roger could come up with a plan to coax his wife, Celinda Hui, he must understand what happened for Peter's parents to end up in jail. A large attachment was scanned, uploaded and shared with Roger because the file size exceeded the email capacity.

Once he opened the invitation link, Roger started scrolling down pieces of evidence and criminal charges against his aunt and uncle. Almost every category of crimes was included, and the evidences provided had literally no loopholes around it.

Having seen many lawsuit cases in the past, he knew his cousin's family were screwed once they walk into the court house. All these charges combined would most likely prove them for guilty. Summing the charges in this thick file up, his aunt and uncle may end up spending the rest of their lifetime behind bars.

Ruffling through his hair, he sighed deeply. Even though he married Celinda, only he knew what tricks he had up his sleeves. Previously, he had spent a large sum of money to hire gangsters to attempt sexually assaulting her. When she was most vulnerable and hopeless, he appeared and saved her.

Of course, to make it more believable, he made sure to receive some punches in the process. After earning her trust, he slowly pursued her and kept a safe distance from her. To ensure she would marry him, he bribed a nurse to swap her body reports with an infertile woman to trick her.

His sweet words moved her greatly when he told her children didn't matter to him. All the affectionate words he had showered her to gain her love were all fake. He knew Jason would investigate matters, so he used his connections to block any negative news to his ears.

Jason had been rumored to be an overprotective brother. Knowing Celinda as his weakness, he switched out her vitamins with strong antidepressants. At first, she suffered from slight headaches and dizziness. Before long, she started breaking down whenever the topic of their relationship gets spread out on the table.

Whenever a panic attack occurs, he would be the only one who could calm her down. As helpless as Jason felt, he didn't want his sister to harm herself. At the end, he could only watch them walk down the aisle while holding back his dismay. Everything had been going smoothly until their wedding night.

Although they've been married for a little over two months, they haven't consummated their marriage yet. For the past two months, she's been using excuses to brush him off at night. Due to his tactic with the gangs, she became terrified of sexual intercourse. There was nothing he could have done because the trauma from the attempted assault had left her frightened.

Whenever he sleeps in the same bed as her, the most she would let him do was give her a slight peck on the cheeks. His patience was running out because he had to make her belong fully to him. Tonight, was the night he had determined to take her virginity.

Taking a pill from his drawer, he melted it in her glass of warm milk. It was one of her habits to drink warm milk before heading to bed, so he would always heat it up for her. With this strong aphrodisiac, she would strip on her own and come onto him herself. Once everything is done, even if she regrets it, it'll be too late.

Entering the master bedroom, he tilted the corner of his lips up. "Celinda, here's your milk. While you drink this, I have a favor to ask of you."

Reaching out to retrieve the milk, she looked at him questionably. "What is it?"

His eyes focused on her rosy lips as he eagerly wished for her to chug down the milk. "Oh..My cousin's family encountered some trouble. They are innocent and being framed. Somehow, false evidences have been submitted, and my cousin's parents are in prison right now."

Staring at the silky milk, she asked for his true motive behind these words. "Do you want me to hire the best lawyer for them? If they are innocent, then they will be released soon. Don't worry about it too much."

Clenching his fists, he forced the words out of his throat. "I want you to help me bail them out or have them released. Help me clear out their files and stop the trials. With the amount of evidence submitted, it would be difficult for the judge to believe in their innocence. They really didn't do anything."

Taking a small sip of the milk, she answered. "I won't do that. It is illegal. Like I've just said, if they really didn't do it then there is nothing to be scared of. Besides, how would I have any connections with powerful people to do the things you just told me? At most, I will hire the best lawyer in the city to fight their lawsuit."

"Celinda, did you forget about your brother? He just needs to say one sentence. No, just one word. People will listen to him and pretend they never saw any cases or files. There won't be any consequences to follow up on either. I'm your husband and they are my family members. Can't you help me this one time?"

He sat on the edge of the bed and watched her take a few more sips from the glass. Soon, she won't even have the energy to say no. When morning comes, she would have to agree to his requests.

"Sorry. I won't do anything illegal. Let's end our conversation here. Don't mention about asking my brother for help anymore. If I asked, he most likely would do it for my sake. But I don't want to. Besides, I'm not close with your cousin's family. I wouldn't know whether they are truly innocent from what they're being charged for.

"You said the evidence were all fake, but have you ever thought of how those documents ended up with the police? If they never did anything, then these evidences wouldn't magically appear. I would leave it up to the investigators and judges to determine their innocence." She stated with an intense unwavering gaze. Suddenly, she felt blood rushing through her bloodstreams, heating up her body.

Seeing the drug effects taking place, he jumped into bed and held her down. He tried leaning in closer towards her, but she moved around to avoid him. His hands pressured on her wrist when she refused his kisses. The unfinished glass of milk dropped and shattered to the floor.

His touch felt hot and uncomfortable to her. "Let go of me."

"Celinda! I'm your husband. You should be standing on my side. Maybe after I tame you and consummate our marriage, then you will obediently stay by my side."

She screamed as he continued attempting kisses on her neck. "Get off me!!! This is not right!!! You have no right to touch me!!"

"I'm your husband!"

"And I've been regretting my decision of marrying you! Roger Sin, I want a divorce. Divorce!" She struggled to break free from his touch. From her body's irregular reaction, she knew he must have added something to her milk. Fortunately, she only took a few sips from it.

"Not until I take your precious first time. If I can't have you, no guys can. Let's see what you think after trying me in bed!" He started unbuckling his belt.

Hearing the sound of zippers pulled down, she brawled and aimed her kicks between his legs. The moment his erection was released from his pants, her kneecaps violently slammed into his balls; making him whimper in tears while he covered his privates.

She tried leaving the room, but he held onto her hand. Out of confusion, she threw another punch to his lower area, causing him to hurl in a fetus position. Hurriedly, she grabbed her car keys and left her phone on the bed.

Sitting in the driver's seat, she started the car and quickly drove away from the villa.


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