
Just Some Random Ideas For You To Use

Just some Random Ideas I come up with for other authors/writers to use in their stories or draw inspiration from if they so choose. I shall give you ideas for skills, abilities, items and more.

Apocryphage · Cómic
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14 Chs

More Random Ideas

More Ideas for skills/abilities.


Razor Surround(Active)

Surrounds the user in sharp orbiting blades dealing [(INT+ WIS)×2] DMG.


Become a human beyblade.



Allows the user to absorb mass to use for strengthening and molding their own body.

Basically just from the Prototype games.



Allows the user to drain a target of their VIT and MP replenishing their own supply.

If your hella thirsty. I'm funny har har.


Random Ideas for you to use. Ashborne out.