
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Sample Idea

This idea is about some random guy going by the poor whim of a famous Vampire Troll from a certain famous franchise sending a poor schmuck to be his 'Pupil' of his.

Should I do some changes to this or not?


Chapter 1: So, I meet this creepy guy…

~Noah POV~



Taking out the trash working part time job in a fast food place it has been a long while since I did my job after my depression finally going away.

When the COVID event happened it left me with no parents because of the vaccine and I had to live with my distant relatives in the US since I couldn't afford to live by myself.

Sadly though my distant relatives were able to at least keep in their home… and that's pretty much it.

We don't have a good relationship as I was a stranger to them and their own family but I made sure to keep my shit away from them as I didn't bother wanting to have a good relationship with them either.

Reason being that they are annoying as hell.

When I moved in I was pretty much left with the chores to do for about everything at times as they have their business trips remembering that they leave me with some money when the events of COVID finally calmed down.

Although they have a big issue of gambling at times maybe a bit too much for my liking considering the details.

Hope it doesn't involve me much.

With my spare time and schools closing at that point I made sure to collect some odd jobs or part times to earn enough for myself to move out.

Really it's hard for a guy to make a decent living but what is life –



Crashing into someone as I made my way back up I see who I stumbled into as I was quickly hurry up to get the person up, "Whoa! Shit. Sorry about that sir I wasn't looking where I – "

"Hmm… I like you. Want to become my pupil?"

The fuck?

Glancing at the man in question still helping him back up to his feet again I got a proper look on him as I looked quite familiar that I couldn't help but place my finger on it but…


Shaking my head getting himself up I began to properly apologize to bumping into him, "Uh… ignoring that comment completely. How are you sir are you alright and I apologize for bumping – "



Double fuck!

Great my pushy boss is going to grail my ass about this as I got up to help the old man in front of me – Wow he has some good grip strength there.

No wait hoping to have my job issue now!

Helping the old man up I began to quickly go away as I began to hurry to my boss getting what is probably a scolding or worse a write up for being late.

Still strange old man I met but I swear I remember him from somewhere.

As I left I couldn't help but heard what the old man I accidentally dropped to the ground returning to world speak some words out that I made sure to stay away from him.

"Hmm… interesting lad…"

What a weird man.

Bloody fucking hell.

I knew that bastard had it out for me since day one!

That bastard is the guy that just wants to fire my ass for doing my job and took it up to the corporate to fire me.

As I was walking back home since I don't have a ride considering I'm 16 years old considering the fact but fucking hell that job was really good for me as cashier saving up some cash for my future.

Ah… man…

Opening up the door I see that my relatives aren't home right now as I began to inspect the place as I saw a letter from my relatives, "Sorry Noah but will be discontinuing you're stay here in the near future. We needed to sell the home soon but we left you some cash to leave. WHAT!"


I couldn't believe my luck with this no way my relatives would do this by the fly!

As far as I know that they were people who always take care of stuff but sudden leave?

I know we aren't that distant but…

What am I going to do –


That was when I heard the door sound open as I turn around to see the old man from earlier as he comes out with two thugs as he grins at me, "My young man trouble just seems to have a thing for you. Noah Star such a odd name."

Glaring at the man he lifted two people with such ease but then I saw what the hell.

The two thugs weren't exactly thugs as the old man handed me a letter as I began to read the contents not being aware of the old man existence at the moment as my hands began to steadily shake…

What the hell…

Does the world just want to fuck with me here?

If everything here is right then my distant relatives just basically sold me off to the fucking black market of my organs to get rid of their gambling debts!

Is that why they aren't here they are expecting me to be a scape goat here for me to be suddenly taken away or spirited away!


Crusing the paper I began to calm myself down as I glance at the old man again as he seems pretty chill of the situation, "I see you look very displeased about the situation Noah Star. These men are really rude but then again they tried to take something I want to test."

I flinched at that.

Is this man with the mafia or some kind of underworld dealings?

No wait…

It wouldn't make any sense as I finally take a good look at the man in question as he seems amused – no… no… no…. Nononono!

Gray hair fancy black clothing with a cape and pants… gray beard that makes him look cool out of fiction… red eyes with a red embedded jewel on his cane…

The grin on his face was sitting on his face as he grinned at me as I pale at the idea of what's going on as he spoke, "I see that you finally figured out who I am young man. And yes. Your guess is correct. Let me properly introduce myself… Ahem!"

Taking a small bow of respect and began to make a show of it showing some kind of lights with him levitating some jewels as he began to talk, "I'm known by numerous nicknames, including Zelretch the Wizard Marshal, Zelretch of the Jewels, Old Man of the Jewels, Kaleidoscope, and Mangekyō. But to you people known me as…"

A smirk appeared on his face as he began to be smug about it as he began to explain, "Or a new one I have heard from your world… Zelretch the fanon troll of the nasuverse. Nasuverse huh? I dig it."


I fainted at the scene…

Waking up from that horrible nightmare -



What the fuck old man!


Glancing at the old troll as I felt like I have half my life gone like that as I saw him in real life as I began to talk, "Wha… what your real? Holy fuck the Multiverse is a thing…"

"Hahaha! Yes it does but… how about becoming my pupil!"

Wait he was serious about that?

Blinking in surprise I began to see him in a new light as I asked what he meant by that as I asked, "What does it mean or I get if I become your pupil since I know you have a record of breaking them. No like seriously what do you do."

I have known a bit of FATE community to understand about this guy since he has a bad history of his pupils.

Old mage families teach their children his name, while young families have heard that the great Magician who led the World of Magecraft into battle long ago is still alive.

When visiting the Mage's Association, he is known to simply take pupils on a whim, but as his tutelage, while comprehensive, frequently traumatizes or cripples the most promising of students, there has yet to be a successor from any of the family lines that follow his teachings. The idea of becoming "a pupil of Zelretch", the "pupil of a Magician", is synonymous to being turned into a complete wreck, but those that are accepted as the "pupil of a magus" turn out to be fine.

When he does appear, the department heads worry over having to send their most promising students in order to force him to leave, but at the same time worry that they will be unwilling or incapable of continuing their careers.

He grins at the answer as he smiled brightly but sadly at that as he began to reply to me about the answer, "I actually want a pupil that can handle the multiverse and be smart about it. One requirement is that they aren't evil. Since you know the people in my world wouldn't last outside their Nasuverse. But its mostly to teach those arrogant Clock workers I so can have a pupil! Hmph! The nerve of some people."


That sounds completely childish!

In that moment the old vampire troll also gave me some ideas of what I should do IF I become his pupil, "But since IF you agree I merely wanted you to travel the multiverse about few thousand years and come back to me. You can do what you want in the multiverse since you are rarely morally grey person. You do what you need but nothing to excessive. Believe it or not I do this on a whim so you can do whatever you want. Don't matter your dead or not."

Wow thanks for the motivation you vampire prick.

But the idea of traveling the multiverse though…

I couldn't help but grin at the idea as I slowly nod my head to be his pupil as he grins at this clapping his hand at this, "CLAP! Perfect! Don't worry about much since I'll send you out of this part of the Nasuverse. Into the great unknown! Good luck my pupil and survive using your Multiverse Phone!"

Wait what –