
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Sample Idea

This is one of my unfinished Multiverse fics i had but didn't know if it was good or not?


Chapter 1: Multiverse Theory is a Thing…

~Third POV~

There is not one universe—there is a multiverse. In Scientific American articles and books such as Brian Greene's latest, The Hidden Reality, leading scientists have spoken of a super-Copernican revolution.

The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.

Multiverse theory suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one.

Instead, there may be an entirely different universe, distantly separated from ours — and another, and another.

The Multiverse is a place where multiple possibilities exist no matter how outrageous as it seems…

One possibility or thought somewhere out there is happening….

A man with green hair has trapped his prey inside an alternate space separating themselves from their own dimension as the man in green spoke out, "Nothing in this world or the next could possibly destroy the world severing strings not even an imperial arms that controls space! So here we go again!"

The prey in question losing a hand using the other hand holding his teigu Dimensional Formation: Shambhala as he shouts out, "Argh!! God damn it!"

Quickly using his Shambhala once more as the yin yang symbol on the portal shined behind him trying to escape the man with green hair roared out as he launched his string taking a shape of a spear…


Instead of aiming for the chest he aimed it at the head as the lack of oxygen in the separate dimension forced him to die in the act as his finals thoughts were a vision of his lover before dying…

But thanks to the intervention of interrupting the one that could teleport away a buzz appeared on the portal as the pendant Imperial Arms Dimensional Formation: Shambhala soon fell inside no longer going to its home dimension but instead another new one instead…

In the original the two would always return home but in the multiverse there are more than one possibility happening…

Elsewhere in the normal parts of the world Earth was a teenage boy resting along with tears evident in his eyes as it was the year of 2021 when the event of COVID has occurred and vaccines and medicines to counteract it wasn't ready to be served as those in the medical profession were trying to figure out a solution.

In the modern world where everything is normal of just living a normal life with no fantasy or fictional powers in the world.

In this world lived a high schooler with blond hair and normal figure of a teenager. His just your ordinary young teen just finishing using his time to relax to keep himself calm in the face of the epidemic his facing with no other living relatives around.

This teenage boy is named Jack Black an odd name even to his peers as was his parents were anime and cartoon fans but they kept it in their life to show their love much to Jack frustration at times.

But he didn't hate them for it as he was introduced to other fun and great shows as well as some games of big franchise but that was when they were alive…

He lost his parents when it started as his place was heavily hit first as he was young had less of the chance of getting the COVID but his parents on the other hand weren't that lucky… he cried the night after hearing the loss of his parents though a phone.

He was devastated as he cried for a while till he finally come to terms with them being gone as he now has to survive on his own for a while before the ban of the city was lifted as he couldn't even leave unless he wants to get infected.

Jack was lives alone at his home learning to get used to be by himself since his parents since their passing, luckily he was sad of their passing but he had to remain calm in order to support himself without them.

Currently at this time he sighs watching some anime shows of King Rankings watching Boji fight off Bossue as he grins at this, "Go Boji! Show that oversized Giant a thing or two! Beat up the invincible King!"

As he was watching till the end as he has a satisfied grin on his face watching the show but frowns as he sees the window he taped up, "Sigh… I have to be careful with my food supply. Better be – "



That was when Jack found himself seeing what happen in disbelief written on his face as he looks at the object and a yin yang symbol was shown in his house arrest home of a certain object coming out of seemingly nowhere.

A pendent came out of nowhere…

However, to Jack as he holds it with surprise and genuine shock in his voice as he holds the pendent in his hands…

And was very surprised to see that the item in question didn't reject him as first impressions is everything as Jack is currently attached to the Imperial Arms with actual joy and appreciation for it allowing Shambhala allowing it to be Jack user.

Jack on the other hand holds it as he glances at the dissapering purple portal as he galnces back at the pendent as he talks to himself in a surprised tone, "Dimensional Formation: Shambhala… wasn't this a Support-type Teigu that takes the form of a pendant from Akame ga Kill? How did…"

Shaking his head at this as he sees that the pendent didn't reject him he pinched himself as he flinched as he sounded surprise about this, "Ow! So… the pain is real but… this item should only belong in fiction but…"

Looking at the item in his hand he could only feel mixed emotions seeing it but the eyes in Zack certainly told of excitement, "The Multiverse is real… holy shit. Heh. I bet those theoriest here would certainly would want a piece of this."

As he said that a thought occurred to him as he glanced at the covered up outside window seeing so many homes locked inside as he responds to himself, "What else is there for me here anyway? My parents are dead. No brother or sister to have attachments. I don't have a lasting feeling with distant relatives… Maybe it would good to go to another world to leave this… all behind. At least this way maybe I can find something worth it for me in the open multiverse a home to call my own."

Glancing his head at his laptop Jack began to go towards it as he began to research how it came to be or at least how it was possible till he found an interesting trivia fact about it on the Akame ga Kill fandom wiki about it.

In the anime, Shambhala displayed the ability to teleport the user in rapid succession as long as the user had been to that location. Its Trump Card was also revealed to teleport its target into an alternate space.

Alternate Space.

The user can create, shape and manipulate alternate spaces, or alternate dimensions that can be used for faster than light travel. This may include boom tubes, hyperspace, subspace, warp speed, among others.

Glancing his hand on the pendant Jack looked very surprised about the item in his hand as he shakes with excitement as he talks to himself, "The Multiverse… in the literal palm of my hands… Oh! I better get those flyer drones. For once my dad hobby of getting drones will bbe helpful. If I remember correctly we still have the Skydio 2+Starter Kit Pro. But fucking expensive for 2,169 dollars though."

Jack then begins to collect the old collection of his father aerial drone as he began to set it up as he has access to the Multiverse till he realized something, "Wait I should probably see if it works. Let's see…. How about some practice before this."

Like that Jack began to test the extent of what he can do. All for testing out what he can do before sending his only aerial drone to the multiverse as he began to investigate the functions of what he can do with his Teigu.

With that Jack began to experiment on what worlds are available to him and what he wishes to do in the Multiverse has only just began.