
Chapter 42

  Abby was probably not the best person to unload her guilt over the scenario with Morag too. Currently bent double in severe hysterics and hyperventilating from lack of oxygen, she was begging Rose to tell her again in exactly what position Morag had caught them.

  ‘Abby!’ Rose was hauling at her, trying to gain some control. ‘It’s not funny!’

  ‘It totally is! Tell me again was that before or after the ‘Ooooh aah ahh, YES’ screams.’ She mimicked a dramatic orgasm as Rose batted her again. Her own face flushed with embarrassment and trying hard not to giggle at Abby.

  ‘Abby!’ Rose had to fight to keep a straight face, but the girls laugh was infectious. ‘Stop it! If Rob hears you, he will pulverise you.’

  ‘Before, during or after????’ She was prodding at Rose suggestively. Relentlessly

  ‘After! During? Maybe? Technically! I don’t know how long she was there.’ Swiping away her poking fingers and invasive eyebrow gestures, Rose tried to hush her once again.