
Chapter 23

  Morning light woke her ungratefully, still curled on top of her bed sheets, her face sore from dry tears and her feet ice cold from sleeping without covering. She felt like she had the worst hangover from hell and groaned when she saw the time. She had promised to help at the coffee morning today. The little old ladies had talked her into it, asking her to bring Muffin for some granny love and she hadn’t been able to refuse. As if by coincidence the rap on her door by an over happy Abby just added to her groans, she sunk face down back onto the bed, allowing herself to slide off to her feet. The effort of moving almost unbearable. She was fatigued.

  ‘I’m coming!’ She half yelled, half mumbled as she dragged herself to let her in.

  ‘Oh my god, Rose, it’s after nine for goodness sakes. We need to get there for half past! Dressed. Now!’ Abby was bounding around, overly energetic for her liking and pushing her back into the cottage.