
Who would He be?

Tell me little star, do you think that hope exist?

A rope to escape the hell that await

A way to get out the death that come down

To change the frown in the child's face

Whose just the horror found in our desperate world

That don't care about your word

About your voice

About your soul

That don't care to know

What's inside your heart

And careless tear you apart

For entertainment, money, a passion maybe

So I think, is it really worth to see?

If everything that is here is just caos and sadness

Sometimes I desire just to feel less

Maybe simple throw away the part that love

Maybe just to another place move

Maybe be capable of see through

That terrible present

But, apparently exist someone who care about us

And sometimes I question myself, who would He be.

So for a little longer I will prevail

Until Him I be able to put in my sight

And so in my bonfire I be able to put a veil

Or drown in this ominous night.