
Chapter 62

Squeezing my eyes shut, I groaned. "Just focus on one of the voices. Block the others out" my mate instructed. I nodded my head, trying to push away some of the voices.

'Stacy is so pretty But our friendship would be screwed up if I made a move' I didn't recognize the voice. Nor did I know who the hell Stacy is.

Shaking my head, I pushed that voice away and focused on a new one. 'Why doesn't my husband do that? I want a head rub' that was an older woman's voice. Another one that I didn't recognize. 'Young love is so beautiful' she said in an awed voice.

'Who are you?' I questioned the woman. It was quiet for a few moments. I was thinking that she didn't hear me, so I repeated my question.

This time, she answered. 'Are you my conscious? Or am I going crazy? Jared told me not to drink so much coffee. Now I'm hearing voices in my head' the woman ranted.

"What's happening?" Jeremy whispered in my ear.