
Chapter 53

Shaking my head, I tucked my hair behind my ear. "That's the thing. I think he just started investigating. Maybe that's why he's been working so much because he working on my kidnapping" I voiced my thoughts. My reasoning was more likely than Jacobs. I think he agreed with me because he was silent the rest of the ride.

I honestly don't care why he didn't tell me. I just care about what was on the rest of those papers.


I walked into the castle to be met with all the familiar scents of my friends and family. "Bell! Bell!" I heard Riley shout. Her little legs ran as fast as she could before she crashed into me. Her arms wrapped around my waist as she stared up at me with her big brown eyes. "I missed you" she mumbled.

Smiling, I swooped her up and spun us around in a circle. "I missed you too" I said as she giggled. "Where is everyone?" I asked while setting her back on her feet.