
Chapter 48

Smiling at her, I motioned to the dress. "Can we have one of these in a size seven?" I asked the girl. My clothes fit on Em, so we have to be about the same size- if not exact. The worker nodded before disappearing into a back door. It seriously bugs me when stores don't have the clothes on the racks. Then we're forced to ask the clerks.

The girl returned with the dress in her hand. "Dressing rooms are in the corner" she informed us as she pointed at the stalls. After thanking her, I pulled Em to the dressing rooms.

"Try this on" I demanded. I put the dress in her hands before closing the door. Then, I started to look around for myself. I could use some clothes, too. I didn't get everything back from my old house. And you can never have too much clothes. Technically, you can- but that's not my point.