
Chapter 24

No one actually knows that he'll wake up. They're all just saying that. The doctor just made a prediction, that doesn't mean that it'll actually happen. Jacobs can't tell the future, he doesn't know if Keith will ever be okay. No one knows. No one can tell me with 100% positivity that my best friend will wake up.

Jacobs attempted to hush me, but it only seemed like my sobs got louder. Suddenly, his arms were gone and two pairs of arms substituted Jacobs'. Both people were making shushing sounds. "Alicia" Gardenia said softly.

"Everything is gonna be okay" David declared. I shook my head as tears continued to pour out off my eyes. Nothing will be okay. I lost the only father figure I have ever had. I lost my home. I lost my friends. And now, I'm losing my best friend.