
Chapter 16

Suddenly, I rammed into something. I felt as if it burned me, but it felt nice. Like sitting by a fire after being in the rain. I opened my eyes to come face-to-face with a chest. Shit! Not good! I quickly moved out of the man's arms and started running again. I was heavily breathing out my mouth as I ran.

Hearing a growl behind me only made me speed up. I tried to teleport, but it wasn't working! "Crap!" I hissed. I didn't look back as I like my life depended on it.

I groaned as I was tackled from behind. A dark colored wolf pinned me down and I felt the firey feeling. Suddenly, the wolf shifted and I shrieked, covering my eyes. The man didn't seem fazed by his nakedness. He gently brushed my hair from my face. But I kept my eyes closed. I didn't need to see that.

"Mine!" the man growled as he sniffed me. I shivered at the sound of his voice.