
Just me travelling

Andy finds himself in the void, having no purpose and years of denial and insanity, then regaining it back because of boredom. Andy now has been given an ability by the void and send "her" merry may to go travelling. A bad synopsis I know. And heads up I'm not a good writer and English isn't my main language The original characters from other worlds are not mine, just Andy. And there are some worlds that I will possibly follow/change/ignore the Canon. If you want the original Canon then read them from the original author you nerds.

Depressed_Shovel · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: OK WHAT?!

Narrator: In the endless void where no life could possibly exist, where no laws could withhold the place, lies a single soul. Wandering aimlessly into this dark abyss, moving with no known direction with. The soul has been wandering for many years unknown to its purpose of its sole existence.

'You do realize I was just standing here for almost a thousand year prior to my arrival' the so-called wandering "soul" said

Narrator: ...

'What?' the soul asked

Narrator: I'm taking a break from this.

'What what do yo-' he was cut-off by the sound of door closing it roughly.



'You might be wondering, how did I get into this kind of situation. And no, not with the Narrator, though I feel bad for disruptiong the fellow. Well I kind of died actually, no I didn't save some damsel in distress, stab by a criminal, getting an incurable disease, or being hit by the all-powerful being known as truck-sama.'

'No, just fell through the stairs, and it was just seven steps. JUST! SEVEN! STEPS! OK calm down me! *inhale* *exhale*. Don't even ask how I even have the capacity to do a breathing action. As I don't want to think about it anymore, I already lost my sanity in around two-hundred or so years. And then I got bored and brought my sanity back at almost six-hundred years.'

'What too long and too much? Well imagine your the only one here in this dark dimension or something, and your incapable of sleep, physical actions, and not putting you out of your misery. So yeah that's what happened to me'

'Oh yeah I forgot to introduce my name. My name is Andy, A-N-D-Y, used to be alive and well, living in my humble abode called the void, abyss, dark dimension or whatever. So I was say-'

As he was about to continue his thing. Suddenly a monotonous voice rang out in the space.

[Commencing sequence....]

[Choose an ability]

'What? Ability? Are you a god or some random omnipotent being?' he ask.


[Choose an ability]

An almost transparent text box was infront of him. Well normally, if a person is to encounter this type of situation would think that this is a blessing, chance to live agan. And will not hesitate to pick their desired ability, to make their dreams come true. But Andy isn't a normal person, since he has the time to think, the time he lost his sanity, and the time he regains it back. He becomes apathetic, as time goes on in the void. And so he ask.

'are there any limitations on the abilities that I choose or restrictions to the powers it possess?' he asked

In his mind, he doesn't have any expectation to be answered. As the possibility that this "announcer" didn't have the capability to answer. But fortunately it did.

[Negative, there are no limitations to the ability or restrictions to the power it posses. The ability would be given as per desired.]

He of course have doubts, after all he doesn't believe the word "free". As everything has an equivalent exchange to something.

'This may sound cringe, but have I been chosen, or a person with destiny or perhaps fated to do something bigger? Are there no catch? No hidden intentions? No manipulation from higher deities?' he asked

He might be paranoid, but he read many works of fictions to be this paranoid. And he's not gonna take any chances for it.


Andy didn't believe it, well not all of it but it didn't give bad vibes to him. But he would still give this "announcer" the doubt.

'then what are you?'

[The void]

'That's not ominous at all' he said sarcastically.

While not trustworthy, it doesn't mean he won't choose. After all, who wants to continue to live here in this void. He doesn't even know when his soul dissipate when he needs it. And of course its lonely in here, he wants some communication to a person or any being if he were to be honest.

'*sigh* any ability at all?' he ask one last time


'then.... Please grant me "meta ability creation" ' he said. He remembered he read this ability in the wiki on some random day. The power to create powers/abilities without limit. Perfect version of ability creation. It can create any ability with or without any limitation and bestow it upon themselves, others or even objects. They can notably create enhanced versions of existing abilities or specific countermeasures for any of them, and can accumulate an ever increasing number of abilities  or create all of them at once without any side-effect. Users can even take it further and thoroughly customize a power, like designing a power to only harm a certain thing or activate after a certain condition.


[Ability has been granted]

[You will be reincarnated to what your most attracted to]

'Wait what?' he said, trying to process of what it said.

[World will be random]

[Situation will be random]

'OK WHAT?!' He said in shock. Then slowly but surely, his sight began to dim.

'oh no no no.... The gender that I'm most attracte-'

Then everything went black

[commence complete]