
Just Enjoying My Second Chance In Life

I was just in the middle of taking a dump. The next thing I know, I died. Met a baby- yeah, no. It's more accurate to say, ROB in the form of an Arcobaleno. And now, I'm: Just Enjoying My Second Chance In Life. Yet unknowingly, throughout my adventures, I somehow rose to power and became a God of my own cluster of Multiverses. Warning: Not recommended for those of you who are looking for a serious read. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fanfic except the OC names.

Pie_Daddy · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Within the confines of his solar, good Eddard Stark, the Quiet Wolf, current ruling Lord of-

Winterfell, and warden of 'The North' was sitting at his desk, doing his usual Lordly duties.

He was tending to the numerous parchments pertaining to the daily matters in his lands.

From the food shipments coming from the 'South', to the woes of the common people and-

his surrounding noble vassal houses, and lastly, the matters of the realm as a whole. Even-

though it was commonly known that 'The North' rarely partakes in the matters of the 'South'.

Such a task, even for a learned Lord of his caliber, wasn't exactly easy. Especially for one,-

such as himself, who wasn't raised, educated, and meant to be in such a position.

Bearing the pressure of being the 'Lord Paramount' and the expectations the people have-

in the 'Stark's' name, Eddard has been trying to the best of his abilities to live up to them.

It was also in such times, in his Father's solar, and the ever-weighing pressure that he would-

often lose himself in melancholy. Reminiscing the faces of his father, brother, and sister...

'By the Old Gods Brandon, you bloody fool.'

'Why were you so brash?', thought Eddard. 'Why have you gotten yourself killed?'

'It should've been you who is ruling over The North instead of me.'

A grieving sigh escaped Eddard's lips after admonishing his late siblings inside his mind.

'And then there's Lya...'

It has been years since the bloody affair that briefly dismantled the seven kingdoms with-

the ravages and flames of war which even ended a dynasty that ruled over for centuries.

'Mother, wherever you are...'

Yet he still remembered it all as if it was just like yesterday. How it started, and how it ended.

And none could blame him for that. It was the time that he had almost lost all of his family.

'I hope you're looking over me and my family along with Father, Brandon, Lya...'

Another heavy sigh crawled out of him before shaking all the touches of melancholy off,-

resuming his attention wholly to the current duties and responsibilities in his hands.

However, a tussling noise on the other side of the door followed by dull knockings broke-

out Eddard's solemnity which was soon followed by a voice of a man he knew too well.

"Lord Stark..."

"Jory?", asked Eddard, beckoning his trusted, ever-loyal confidante to enter. "Come in."

Getting his permission, Jory entered and dipped his head respectfully, "Pardon me, M'Lord."

"Hmm.", Eddard hummed and asked with furrowed brows. "What's the matter?"

"Happenings at the East Gate, M'Lord.", replied Jory. "Foreigners askin' for an audience."

Frowning even further, Eddard briefly wondered about the said foreigners' sudden-

presence in the barren and dreary North, especially with their need for an audience.

It wasn't every day that foreigners wander around their lands which in itself was puzzling...

"What do you know of them?", asked Eddard. "What about their purpose for coming here?"

"Haven't seen them with me eyes yet, M'Lord...", Jory shook his head.

He had only informed Eddard that one of the guards came scampering about the outsiders.

And even with that, he wasn't exactly told or was able to extract information about the-

whole reason and could only make up something, pieces from a gibbering guardsman...

"But aye, mayhaps I know what they're here for. Somethin' bout buyin' land, M'Lord."

"To buy land?", asked an incredulous Eddard. "What or why do they even need land for?"

He was feeling further puzzled by what he had just heard.

He knew that their soil aren't that much desirable enough to attract people's attention.

Especially when it's common knowledge that his lands aren't that fertile for agriculture...

'And if their purpose was otherwise, why would they choose to come here?'

"No matter...", said Eddard as he shook his head, brushing his thoughts of the matter aside...

"Take them to the Great Hall. I shall entertain them from there"

"At once, M'Lord...", replied Jory before going on his way to do what he was told...


"Presenting, Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North..."

Aki and Mayumi were soon taken by Jory himself toward the castle's great hall where-

Lord Eddard Stark, the Lord Paramount of 'The North' will hold his court for them...

'It is indeed true what they- or the 'show' said about the bluntness of these Northerners.'

He and Mayumi thought the same after being presented in front of Eddard Stark as well as-

the Master at Arms, Rodrik Cassel, Winterfell's Maester, Luwin, Jory, and his order of guards.

So after a brief exchange of gestures, the man, not in a roundabout manner, directly asked.

"Greetings, Lord Eddard Stark...", Aki and Mayumi slightly nodded back in gesture.

Though, not exaggerated gestures of respect such as deep bows and kneelings.

Aki and Mayumi both greeted as they spoke in fluently perfect 'Westerosi' common tongue.

"You're in the presence of a Lord Paramount.", Rodrik chided. "Show courtesy befitting my-"

Yet his blaring voice was soon interrupted by the plain expressions and intimidating,-

inhuman eyes of Aki and Mayumi which seemed to glow unpleasantly to Rodrik's alone...

"That's quite enough, Ser Rodrik."

But Eddard Stark interjected calmly yet in a dignified tone before gesturing his hand.

The pair of grey cold gaze turned from Rodrik to the foreign couple in front of him.

'They look like descendants of Valyria- no, not quite. But... They're dressed well.'

Scrutinizing their facial features, clothing, and bearings...

'Eccentric, but very well, in fact. And how they carry themselves, they should be...'

"Forgive me, we don't quite know how to address you, Lord and Lady-"

"Tenryuu Aki. And this beautiful lady right here is my wife, Tenryuu Mayumi.", said Aki.

However, a slight grimace graced his face upon his introduction. As to why, only they knew.

Though, it soon disappeared almost immediately as he felt Mayumi's gaze. Then reminded...

"And where we come from, we introduce ourselves with our Clan or House's first before..."

His introduction was soon followed by the hushed murmurs of Eddard Stark's court.

But because they knew that Aki and Mayumi were foreigners, the hushing conversations-

soon were cut short before Eddard Stark resumed the current and ongoing proceedings...

"Well then.", nodded Eddard. "And where exactly do you hail from Lord and Lady-"

"Just Aki, Lord Stark, just call me by my name. My Lady wife on the other hand..."

"Lady Yumi is fine.", she said in a soothingly melodious yet with a hint of exalted tone.

"And no need for these pompous titles, for me at least.", said Aki. "Also..."

"To answer your question, I doubt you know about it. We come from an uncharted land."

"Very well...", Eddard nodded in understanding and no longer tried to probe further...

"And, what's your purpose for coming here?"

"The North isn't exactly a pleasant place to be for outsiders...", Rodrik added.

Eddard's gaze hardened as if a wolf on a hunt, stalking silently on its prey.

But in his case, he seemed to be preparing to 'sniff' out any falsities in the couple's words.

"To give you, humans, a fighting chance on what's to come.", said Aki, matching his eyes.

Although the couple knew that it was only a pretense, it wasn't exactly a lie either.

For they knew that what they were about to do isn't short, straight out of a myth, and more.

But the couple's main goal was to smoothen things or at least avoid further annoyance.

They expected it to be a rocky start, with all the doubts and whatnot.

But they also knew and thought it'll pass some time afterward.

"Now, you oddly sound like you aren't human yourselves.", Maester Luwin chimed in. "And..."

The old 'Maester' who was already frowning, soon proceeded to ask about what he meant.

His old withered face seemed to contort into a snicker as if finding their words ridiculous.

"Maester Luwin's got a point, Lord Aki, Lady Yumi. What exactly do you mean by that?"

Eddard's, almost appearing to be intimidating eyes fixated on Aki's, expecting clarification.

But instead, Aki remained silent and turned his gaze to Mayumi.

Indicating that it was now her turn to shine and elaborate further...

"What my Husband's trying to say, mongr- is..."

Mayumi spoke but oddly seemed to swallow and twisted her words in the end...

"We aren't humans..."

"But Dragons- True Dragons. The only ones. Although, we are currently in our human form."

But upon the final sound of her piece was dropped and spoken, it was met by silence and-

skeptical looks from everyone who was currently present before a boisterous laugh echoed.

"Ha! They say they are Dragons."

"I dunno bout you boys and M'Lord, but, they seem human to me."

Except for the ever-dull expression of Eddard Stark and the frowning, doubtful Old Maester.

"Seemed far-fetched... did you mean, you are descendants of the Dragon Lords of Old Valy-"

Ignoring the scornful laugh around them, Eddard's eyes remained on the same, blank-

expressions of the couple, and couldn't help but ask but was stupefied the very next second.

"You were saying?", asked Mayumi as both her and Aki's irises glowed.

"Unless of course if you don't mind us destroying this hall, we can show you our true form."

Elongated pupils turned slits, their eyes turned to more distinct bestial ones.

It was soon followed by the emerging layer of golden scales, outlining the-

corners of Aki and her eyes, cheeks, jaws, and the sides of their necks.

White, antler-like horns protruded on their foreheads and arms turning-

reptilian-bestial arms with the same colored layer of scales...

"Old Gods, give me strength!"

"By the Seven!"

A series of sharp gasps resounded, breaking the abrupt silence as they marveled-

at the extraordinary, inhuman appearance of the couple in front of them...

"Draw arms! protect Lord Stark!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pie_Daddycreators' thoughts