
Just Another Sybby Adventure

Ah, yes. Sybby, it is I. The author of the 'Just Another' fanfics. The ''ROB'' that helped the 'Marauders.' Well, funny enough? I got fucking reincarnated. This is purely for my own enjoyment, and how I would interact in a situation that most MC's find themselves in.

SyberisLevoca · Cómic
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8 Chs

Your mom visited my house last night

(Tell her I said thank you for the banana bread, god bless that woman Q~Q)

After he recovered from his mental exhaustion he continued to grind the slimes, building up a sizable amount of copper pieces and edible slime drops, however, he never once got another book, he was either really lucky, or it simply didn't drop for those who already learned the skill.

His plan was actually to find the 'Limit' of his inventory, and it didn't seem to have one, he was able to split stacks, and he just spammed out one copper and filled the inventory, once it filled up, a search bar appeared and he was able to continue filling it, and the highest stack was copper at 1034, so, for now, he would be fine he assumed.

He noticed that, despite the time that had past he never got tired, was it technically because he was sleeping? Would this be considered a dream? He could choose when he woke up, if he so wanted to this could become his new reality.

He thought about this while rolling a large slime around for fun. Well, with an outlet like this, the ability to experience everything he wanted to and to take out all his emotions, frustrations, and everything like that he could live a better life. So he decided that whenever he wanted to, he'd head back to his 'Real' life which was a blurred concept.

For now though he left the slime room, having not got a lot of practice with his weapons in there he moved to the next room, the next room was a small cave that opened into a forest. He was outside, but he still felt he was inside the training area.

Stepping in he looked around. He saw what looked to be a rabbit far off, and when he tried to approach it, it took off as a wild rabbit would. The rabbit looked pretty normal though, however slightly bigger than the ones he's seen.

Seeing as nothing would willingly 'Approach' him he went to one of the trees, and with a proper punching stance, he did a straight jab into the tree, he punched some bark off but it left the tree itself unharmed. He felt like that was quite a decent amount of strength behind a simple punch.

Going over to a tree with some low-hanging branches, he jumped up. Using his weight and some momentum he pulled a large branch off and landed easily. Looking at the branch, however, instead of taking it into his inventory, he focused on the branch.

[Branch: Oak]

Can be used as a craftable for many different things. A sturdy branch

"Professor? What have they done to you?!''

Immediately after his stupid joke, he looked up, trying to look around for a rock, once he finally found a few pebbles. He began to practice his throwing. He's thrown axes before, and knives but it had been a while.

Soon after with some rehearsal practice, he could hit the target at about five meters with dead-on accuracy. Every meter afterward became a bit harder to strike.

With this, he found another rabbit, instead of getting close he crouched down and simply watched it, its cute little nose twitches. Tossing a pebble into the air he caught it with a soft pat, there was a twitch of the rabbit's ears but it stayed still. He threw the pebble.

With a solid THWAK as it crashed against a tree on the opposite side of the bunny it took off towards Seth, he stayed perfectly still only to reach out at the last moment and catch it right as it was starting to notice him, without hesitation and a quick movement he snapped the rabbit's neck.

An easy feat if you were ever taught how to do so. Due to the rabbit's size, it was even easier to get a proper grip around the head before striking the spine.

However, instead of it disappearing into particles, it stayed limp in his hand, he watched it before he raised a brow. ''Do you think it's because we're technical 'Above' ground? Only dungeon monsters burst into particles?''

/Perhaps, it definitely requires testing, later on, maybe when you leave the training dungeon you can attempt to hunt small game?\

"Definitely will try later..."

He focused on the rabbit, another screen popping up.

[Training Rabbit.]

Unlike its non-training counterpart, it is much slower however helps new adventures learn stealth, and how to hit a moving target. Recommended to always have a few pieces of dried or salted meat for the road.

"Neat... Drying meat on the road would be hard unless there is a skill I can eventually learn for it."

With that he began to work on a fire, it didn't take him long to get a proper one going, the rabbit skinned and everything ready to cook, only cooking the heart itself for a minute to keep it near raw, but burning any possible bacteria off.

Taking it he put it into his mouth and began to chew. As he chewed he slowly nodded.

/How does it taste?\

"Pretty good, better than usual... Is it because it's rich with mana possibly?" He cooked all the meat, he had offered Puyo some but it had instead gone after the purple crystal that Seth had found, this what had appeared after examining it.

[Mana Crystal- Training Rabbit.]

A small mana crystal from a training rabbit can be used to feed and strengthen familiars. Can also be used in many forms of magic, alchemy, and other crafts.

He gave it away since he didn't really have a use for it, Puyo took it and ate it happily. At least it looked happy, in its rippling slime way.

He finished eating all the rabbit and nodded, everything tasted better than usual, after taking another 'Edible slime' and quenching his thirst he hunted quite a few more to have spares, finding out his inventory was a godsend since it acted as a perfect preservation tool. However he still skin, gut, and separated meats, organs, and everything else. It seemed as long as it was a general term for an item, he could store the rabbit meat together, even if it wasn't cut the same. The guts all went together and when he focused on the icon he could actually focus on what kind of thing he wanted to bring out.

If he put in a heart but wanted a liver, all he would need to do is focus on the icon where the innards are stored and will a liver to appear instead.

Having plenty of food for himself and Puyo. Once he did he left the training forest and moved on, however, once he entered the third room he sighed.

''I'm never going to get to use my sword at this rate unless I'm skinning an animal.''

Before he was a skeleton, it was really slow-moving but it was slowly shambling towards him, it was another dungeon

"Alright motherfucker, rattle me this... Did you drink your milk?"

With that? Seth started to punch his way through hordes of slow-moving skeletons, not even bothering to grab the drops, for now, focusing on just blasting his way
