
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Derivados de juegos
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115 Chs

Ep. 80 – Exchange Students Arrive, Makeover, Tournament Start

At any rate, the foreign students began arriving and will soon start participating in the classes. Obviously, the Dust heist at the shipyard didn't happen. Well, White Fang is still a borderline-terrorist organization, though it is getting better with Blake's, Sun's, and Rose's efforts in Menagerie. Basically, the only fucker that insists on being a radical is Adam, who has already been declared to be an outlier to the public. That means that all the shit he does falls back on his head, not the whole White Fang.

Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. Exchange students, an interesting species that can normally be seen in their natural habitat: the hallways. If you pay particular attention, you will notice some students with curious, defeated, awed, or depressed looks. Those are the foreign students who came to Beacon for the first time. They are a very fascinating species due to the fact that they go extinct in a few months, then miraculously reappear every four years, with some outliers here and there.

This particular species of student is usually trying to woo the local ladies or trying to make more friends. Some more… Particular specimens actually prefer staying in their own little pack and isolate themselves.

The specimen I have in front of me obviously does not belong to the last category.

"Hey there. And… I don't believe I caught your name, Snow Angel." Said a wild Young Neptune. Actually, I can just call him Neptune since we didn't bring the guy with us.

"Silence, I am trying to win this game." Said Young Weiss, who was concentrating really hard on the tablet-top game.

"Little sis, answer him. Be courteous, even though he is a womanizer and a fiend."

"Urgh… Fine. I am Weiss, nice to meet you Neptune."

Ok, let me explain the situation, since I went full National Geographic-mode. We were currently in the library, since I know that Neo, Roman, Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury will come here. Coincidentally, Young Sun and Neptune came here as well.

I was sipping on some coffee and talking with my wives, while the gang was doing their own thing, mainly cuddling or sleeping. Young RWBY and JNPR were studying aka wasting time in the library and were found by Young Sun and Neptune.

Young Weiss was too focused on the game to actually care about the nerd. May also be because she started questioning her preferences after staying with Young Ruby for so long. Ooh, I love this universe even more! Well, I know because of my Godly fuckery, but she doesn't know herself. I can also spy with my little eye, a Lily-kitty and Lily-dragon.

Heh, this is damn entertaining. I was about to look at Neptune's face to admire his defeated look, but I caught a smol ice cream trying to reach a book and failing. I stood up and quietly made my way to her, caught the book she was trying to reach and gave it to her. I also patted her head for being so adorable. I mean, she's maybe 145, so she barely arrives at my chest. She's so much like a smol Ais back in the day. No, a little taller, but still!

"Here you go. It's an interesting book, you know?" I said. She took the thing and nodded with a smile.

'How do I answer now? Oh! I should have a notebook somewhere…'

"Don't worry, you don't need to use your notebook."

'He- You can read my mind?'

"Yep, part of my semblance. Sorry, but I saw that you were troubled, so I couldn't help myself."

'Nono, don't worry. I am happy that someone can finally understand me! In my team, they try their best, but in the end, I am always left on my own. Seems like it's annoying to wait for me to write out my responses…'

The fuck? Should I kill her teammates? How dare they!?

"Don't worry. All of my teammates can read minds, so why don't you come chat with us, if you want."

'Really?! Oh… I mean, really? I can come chat with you? And your team?'

"Yeah, of course. We are INCARNATION, ask anybody and they will tell you where we are. We are quite popular in Beacon."

'INCARNATION?! Aren't you guys the ones that went around the world helping people and clearing Dungeons like crazy?!'

"Yep, that's us. See you around, Neo."

'Yeah, see you! Wait… Did I ever tell him my name?'

"Neo? Her teammates exclude her because she can't speak?" asked Weiss.

"Yup, so I am taking her with us."

"Sure. When you punish those little shits call me. And I know you will do something." Said Jaune.

"I really hoped they would be good guys in this universe…" said Ruby

"A sister?" asked Ais.

"Yep, I think she will become you sister pretty soon. Welcome her properly, all right?"

"Sure! I've always wanted a sister!"

How nice when your wives, daughter, and friends can read your thoughts.

This conversation happened the moment I sat down at the table we were using in the library. When we used Omniscience to learn stuff about this universe, we only learnt that those five were not enemies and students, but we didn't go too in-depth. I should have expected that things wouldn't be perfect… Poor Neo. When I checked her mind, I saw that she was a little scared and unwilling to go back to her team. They don't actively bully her, but they exclude little ice cream girl because she can't communicate quickly. It hurts her more than anything and caused her to have a complex about her speech. I will fix this very soon. I can't have my candidate daughter like this. The scared part, not the unable to talk part.

I checked on Neo with Omniscience. She was reading alone at a table.

"I am taking her here."

"Go ahead, dear." Freya said. She and Ruby were the most concerned for ice cream girl.

I stood up again and made my way to Neo. When she say me arriving, she was puzzled, but I just raised her, seat and all, and brought her back to our table.

We then started a mental communication channel with her.

'Hey there, Neo! I am Weiss! This girl next to me is Ruby, she is Yang, Loki, Freya, Rimuru, and Hinata.'

'I am Ais.'

Jaune then continued. 'Hello, Ice Cream! I'm Jaune, this is Pyrrha, and she is Frey.'

'Ren. This hyperactive girl is Nora and the quiet one is Shizue. Nice to meet you.'

'Oh, so she's the little girl! I am Sun!'

'I am Blake and she is Rose.'

'W-why am I here?'

'Well, we wanted to know you. And you might want to talk to us. A nice conversation without having to worry about anything.' Said Weiss

Something clicked in Neo's head and she looked at me. I smiled and winked.

So, I'll give you the TLDR: Neo is adorable, a bundle of shyness, worries, and curiosity. She was very happy that she could finally hold a conversation for more than a few pleasantries via text. She loved history since she could just write out her thoughts as essays, without having to hold long conversations. Also psychology. Quite obvious that one: her semblance fucks with your mind quite well, similar to Emerald's. Her team, if it wasn't obvious enough, is composed by Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury. Roman is probably her only friend, though he is more interested in jokes and pranks, so he doesn't spend a lot of time with her. Well, they are also in different teams, so in the end, she is almost always alone. We invited her to the chalet, to celebrate her arrival at Beacon. She was a little scared? Wary would be a better term, maybe. She just met us, we can all read her mind as well as send her messages, and we just invited her in Forever Fall. Pretty sus, not gonna lie.

In the end, she accepted when Young RWBY and JNPR invited themselves over. So here we are, having an enormous barbecue with live music offered by Jaune, Ren, Sun, and I. It feels so nice jamming again after a few years. We should do it more often. Neo's face when we suddenly teleported to the chalet was priceless. Oh, she and Ais became great friends and were holding an eating competition right about now. Ice Cream looked like a chipmunk stuffing her cheeks with meat. So adorable. Wait, shouldn't she be around 18? Eh, who cares.

Like so, a few months passed. Neo pretty much lived with us and was much happier than before. She started not caring about her speech problem anymore and actually trying to find new friends in Beacon. I haven't told her about us being Gods and from another universe, but she did understand that we are not exactly normal. Well, anyone with a brain would get that, so no surprises there.

Now, there is a little problem. Remember the fact that my Weiss basically destroyed Young Weiss' pride, confidence, and everything she believed in? And that Pyrrha put Young JNPR through the wringer? Yeah, both teams are now beasts. They are probably stronger than we were back in first year. Of course, they got trained by Goddesses after all! Neo participated in the training as well, though I made sure to go easy on her. To help her with her semblance, we started having movie nights, where I showed the movies from the various universes we went to. Amat-Mamu gave me knowledge on all alternate universes of those we already visited, so I had a lot of stuff to show.

I'm digressing. I wanted to say that the kids are now real beasts, but their weapons are holding them back, so a makeover is due soon. Which means today.

"Hey, Ruby. Call the rest of your team and JNPR. We have something to talk about." I said, appearing in RWBY's room, absolutely uncaring about the fact that Young Weiss was only wearing a towel. I have my own Weiss, and that is something I saw many times already.

I waited for them while sitting at their desk, looking outside the window. Well, not exactly. I was looking at how Ritsuka was doing back in the F/GO universe. He was fine, his mental health was stable enough, had many friends in the form of Servants, a healthy lifestyle, a budding relationship with Mashu, and his Magecraft was splendid. I don't need to worry too much about him with my gifts, but I can't help but feel sad for him. I quickly sent him a letter saying that he was doing a great job and I was definitely proud of him. I am not his parent or something, but I am a God, so I can say that.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the room's door opened up again. I saw that both teams where there, so I said: "Your training has been going well. You are probably stronger than us at your age. What you need now… Is weapons, armor, trinkets, and so on." I teleported them to a place I haven't been to in a few years. "Welcome to my spaceship. This was our first base a decade ago. This old girl needs an upgrade soon…"

I ignored their widened eyes and went up to the exposition cases. I tapped on Weiss' case.

"These are our old things. Weapons, armor, and a nifty little gadget. These will now go to you. Make good use of them."

"W-wait! Your stuff? A God's gear?" asked Pyrrha

"We weren't Gods yet, but the weapons can probably split the planet open with a full-power attack. I made these, after all. Well, you will first need to learn magic, but that can come later."

"You made all these things? And magic? Isn't that a fairytale?" asked Yang

"Yes, I was our 'blacksmith' since I had an interesting ability and a lot of knowledge to use. Magic is also very real. Come on. Weiss, this will be your gear. Let's see if 'Scnheesturm' recognizes you as its owner."

"What's this 'Schneesturm' now?" the girl in question.

"The weapon I made for my Weiss. It can only be used by me and her."

She went towards the exposition case, opened it up and tried touching the gear. However, it reacted to her soul signature and vanished.

"Congratulations. Seems like your souls are the same. Or at least so similar that I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. Just think about equipping your gear." She did and was immediately covered by the robes and had her rapier holstered on the side.

I started going through every cabinet. "Pyrrha, Yang, Ruby, Jaune, Blake, Ren, Nora. Get your new gear." They all got their gear, then I looked at the last cabinet. "Now, we are only missing Sun."

"Sun? As in the exchange student?" asked Jaune.

"Yes, that kid. We became friends pretty quickly, so I made him some gear as well… Well, if Old Sun decides that his counterpart is worthy, he will get the gear as well."

"Talking about gear… We still haven't seen yours." Said Ruby.

"Merlin." I said. She came out, gave a quick glance to the kids, then kissed me.

"Why can't I come with you guys to Beacon? It's boring waiting in the chalet every day!"

"I know, but I really can't explain your beautiful pointy ears. Anyway, let's integrate and show them what real armor is." I said. Me and the gang usually don't integrate with our Spirits in this universe, so they haven't seen our appearance.

At any rate, my familiar white robe and staff materialized, my hair grew out, and my ears got pointy.

"There we go. This is my Integration form. I can also increase my power several trillion times, but that doesn't really affect my appearance. Maybe it makes me look a little more buff…"

There was silence for a while.

"Am I the only one that is surprised by the fact that a God can become trillions of times stronger than Omnipotent?" asked Ren

"Nope, I think we are all surprised by that. And the fact he just changed to a completely different person."

"Oh, come on! I don't look that different. Your counterparts had the same reaction as you, you know? At any rate, you got your gear so it's time to start your Magic training. Hecate will deal with that. I am too lazy. Though… I am the God of Knowledge, so you can come to me to learn more stuff." I said and teleported us back to the dorm room. "You should try out the gear. It gives some interesting boosts. The bracelets and wristbands are modified Scrolls, have shield generators, a personal stealth drive, and a short-range phantom drive. Basically, they allow you to keep in contact with each other, defend yourselves, become invisible and teleport in a range of 50 meters in any direction."

After saying that, I went back to the chalet and called Neo over.

"Hey there, Neo! So, I've been thinking that you have been progressing well in your training, so it is about time to give your gear a makeover."


"Yeah. You have become really strong, so your gear is a little outdated and is almost holding you back. Take these." I said and gave her a few things I just made. "We have: one protective suit that will take any form you desire, for example your current outfit, one modified and improved 'Hush', which also has a hidden magic blade, can act as a magic rifle, and creates a magic shield if you open it up, then we have one 'Smart Pistol', which I modified a little to shoot energy projectiles that will automatically recharge, follow their target, and travel at light-speed, and one bracelet. The last one is arguably the most interesting since it can create a shield around you, make you invisible, and allow you to teleport anywhere within 50 meters in any direction."

'… Is this supposed to be normal for you?'


'Magic? Infinite energy projectiles? A multitool bracelet that has all those functions? A little unbelievable, don't you think?'

"Not at all. You might have had an inkling in these months you've spent with us, but we are not normal. We are Gods, so that gear is as normal as normal gets. Actually, I think I will start bringing a 'Smart Pistol' around myself. It will be more than enough to deal with enemies without bringing out some other interesting toys."

'Focus. You say that you are Gods? Then make my voice come back. That would be a miracle…'

I snapped my fingers and urged her to try.

"A!" her eyes widened. "A, a, testing, testing. Holy shit! My voice!" she said, not believing your own ears.

"I was wondering why you didn't ask after all this time. Well, I would have fixed your voice anyw-" I couldn't finish since Neo flung herself towards me and hugged me. She is too cute, trying to reach for my neck… Ah, she failed, so she settled for my waist. Oh, she started crying. Time to use my secret technique: 'Secret Incarnation Technique: Headpat'!

She calmed down after some time, though she was still sniffling.

"Hey… Little Ice Cream, have you calmed down?" she nodded. "Good. You see, I might look so sexy, but I am actually very old, saying that I could be your grandpa would be an understatement. So… If you want… Want to come along with us? Ais basically considers you a sister already and she is my adopted daughter. You could become my adopted daughter as well, if you want."

She looked at me then started to think a little. After a few minutes of headpats and thinking, she finally responded.

"Sure, dad!"

"Daughter acquired! Now I need to punish those that made you sad…" I said, muttering the last part.

"New daughter?" asked a wild Blake.


"Cool, I'll answer her questions. You and Jaune should go and 'play around' like you wanted to do."

"Ooh… Yeah, let's do that. Tonight I'm getting some fish, the best I can find in the several universes we know!"

"Should I divorce Sun? No, I love him, but you sure make an appealing offer. Go, Tula, and bring this Goddess the best fish you can!"

Anyway, me and Jaune 're-educated' Neo's old team, though we went easy on them since we found that they were trying to find ways to relate better with her. Well, they should consider what we did a punishment for their terrible job so far. I pulled some strings aka used my Godly fuckery and got Neo a sweet new Hunter license and a transfer to INCARNATION, but I will tell her only after the tournament. Like so, time passed and the Tournament began once again. Pyrrha used her powers to change this year's rules. Basically, it will be the same as in our universe, just that the singles will form ragtag teams to face off against one of us. The interesting thing? There are many more teams, so there will be 16 singles and more than one person per team can qualify through 'seat challenges'. Basically, anyone can challenge a 'seat holder' and take their place in the singles. This will be an interesting turn of events.