
chapter 3. where?

As I start to wake up I see a wooden roof, but it's unknown to me as I always have woken up under a metal one.....WAIT WHY DO I REMEMBER A METAL ROOF BUT NOT MY OWN NAME?!? aghhhh forget it that's another question for another day. what I need to find out now is where Jacob is. Now that I think I think about it I don't even know where I am? last thing I remember before passing out is being told I'm in a kingdom. wait...a kingdom? A GOD FORSAKEN KINGDOM?!?!?! WHEN DID IT BECOME THE DAMN MIDDLE AGES. "JOHN WHERE ARE YOU???"

"Hey man, calm down what's going on?"

"What's going on?!?! where the hell am I!"

"oh that? you're in the kingdom of oscaria founded by the first ruler Oscar"


*breathes* ok I need to calm down. it's not Jacobs fault at all. I shouldn't release anger at him, matter of fact it's that damn girls fault and when I find her I swear I'm going to strangle her with her own damn pony tails. Ok now that I'm calm I should tell Jacob what's going on

"jacob I should tell you, I don't remember my name nor do I remember anything. as of right now im a poor man who can't even pay you for such hospitality. if need be I'll do any job you need me to do"

"c'mon friend no need to be like that, I wasn't gonna ask you for anything at all and since you don't remember anything about your self I guess we should come up with a name for ya? hmmmm how about we say your name is yasari."

"I like it. don't know what it means but we can go with that, as for now I guess I should learn about this world and what it's capable of, I feel as if ive always been a man who's yearned for enlightenment"

as Jacob looks at me he stares at me wildly for a moment and then spouts

"HAHAHAH! when I first met you, you seemed like the type of person who would cowar in fear of not knowing nothing. but as I think even more you've accepted everything so easily.. hmmmm mhm mhm. I got it! ILL TEACH YOU TO BE A KNIGHT! you still seem young enough to join the ranks? you look about 16-17 with a nice body. yosha I shall take you as my underling and make you into the best knight in history for her highness!"

wait....her highness? THERES NOT A KING? ITS A QUEEN? well okay whatever. right now all I know is I'm yasari, I'm going to be trained by a man with a weird look in his eyes to become a knight.

*sighs* please anyone help me remember even if it's something I don't want to I have to know. anyways let's get some rest, tomorrow's my first day of knight training.