The Principal and all the students of Crimson High stared at the guy dressed in a clown costume.
Then the Principal sighed.
"Mr Crimson Clown, how stupid can you actually be?"
He pointed to a few nearby teachers, one of which was the burly Mr Jack, who quickly held him in place.
Despite all the Dhampir boons and the Foe Boost skill along with the boost from the sun, Xavian could barely lift a finger.
'Just how strong are these guys'
"Time for a roll call to find out who our heroic fiend is.
William Thomas?"
"Present sir!"
"Samantha Pierre?"
"Present, sir"
The Principal then continued the roll call of the present students in the entire hall until he arrived at...
"Maximus Drakh?"
"Present...'sir' "
"And finally, Xavian Anton?"
"Mr Anton, aren't you here?... No?"
All the students turned to look at the Crimson Clown again.
However, this time, he was a sweaty, nervous mess.
"P-P-Present S-Sir"
The Principal smiled as he continued,
"Mister Xavian Anton, for your crimes against this humble institution, Crimson High, you are hereby EXPELLED from the school without further notice.
Take your stuff from the locker and promptly Leave"
In Vapirus City, expulsion was a death sentence as the person would not be able to gain admission to any other school and thus would never graduate, never get a job, and would die broke.
Therefore, Xavian was totally dejected as he slowly walked home.
"My life is over"
Back at Crimson High, the Principal sneaked to the top of the school building to meet a tall figure with piercing red eyes and jet black hair parked in a long pony tail.
"You requested my presence, Young Master Drakh"
Max turned around and smiled.
"Yes, Mr Likkh. I actually do"