
Jurassic Park: New World Order

A group of scientists divert from InGen's main research team in the late 80s. Soon, the chaos takes over after Jurassic Park falls. Laura's team has to find solutions, revealing intriguing mysteries, and uncovering details that makes us, as readers, notice that this is not the novels nor the movies we are used to.

Bizarre_Altispinax · Ciencia y ficción
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7 Chs


"The initial stirrings lack discernible structure, much like a canvas awaiting the first brushstrokes of creation."


Before the whole Jurassic Park situation took place, InGen was formed by a group of around seventeen geneticists, led by Dr. Henry Wu, the head scientist of the company. He was Hammond's trusted employee, the best of his kind. He invented his own techniques of genetic engineering among which was filling the gaps of the park's animals' DNA sequences with modern animals' genomes, specifically, birds, reptiles and frogs. This made the whole process a lot faster and cheaper to realize, pleasing Hammond and his notoriously ambitious idea of opening the park mid-1991. Next to him was Laura Sorkin, whose scientific prowess was an example of innovation and meticulous attention to detail, completely opposite to Wu's rushed and superficial methods that made him create multiple "versions", as he called them, of his animals, because each batch showed numerous defects like skin diseases in the least concerning cases, or high aggressivity in the worst cases, like Velociraptor. Another case worth mentioning was his Dilophosaurus. An undersized monster, compared to its Triassic counterpart. However, this bizarre animal was more of a hazard than it seemed. It had a different head shape, with two long crests and a frill that it used to intimidate its prey when hunting, accompanied by a poisonous spit that it'd shoot at the face of its victims, causing them to go blind and even paralyzed. This made Laura develop repudiation towards his methods and reject working under this methodology, leading to her divergence from InGen's main science team.

However, despite her rejecting to work under such terms, Hammond didn't fire her. Instead, he moved her to the nursery room to investigate and take care of the young, and later in 1987, she'd be given her own laboratories northwest the island, where she would spend the next three years running her own experiments independently. Her first attempts to get a one-hundred percent pure dinosaur failed, and her first batch of what she referred to as "her children", died halfway in their development. This tendence continued for the next batches, until she finally created her first dinosaurs, but their DNA, despite being pure, got contaminated somehow, which Laura didn't realize until they hatched. During her period in the island, she managed to clone around five species, improving her methods, growing as a scientist, a geneticist, and as a person. This reinforced her ethics, and radicalized her opinion against Dr. Wu and the entire park's moral foundation.

Before the incident of the park, in 1989, Hammond commanded her to sacrifice her animals, but she refused, blinded by her idea that even if they weren't genetically pure animals, they deserved to live. This caused the InGen science team to split in two parties, where seven geneticists of Wu's team moved to her side, causing Hammond to lose his head and send them to one of InGen's properties: Isla Matanceros, where he built a Lab Complex for them, and financed their research to keep them shut. This way, Hammond avoided legal actions, thus, eliminating any chance of the island's secrets to be revealed.

"The New World Science Group", or TNWSG, as they called themselves, made countless advancements in Matanceros. There they managed to sequence ten species at first, some of which hadn't even been discovered by that time, including the unprecedented achievement of fully synthesizing the Basilosaurus genome, which they didn't clone during this period, yet they managed to create a fully-grown one-hundred-percent-genetically-pure Deinocheirus individual by 1990, who was named "Lonely Jack", in honor of his status of being the only de-extincted animal in the island.

After the 1990 incident, InGen, once the global leading bioengineering company, became unstable. The catastrophic event claimed many lives, leaving only three survivors from the original science team, two of whom later joined Sorkin in Matanceros. Founder John Hammond's demise within the Visitors Center marked a pivotal loss. Despite Malcolm's warnings about Jurassic Park's vulnerabilities, InGen disregarded his insights. Hammond's decisions led to a substantial financial burden due to compensations for injuries and life insurances. A month later the incident, following his death, his nephew attempted to revive the park on Nublar but met a similar fate, leaving the company without leadership. The debt owed to Japanese investors further crippled InGen financially.

Subsequently, Laura's team filed a lawsuit against InGen for negligence and underpayment, culminating in a three-month trial that ended in September 1990. Despite the absence of explicit details regarding Nublar's activities, enough evidence prompted the creation of the New World Corp. InGen compensated this newly created entity with 50% of its properties, including the archipelago that would house Jurassic Park Europe and a substantial monetary settlement. These events drove InGen into bankruptcy, rendering it vulnerable to acquisition attempts by several companies. Ultimately, InGen's fate was sealed.