
Jujutsu Kaisen: Rin Fushiguro

A Great Man Once Said “Dream you say? Well, I don’t necessarily have a dream, but If I had to say then it’d be to live my life to the fullest and protect what’s dear to me, you think it’s a boring goal? I Think it’s realistic, I want t- No, I am going to live my life in…” The Great Man couldn’t Finish his Sentence due to Someone Interrupting Him, How did the man want to live his life? That’s for you to find out. ————————— Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfic No Harem Op Mc Smart Mc ------------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a week maybe more it depends ———————— This is not my cover! I repeat this is not my cover, if the rightful owner wishes me to take this image down then please be sure to let me know.

Pluxx · Cómic
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13 Chs

Maki vs Rin!!

( "" - Speaking )

( ' ' - Thinking )


( —— = Change of person )

( ... = Minutes or some hours later )


POV Narrator

At 6 PM in the TJH Training field were 4 People to be seen, two of them being Panda and Inumaki the other two were Rin and Maki, Rin and Maki stood against each other, Maki had a wooden pole in her hand while Rin had a wooden sword, both waiting for the sign to begin their fight.

"Start," Panda said

Both began running at each other, Rin swung his sword to Maki's left cheek, but unfortunately for him, it was blocked by her pole, Maki switched the pole from her right hand to her left hand behind her back to not be seen, but Rin noticed that and blocked her attack, Maki grabbed Rin's sword with her hand and tried kicking him in the face, Rin ducked under her kick, and grabbed her leg throwing her as hard as he could.

"Tch" Maki said

She grabbed her pole from the ground and got up, but suddenly, Rin ran at her and did a spinning kick, she blocked it in time, however, what she did not expect was that when she blocked Rin, he grabbed her pole with his hand and jumped behind on her back where he then held her in a pinch, "I'd give up if I were you unless you want to go unconscious" Maki didn't want to give up and tried anything to get out of the pinch, lying on the ground Maki tried looking for anything that's of use to her, luckily for her, she had found a stone just behind her, she grabbed the stone and tried hitting Rin as hard as she could.

Rin let go of the pinch and dodged her attack "Sigh, why do you want to win that bad, then don't blame me if you aren't in your best condition tomorrow."

"I'm gonna have to Complete more missions to crush the Zen'in bastards," Maki said

'I forgot that she was from the Zen'in clan' Rin thought "You're from the Zen'in clan? Seems like we're relatives then" Rin said

"Haha, Your part of those Geezers? that's better, crushing you is my first step towards crushing them," Maki replied

Before he could say anything back, she attacked Him with the front of her pole, which he easily dodged, she changed the trajectory of her pole attacking vertically, Rin parried her attack, she then attacked from left, and right over and over but Rin blocked it all, this time she attacked diagonally, he fended off her attack creating an open spot on her body, thus Rin kicked her in the abdomen as hard as he could, whereby she flew back but didn't fall

Before she could recover again, Rin attacked her with a vertical slash, she was able to block it, so Rin grabbed her pole and squeezed it so that it would break, when the pole broke, Rin set the sword next to his feet, jumped high up by placing one hand on the sword, having the other hand swinging in the air and kicking her in the face.

"It's over, hitting you any more would affect me tomorrow, I've won just give up." It would affect Rin because he'd have to protect her if he hurts her any more that is.

Panda: "Maki he has won this fight, this is enough."

Inumaki: "Salmon" ( Agreeing )

Maki: "winning by breaking my weapon ain't that pathetic, sigh fine, but don't even think for a second that I'll follow your every order, I'll only follow the ones I think is right, got that!"

Rin: "Whatever, you just stay behind me, seeing as you couldn't do anything to me when I didn't even use my Cursed Technique"

Maki: "WHAT DID YOU SAY! You really do want to die!"

Rin: "Sigh I wonder how I'm gonna survive tomorrow with this beast"

Maki: "YES, I'M DEFINITELY GONNA RIP YOU TO BITS" Maki could barely be held back by Panda and Inumaki, she was like a demon that wanted to eat the enemy


"Well, Goodluck in there," Gojo said

"Why do they bother so much, I could do this mission on my own, sigh," Rin said while he and Maki entered the Cursed place, Gojo was waiting outside, waiting for them to finish the mission, according to Gojo this mission is given a difficulty of Grade 2.

"Just because you won one time with luck, doesn't mean you should get cocky, with the swordsmanship you showed me, you'd barely match a Grade 2 Cursed Spirit" They were standing in front of a factory, it was a massive building, all the mysteries are supposed to be in this building, but while they entered this building, they both kept on chatting, with no care of their enemy.

"Seeing you lost to that 'Swordsmanship,' you'd barely be a match for a grade 3 CS, you should be happy to be teamed with me, after all, you're only a grade 4 sorcerer" Rin said, he was irritated because of Maki's attitude normally he'd never be this show-off and irritating person, but she's just annoying, in his opinion.

"you broke my weapon which is cheating, and don't act dumb with me, Since you're from the so almighty Zen'in clan you should know that they don't let me advance on purpose, but that too doesn't matter, because sooner or later they'll all be apologizing and begging to me!"

"I'm not from the Zen'in, you might've heard of the man known as, Toji Fushiguro, it seems he's my father, he was originally from the Zen'in but something happened and he was kicked out for some reason, to conclude, I'm not a Zen'in, at least that's what Gojo said" Rin answered, Gojo had told him about his dad but he had not yet said everything in detail, suddenly,



Chapter 11 End



Chapter explanation:

I'm not sure if the fight was good or bad, it's hard to write a fight with no powers involved tbh because it gets repetitive with the same attacks and moves, but yea that was def the first and last time I do such a fight.

I also don't think people are gonna like Maki in this chapter, because I wouldn't exactly say she acted like Maki, it's a bit difficult with her personality, sometimes she can be aggressive sometimes she can be nice, and sometimes she can be direct, I think portraying her personality next chapter will be somewhat easier cuz I get how she acts, but just in certain situations, it's hard.

I also had a question for you guys, what would you like to see in the MCs Domain Expansion, honestly I already know what his Domain expansion is on a fundamental level, but I think it's a bit too boring, let me know if you guys have any ideas for me, so I could inspiration from that and adjust it a bit. It's hard to come up with a good one, especially with a Cursed technique like his.


Also I stoped doing the CS CT, thingy it's kinda annoying for readers i think

Anyways, I hope y'all liked this chapter.

See y'all in the next one 👋✌️