
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
62 Chs

Meeting at the Zenin's House. (Slight Rewrite)

"Almost there, just a few minutes." Granpa reassured me. "Just remember keep your chin up, your eyes focused and your tongue tight." I nodded in agreement. I do have quite the mouth sometimes. I wonder if the J absorb has finished mixing.

Perhaps the sorcerers I'm going to meet can help me. I need to understand better how it feels like to use cursed energy. I can't only asked Grandpa that is not at all befitting of a scientist.

Soon enough a large stylish Japanese household came into view. Two members were standing by the entrance, most likely awaiting our arrival.

"Go leave for now I'll take care of everything." Although I'm curious perhaps it's better to explore this area. I nodded. He seemed to be contemplating something he slightly furrowed his brow and left. 'He is probably worried about something from the conversations I've heard. He wants me to be a sorcerer. But why ask them?'

With those thoughts in mind I started my exploration. All I saw were more buildings and more people giving me weird looks, a few of disdain.'They seem to dislike me and for whatever reason they mostly focus on my hair. Chin up. Eyes focused.' I surveyed the area till I noticed something odd. They are also giving hateful looks.

Until I was approached by a strange boy... I didn't like the look in his eyes.

"Oh, here comes the failure." How rude.

"Your name." I replied. My voice cold as ice. He grew a disgusting grin. "Naoya Zenin. Better remember it well weakling." 'He seems about my age judging from his height.'

'Perhaps his arrogance comes from being the son of the head of the clan? After all none of the other members tried to approach me, out of fear or disgust I'm not sure. Of course, he could also be an idiot.'

He continued to run his mouth. "I already know about your situation from my father. Make sure you remember in that thick skull of yours a weakling like you will never be Toji." I am not a weakling and I am not a pushover. "Why don't we test that. See who is the real weakling here." He still kept that grin... annoying.

Slam! His fist connected with my stomach. Or at least he thought it did. Although shaking, I move my arm and then I grab him to pull him closer. I thrust my right fist forward to punch him. He dodged it by moving to my left and using the arm I'm grabbing him with to pull me into the air.

I quickly let go. Then his hand punches me in the stomach. I get sent a few feet away. Holding my stomach I struggle to breath. Without giving me a chance to rest Naoya leaps forward. A few people are watching. Reading the wind I easily dodge the dropkick. He then switches to a roundhouse kick.

His foot glides in front of my face. I stagger back -my breathing is now steady- he jumps forward, perfect. I cover my right foot in psychic energy and perform a reverse roundhouse kick. As my powered foot collides with his ugly face I hear a crack.

How satisfying.

He falls on the floor and quickly gets up he turns me with a glare that could kill. The air around him sways. 'He probably released his cursed energy. Yet, the spectators aren't doing anything, why?'

He was a blur in my eyes and in an instant, he throws a punch to my face whilst I cover it with psychic energy.


I get sent away a few meters back. Crack!

A strong force slammed into my shoulder. 'If I didn't protect my shoulders. That probably would have been dislocated!' I cover my entire body in psychic energy as I glow a green-teal colour.

I blast 3 balls of energy in his direction. He slides under the first one and jumps while twisting his body over the second one. The energy balls hit part of building and the walls have noticeable dents. He wacks the last one away with his hand.

'Oh? He's bleeding now. His control of cursed energy doesn't seem that good.'

He jumps forward and starts a barrage of punches and kicks. 'I can't find an opportunity to attack. My shield is gradually breaking.' Smash! His punch shatters my barrier while hitting my face. I clutch my face and slowly wobble back. Nose bleeding.

"You are weak!" He talks for the first time during our fight. "You can barely hold up against cursed energy. YOU ARE NOTHING!" His words... they're annoying.

'Perhaps my control over my powers is inferior to cursed energy. However, you need more than that to win a fight.' Without him knowing I summon a ball of energy behind my foot.

After finishing his speech- which I don't even remember a word of- he madly jumps forward. I look over his body for any unexpected movements or feints. 'His body is fully moving in one direction. Wonderful!'

A demented smile spreads on my face. Quite a few of the spectators seems to have gone through a traumatic flashback but I didn't notice at the time. I step back and use the energy ball, I summoned earlier, like a trampoline and jump behind Naoya upside down. He turned around, surprise evident on his face.

I focus and rotate both of my hands in front of my body. A large spinning sphere forms within them. Even though, my arms felt numb, I thrust them forward and release my attack. 'Let's see who's the real weakling.'

I was confident, self assured of my victory. Until a man -that teleported?- in front of my psychic attack. And with a strong punch. He sent it back to me. This time it was even quicker!

It's only a few inches away from my face before it dissipates. "OOF."

I land on the ruined ground with a heavy thud. I only move my head upwards to look at the Intruder. 'The other spectators didn't interfere. So why did he?'

He coldly looks at me. "This spar has gone on long enough. It's time to stop." I deactivated my powers. It's alright to stop. My body is covered in sweat anyway and my right leg feels numb.

"You dare! I had that under control." Naoya shouts at the unknown man.

"JINICHI. Listen to your superior!" Ooooh he should not have said that. Jinichi seems mad.

Although, rage was evident on his face. Jinichi calmly responds.

"I see no superior here. This spar is over." I walk away whilst wiping sweat off my face.

'Naoya actually made that fight a bit fun.' A grin spreads across my face. 'I should ask Grandpa for a sparring partner that's my age. For now, let's just keep exploring and maybe look behind my back every once in a while.'

I set off, fully content with today's adventure.

Yamamoto POV:

I was greeted by Chojiuro Zenin. 'At least Ranta boy was being respectful the last time I was here. Whilst this fool only thinks of himself. Not even a greeting.'

I steel myself before I enter the meeting room. 'Hide your thoughts. Once given an opening, they latch on like snakes.' He led me to the meeting room and entered first. No respect! Nonetheless, I entered and sat down in front of the Head of the Clan Naobito Zenin.

"Yammy let's drink!" Naobito raised his gourd to another. He slurred on his words as usual. Well, this is the best way to put him in a good mood. Hopefully, it won't go too far.

"14!" Naobito proclaimed as he threw away his gourd.

"14!" I also proclaimed repating his action. Glug. Glug. I smashed the bottle into the ground

"15!" "16!" "17!" "18!" "19!" "20!"

Our drinking speed were completely in sync my arm shakily reached for another gourd till I realised there were none left. 'What no booze. Wait! Why am I here?' It struck me that I got off track. "Naobito." He too seemed to look for more drink until his eyes met mine. In that instant I knew I had his full attention

"Naobito. I want you to sponsor my granddaughter, Sachi ,when she enters Jujutsu High. Her father is of your clan line." He looked serious and then opened his mouth.

"We both know she has no cursed energy. What can she even do? There is no point." He is doubting me. And most of all he is doubting Sachi...stupid.

"She can replicate my technique using her own energy. I'm sure she can learn something." He looked surprised hearing this. I already saw the question before he said it.

"Yes really. Your son Naoya is a genius. How about we make them fight so you can see her worth." I said with a smirk. 'That boy needs to be humbled.'

"Well we ca-" Bang! He was cut off by Jinchi entering. "Pardon my intrusion clan head but I have come here to report that Naoya fought the visitor."

Naobito sighed. "The Victor?" He asked. Exhaustion evident on his face. "The visitor." Naobito's eyes widened as he looked at me showing off an arrogant smirk.

"Ahahahhah." He laughed. "She has potential that's for sure. I guess I could agree to that." My face lightened up. I didn't think he would really agree. "However." He continued. "Any problems she cause will only affect you and her we will not have our reputation tarnished." I happily nodded. "You can leave now." I smoothly got up and opened the door only glancing at Jinichi and Chojuro.

Naobito's eyes twitched.