
Jujutsu Kaisen: Realised Potential

Reaching my Full Potential as Megumi in JJK.

Huhu_Huhu_8594 · Cómic
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16 Chs


My eyes started to adjust to the flashbang I gave myself. 

'Reminder, do not use lightning so up close.'

I looked around the field and saw multiple scorch marks on the ground where Nue's lightning hit. I also saw Naoya lying down and breathing weakly on the outskirts of the battlefield; he managed to move as far as he could.

Usually, I would be angry for not having killed Naoya. But I just noticed one small thing.


Both his legs were missing.

'Not what I was going for, but still his days as a sorcerer are over. This is actually even better than him being dead, because he's now what he's always hated. A waste to the Zenin Clan, someone who can't use his technique.'

Naobito was next to his son.

He didn't give Naoya a comforting look but instead looked at Naoya like he was useless a disappointment.

As much as Naobito liked his son, if he couldn't be a sorcerer, he wasn't human and couldn't stay as his son.

'The Zenin philosphy really came to bite Naoya in the ass.' I speculated.

Naobito glanced at me but looked away, picked up Naoya and started walking back to his quarters.

"Huh, that's weird. Why isn't he trying to kill me?" 

"It's because of us, young man." An old voice said a couple of yards behind me.

I turned around and saw the Hei unit comprising Uncle Jinichi and Ogi, Cousin Ranta, and old man Chojuro. Chojuro must have spoken just now.

"What do you mean?"

"We, the Hei, support you because we've seen your talent and potential while you were fighting Naoya. Managing to beat a fresh Special Grade 1 sorcerer at the age of six is unheard of (except for Gojo Satoru). 

If Naobito wished to fight all of us for his now useless son, then he must be stupid and have a death wish."

'So they recognise me as a future powerhouse like Gojo, figures.'

"Well, alright then. I'm going to go."

Ranta shouted, "Wait! We need to talk!".

Too bad I already went into my shadow and moved away as fast as possible. I didn't want to deal with them now and just wanted to rest. 

'I really pushed myself this time. I'll deal with them tommorow after sleeping.'


I woke up and did my morning routine. Afterward, my attendant told me I needed to go to the Dojo where all the Elders gathered.

I didn't rush towards the Elders and just continued towards the Dojo.

When I entered the Dojo, I saw the Elders of Hei waiting for me.

"I'm ready to talk now, 'Elders'. " I said while looking at the Hei.

Chojuro looked like he could pass away at any moment but still kept that creepy smile on his face. The rest just looked impatient while waiting for me, except for Ranta, who seemed nervous.

"Naobito must have already told you about the Clan Heir Brawl in three years time. Because of that we will use every possible way to help you to get as strong as possible to fight Gojo Satoru." Chojuro said.

"What ways do you speak of?" I asked while I squinted.

"I will torture you to build endurance, poison your food and eloctrocute you for hours, so that you to gain a resistance to both. We will attack you at any time to enhance your reaction time and show you all the ways of how to kill a Sorcerer. Lastly I will teach about the Jujutsu World and the clan politics."

I stared at Chojuro unflinchingly and with motivation in my eyes. Chojuro seemed happily surprised about that.

'I'm not a masochist or anything, but all these skills would be extremly usefull to have. Few questions still lingered in my mind. '

After consideration, I asked, "Did Naoya have this training?"

"No, if he did he wouldn't have as lost as badly against you. Naobito really spoiled that brat. Besides this training method was used to train the Clan Heir in my time, so it's a bit ancient you could say, Hehe." Chojuro replied while laughing creepily at the end.

I thought about what Chojuro explained to me about torture training, but there was still one missing piece.

The second question I asked was, "The training seems good and all, but how will I pierce Gojo's Infinity?"

Chojuro smiled even harder.

"With this of course."

He took out a small piece of sharp metal.

"This little thing is a piece of the Inverted Spear of Heaven. The Inverted Spear of Heaven was originally a spear with three blades at the tip. It negated any and all cursed technique that it comes into contact with. Sadly one of our ancestors used it recklisly which caused a part of the wooden shaft and the third blade to be broken of through extreme physical force. Luckily the Cursed Tool was still useable even with only two blades at the tip and the shaft broken. It was then turned into a dagger of sorts which your father stole and used against Gojo Satoru. Gojo Satoru destroyed the Inverted Spear through some unknown way to us. Luckily we still have the third blade left over, that can still negate Cursed Techniques."

"Huh, interesting history lesson. I think you're going to turn this blade into a small dagger for me to use against Gojo?"

"Yes, you're catching on fast. Please don't let this be destroyed too as we don't have any other Cursed Tools that can negate Cursed Techniques."

"Last question I have is, can any one of you teach me New Shadow Style?"

"No, but we can pull some strings to have a practictioner in Tokyo Jujutsu Tech come teach you. Kusakabe was it?." Chojuro looked at his Hei members; some nodded in confirmation, and others looked confused about who he was talking about.

"That's good, when can I start your training?" 

"We'll start now." Immediately, the Hei rocketed towards me while using their Cursed Techniques to attack me.