
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Cómic
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85 Chs

The Fist vs The Unchained

The two exchanged great blows with each other. Ken swung a heavy right hook but Akumu was quickly able to block and counter it easily with a leg sweep. Despite the slight difference in build between the two, Dojima the heavier one had his feet completely separated from the ground.

Akumu used this as an opportunity to knee him in the face which managed the perfectly land.

But even with that critical hit Dojima tanked the damage and struck Akumu in the gut with a powerful blow sending him flying a couple meters back.

[Dojima] "You're not that bad anymore, but I think it's about time we got serious"

Akumu only nodded.

This whole time the two had been fighting without cursed energy to gauge the others' abilities. When it came to fighting technique Akumu surpassed Ken thanks to the training with grandma zenin but in terms of raw strength, Kens' build gave him an overwhelming advantage.

The two imbued their fists in cursed energy and rushed at each other once more. Akumu was able to block several of Kens' strikes compared to one month ago and as revenge for what happened before performed a powerful swing aimed at his left rib cage.

However, when it came to cursed energy manipulation Dojima surpassed him in that aspect too thanks to the 6-month difference that existed between the two. He quickly reinforced the targeted area with cursed energy and was pushed back by only a couple of centimeters away from where he once was.

The two stared at each other again once more.

One corner of the bleachers began chanting and screaming Dojima Ken's name. Akumu recognized them as the people who waited outside the boy's dorm for him. He realized that they must have been the gang that Ken ran and figured they must be craving for him to lose. 

While lost in his thoughts Ken quickly follows up with a mighty blow to the face.

 "Are you disrespecting me? Stay focused on the fight", Ken said angrily.

Akumu quickly apologized as he spat out blood before readying himself.

The two charged at each other once more and continued to trade many more blows.

"Why isn't Saigo-Kun using his black whips? If he used them now he would surely be able to overwhelm Dojima-senpai.", Hagone asked his grandmother.

She responded with the following: "This isn't just a fight between two men, but a conversation. To be a fighter is to be able to speak with your fists. I knew two brothers who spoke like this once when they first met a long time ago."

The two men clashed fists causing a shock wave to crack the floor beneath them. Akumu is sent flying backward coughing up more blood while Ken kept standing his ground. 

The truth behind this fight was that Dojima Ken was still grieving. He had not been able to speak face-to-face with his brother since he started attending the Jujutsu school. Once a week they would send letters to each other and check up on how the other was doing. In many of these letters, Misoto would always mention something about Akumu. He always wrote about him positively and nicely, which naturally made him curious about his new friend. Back when Ken still lived with his family Misoto would always get bullied so it was up to the older sibling to protect Misoto from danger. When he found out about Misoto protecting Akumu from bullies it made him proud of his brother for growing up. However on that fateful day 7 months ago Ken didn't receive any letters from Misoto for a whole month. It was only 4 weeks after the incident did Ken find out about the death of his brother. The sorrow and misery he built only mutated into rage as he was told the name of the survivor.


[Akumu] "I am truly sorry. I was too weak back then. Dojima held him back but that murderer killed him before I realized what was going on."


Akumu hadn't noticed till now, but everyone thinks that it was cursed spirits that committed the massacre. The higher-ups had hidden what truly happened from the world!

Ken Sprinted towards him with tears still pouring from his eyes. Cursed energy requires one to have absolute control over their emotions for it to be manipulated. Dojima's cursed energy was wavering signifying the approaching end of the battle. Akumu was easily able to catch the man's fist and deal heavy damage injuring the currently defenseless Ken.

This whole time Akumu had been using himself as a body pillow for Ken to vent out his emotions. Ken knew that it wasn't his fault he died but still, he needed something to blame to help cope with his brothers' death. That was the curse he had been living for the last seven months.

Wiping away his tears Ken walked away to the other end of the arena. This last clash would be the one to decide the battle.

The audience watched intently and in anticipation. They had all silenced themselves patiently awaiting the winner of this fight.

Ken who has regained control of himself now charges his left arm filled with the remainder of his cursed energy while on the other end of the arena, Akumu Manifested multiple black whips around his right arm.

Akumu then repelled himself off the ground and flew towards Ken at an incredible speed using his black spring technique. The Black whips that engulfed his arm then manifested and reshaped itself into a much larger a fist

"BLACK GUANTLET", Akumu cried out preparing to end the fight with this.

However the second Akumu decided to clash fists against the now self-controlled Ken,

Saigo had lost the fight.

Dojima Kens' cursed technique allowed him to inverse the probability of certain events. For example, he could flip the chances of slipping on a banana peel from a 40 to a 60 out of 100, or change the chances of a gun misfiring from a 1 to 99. This technique coupled with black flash a move that cannot be performed consciously granted Dojima Ken the world record for most consecutive black flashes in a row with an unbeatable number of 11!

As both of their fists collided sparks of black emitted from the opposing Kens' arm smashing through Akumu's black gauntlet sending him flying and crashing into a wall. The destruction of the attack managed to even reach some people in the bleachers frightening Hagone but not even fazing the grandma.

The whole arena shouted and cheered at the results of the battle. Yes, this was the most emotion-filled ranked battle in a long time for them.

Saigo's unconscious body fell and collapsed from the crater that was created in the wall as the announcer shouted


Hagone and the grandma quickly jumped down to help the emergency team carry away Akumus' destroyed body.

His right arm was shattered, his cursed energy was depleted and his insides were a mess yet even after all that. The two were proud of how far Saigo had come since arriving at the school.