
Jujutsu Kaisen: Honor Is Useless To Me

After the shocking weight of being brought to another world passes. All there is left is gaping hole of having no dreams and wants. After the bliss from strength is gone, the euphoric feeling of growth vanishes, and the word meaning becomes meaningless. What is left? Throughout heaven and Earth only few know this answer and sadly Kuta is one of them. I accidently posted this under novel and not fanfic so here it is fixed.

Zxl_Numa · Cómic
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26 Chs

Not A Chapter - Important Message

Hey there author here. If you're a reader who's just here for a chapter or are from the future catching up, you can go ahead and skip this chapter. This chapter is just to talk about my leave of absence. I know there hasn't been a new update in a few weeks, but I promise I have a good reason. I don't like to disclose that much about my life so when I leave, I don't talk about my life and its factors into this story. 

But lately I haven't been writing any chapters because I've been busy from school. This is actually my last year and I've been behind on a lot of work (I'm working on school stuff as I type this out). So lately I haven't been on my grind with this story. So, I will be taking a break until I'm I reach a point where I can properly focus on this story. 

Don't worry though this break won't be long, in my opinion, it'll be good for the story. When it comes to this story I try to stick to the vision that Gege shows us while adding my own interesting characters. There has been many times I've reread the manga or investigated topics I wanted to add to the story. I think I've re written this whole story like ten times to follow Gege's story.

With the final battle happening right now and the constant new information we're getting. Taking a break allows me to write this story the best I can. Without introducing a plot hole or messing with the timeline. So, when I come back, I'll be able to deliver the best story to anyone willing to sit down and read it. 

After I come back as well, I'll most definitely switch to two chapters a week just to make sure I don't ever catch up to Gege. This might seem strange since I haven't even gotten to the chapter zero arc. But with the current drafts after this arc this series will be moving much faster. Since Kota is supposed to be a foil to Gojo's character he won't have the most screen time after this arc.

Also, since I wanted to explore two interesting characters that I wanted to have more time on the screen. I'll be writing a side story to this story, but this will most likely have slower updates but longer chapters. These characters dynamic in my opinion will be my favorite one to write as both characters are very similar. And this won't be a necessity to read but more of a extra story to digest with the main one that has a few extra details.

That's all I wanted to talk about with you dear readers. I hope you have an amazing night or day. If you have any questions feel free to comment them. I try to respond to all of them.

Also, I hope if you participated you had a great Ramadan, if you celebrated a great easter, and had a great holiday or religious event that happened in the past month. 

And my finally message.


The late great Akira Toriyama. I hope that one of the heroes of my childhood can rest in peace. 

- author