
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs


The air was thick with tension, cursed energy started to radiate from Geto as his face hardened. His eyes grew cold as his hands clenched into fists.

"Atlas… why was Frank in the tombs protected by your power?" Geto asked again, he was practically begging for an explanation. He didn't know what was happening. Or why any of this was going on… but he wanted to know. Why Atlas was protecting the killer of Ayumu. Why any of this was happening, how he came back and brought Riko back.

How he was doing all of this.

Who was Atlas? That was never a question he was able to answer, Atlas was simply just his senior that was helping him.

But now?

Was he involved in things he shouldn't be? Was he a good person? He had protected the killer of his friend!?

"Because he raised me, he taught me who I was," Atlas said, his words serious. His gaze saddening as he looked towards Geto. Turning to face him Atlas continued, "That man is more my father than whoever really was. He didn't kill Ayumu. He was framed by a man called Kenjaku who is trying to steal your body. That was why I came to check on you tonight. He wants your technique."

"He tortured and manipulated my best friend for years to break his mind just so that he could control me. He is a terrible and cruel man. I don't expect you to really understand what is happening but in the end, that is what is happening. This world is changing and we are the ones that are going to suffer as it burns." Sighing Atlas ran his hand back through his hair, combing the loose strands out of his face.

"I don't know if I should be telling you any of this. But someone is moving in the shadows manipulating the senile Higher-Ups that just want to keep their power and have no idea of the dangers that are coming. No idea at all. And soon we will be caught in the middle of it all. You especially Geto. You are blessed with an amazing technique, something so rare and valuable people will try to manipulate and control you. So please, be careful." Atlas says.

He should have hid Frank better, he didn't expect them to find him but Toji probably saw him too. After all, if Geto had seen him when he had woken up then there was no way Toji hadn't. He had to go find him too…

"Then why did you protect the mercenary? Gojo says you saved him. He tried to kill us and he did kill Riko, and you brought her back somehow… but I still watched her die. Please Atlas, tell me what is happening?" Geto almost pleaded. Blood slowly started to run down the cracks in his finger as he clenched his hands so tight the skin became white and his fingernails pierced his flesh.

He was in shock, he was confused, he had so many emotions running around in his mind he didn't know how to react to them all…

He couldn't know. It was impossible.

"This world is messy, and soon you will understand that people have to take sides and make choices. I will not be able to protect everyone I love when it comes to it. I know that. But I know that Toji is my best friend, I would choose him before this society if it came down to it." Atlas voiced as leans his shoulder against the wall, he was getting tired of all of this.

He just wanted to kill Kenjaku so that he could sleep without worry for a while.

He needed to stop running. If he didn't act things would probably get worse than the sacrifices that he would make acting now.

But he knew that he probably would never even be able to find the man, he was cunning. He would avoid Atlas until he knew that he could confront him safely… He likely wouldn't see the man until he made his next move.

Unless of course, Atlas forced his hand.

"So you protected him because he is your friend? Then how am I meant to believe that Frank is innocent? If that logic applies you could just believe that he didn't do it. He is a curse user for some reason right? He might have done it and you just are trying to protect him because he is your father…" Geto states.

Staring at Geto Atlas thought about it… it… It might be the case. That Geto was right. He didn't know who Frank really was, he never had, and he might never know. While that black barrier was up who knows where Kenjaku may have sent Frank. Or what might have been done?

He didn't think it was likely but it was possible. In the end though, "I don't care. I cared for Ayumu. He helped me just as he may have helped you. But Frank is family, and if there is one thing that makes me a fool, it is family." Atlas voiced. His eyes hardened as he stared at Geto holding his gaze for a moment.

"Are we family? Sorcerers?" Geto asked… his voice careful, as if he didn't want to know the answer to that question.

"No," Atlas responded. "Being a sorcerer does not make you my family, I can't care for that many people…" Atlas said, responding without hesitation.

Nodding his head Geto seemed to think deeply, sitting down on the floor of the corridor and leaning his back against the wall. Closing his eyes as he just relaxed, letting his thoughts run as they wanted.

"Would you consider me family?" Geto asked, his voice cautious.

"Why do you think I came back and saved Riko?" Atlas asked, his voice slightly amused. "I wouldn't consider you family just yet Geto… but you, Gojo and Ieiri are definitely precious juniors of mine. I would consider us friends."

Seeing the small smirk that crossed Geto's lips Atlas let one cross his own.

"I have a lot to think about… I… I don't know how to feel about it all. Especially the part where I am being hunted by someone who wants to take my body." He confessed, he glossed over it before because he was still in shock. But he did have to admit, that Atlas had come back from a mission and risked being branded as a curse-user for him and Gojo.

He had fought against Riko being merged even after she had come back.

He was feeling suspicious of everyone right now, with everything that had happened, but he was starting to let his walls back down.

Standing up he walked past Atlas. They didn't say anything, just passed by each other willing to let the other think for now. They both clearly needed it.

Opening his door Atlas walked into his room and flopped down on his bed. His back hit the mattress hard.

Letting out a sigh he was asleep before he even knew it.


Jolting awake Atlas looked around, wondering where he was for a second, only to see the room he stayed in at Jujutsu High, the warm sun dancing through the window.

The soft wooden traditional style was peaceful. Making his way out of his door as he threw his Haori over his shoulders, putting it on as he made his way down the hall and looked into the court. He had missed a lot.

Seeing the new first years he leaned against the railing. His head tilting to the side… Nanami, Habara and Ijichi all sitting there talking to each other, they seemed fairly comfortable around each other as well. Even if Nanami was looking unimpressed.

Chuckling Atlas made his way further down the path, running his hand over the railing, soon arriving at a giant destruction sight, a small island of land in the middle of a carved grove where Gojo had used Lapse Blue.

Being reminded of needing to meet with Toji and Hoshi he just looked at the sky and let out a slow breath. His life was so busy all the time.

He couldn't sit still though, he knew that Kenjaku probably went into hiding again. Atlas had become a lot more dangerous after all. He was getting in the way, and he would continue to do so. He needed to help Gojo and Geto become stronger as well. Life was going to get even busier.

Teleporting away he soon arrived at the quarry he used to meet with Toji in. His face looked at the worn stone walls, the settled dust and debris had been undisturbed for a while now.

Walking up to a crater in the wall he stood in front of it, it only went up to his neck, from foot to head. He was shorter back then, wasn't he…

"I figured you would come here." He heard a voice from behind him. Turning to see Toji sitting on a fallen block of stone.

"Where else would I meet you? I figured I could at least look here before trying to contact you through some other means but I'm glad I was right. Seems like a hassle." Atlas replies with a small smirk. His demeanour grew softer as he made his way towards Toji.

"Should we start with a spar? I could use hitting you a few times." Toji confesses as he gets down and picks up a chain and knife from the boulder beside him. The inverted spear and endless chain. Seems he had taken them out before putting his spirit away again.

"Good luck mate. You won't even be able to land a single blow-" Atlas started to joke before Toji appeared before him and swung the blade down, the force of the swing breaking the sound barrier as the blade crashed towards him tearing the air it passed.

Raising his hand Atlas created a dimensional barrier between him and the blade, something that separated the planes entirely causing nothing to be able to pass that point since there was nothing there but to his surprise, the blade smashed through it.

Eyes widening, not having expected the spear to be able to cut even his technique he found a smirk playing across his lips as he stepped backwards.

The blade impacted the stone hard enough to send ripples throughout the quarry as the walls shook, the stone around them raising up from the impact before falling down. In the blast of dust and smoke, Toji spun around swinging the blade with as much force as he could around him and into Atlas' side.

Letting the blade cleave through him Atlas felt the flesh of his body tear as he couldn't even hide in another dimension.

Sending the damage to another plane Atlas felt his body heal instantly, as if he was never hurt. He could have dodged, but where was the fun in that.

Appearing before Toji Atlas threw his hand out, slamming it into the man's chest with enough force to shatter his ribs as he was launched back.

Calling upon reflections of himself it was less like Atlas hit him once and more like hundreds of punches impacted Tojis chest at the same time.

Slamming his hands together Atlas' eyes shone as his cursed energy flared. The power radiated off his body and shook the ground beneath him as the stone started to shift and move on its own. Multiple reflections of himself appeared on either side of him as they unfolded out of him like a mirror moving.

Leaping forward Toji swung his blade, the chain ripping through the air as a sonic crack was heard from the speed of the spear tearing through multiple reflections as Atlas watched them all run at Toji. They were not as strong as the original but they were nothing to scoff at.

Watching the brawl start Atlas dashed forward and joined in, sliding across the ground as the stone grated against his skin, the hissing of the blade passing over his head ripped past his ears as he practically lay against the stone.

Pushing himself up with an arm he twisted through the air kicking out at Toji just for his blow to be met by a kick of Tojis own.

No matter how strong Atlas was he would not be able to overpower Toji through force alone.

Twisting from the blow Atlas continued his barrel roll as it was reversed before landing on the ground. Throwing another strike at Toji that was expertly blocked, his palm made contact with Toji's forearm as the spear landed in Toji's other palm.

Stabbing down at Atlas all in the same motion Atlas stepped to the side grabbing Toji's forearm and pulling him forward as he tried to strike his chest with his knee only to be blocked by Toji's raised foot.

Foot on Atlas' knee Toji kicked off flipping through the air with some distance as the blade followed his movement before shooting out as it was launched like a rocket from Toji's palm.

Sidestepping the speeding weapon Atlas reached out and grabbed the chain before shattering it with dimensional cracks letting the blade fly off and impact the wall of the quarry.

Before he knew it Toji was in front of him again swinging a foot at the side of his head.

Blocking it with a forearm Atlas felt the force travel down through his body and split the stone beneath his feet grinding it to powder as he sank a foot deep into the ground.

Grabbing the leg he twisted it, letting Toji use the momentum to curl through the air and swing his other foot at his side but Atlas once again ducked down letting it pass over him before putting his hands behind his head and swinging into a handstand.

His buried legs tore out chunks of stone as they came out of the ground showering Toji with dust and rocks.

Flipping backwards Atlas landed only to have Toji in front of him swinging a strike at his chest. Unable to react in time Atlas felt the blow impact his chest, his footing was not solid enough from his jump so he was sent launching backwards and into the far wall.

Now this was a brawl that he liked.

"Why don't you use your technique Atlas!" Toji asked as he started to walk forward slowly. His face was a smile as he knew that the fight had gone on long enough. Atlas was fighting without it so they could both score some hits.

"Fine, let me end this then," Atlas said as he pointed his fingers at Toji, the man tensing as he braced himself for whatever would happen.

Then he was bisected horizontally as a bleeding line appeared across his waist, if Atlas had put more power into that he would have cut Toji in half in one attack.

However, he wasn't trying to kill the man.

Looking up in shock Toji was about to say something else but was hit in the chest by a blast of dimensional distortion.

The shattering impact sent him flying backward and hitting the stone with enough force that it was felt throughout the entire quarry. Chunks of stone fell and slammed into the ground as clouds of dust billowed into the air and out of the ruined stone mine.

The shattering impact webbing cracks all over the wall Toji impacted and even across the ground outside of the quarry.

Walking forward this time Atlas said, "You alive in there mate?" The smile was clearly heard in his voice.

"Just about." Toji groaned, he couldn't move. He felt like every bone in his body was broken, his chest was caved in, blood running out of countless wounds. Getting to him as fast as he could Atlas sent the wounds away to another dimension before patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Good fight. Shall we talk now?" Atlas asked.

Responding with a sigh Toji said, "Let's do it over some drinks please."