
Jujutsu Kaisen (Fanmade)

Taehyun_Smile · Cómic
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11 Chs


(Ykw Y/N can be anything I just use she a lot. A/N)

Megumi POV

I saw that Felix was gone from our place and I heard a muffled scream that no one else heard. "Umm I'm just going to go to the toilet."


I walked to Felix's room and I saw him asleep could hear the muffled scream louder and louder. It started to sound like crying. I heard it was coming from Y/N's room.

I muttered under my breath walking angry. (Yall can imagine how he is walking)

I saw Y/N tied to the bed with someone next to her. It was a shadow I couldn't quite Make out.

"Ah Megumi right timing. Can you just stand over there?." He pointed in a diagonal direction.

"Who tf are you and How do you know my name."

He threw a knife at my direction it just sliced a bit of my hair. I bought out my demon dogs.

"Why don't we take it with the others hm?"

"We are already here." Voices called out. "We can save-" The shadow slammed the door which broke and they went through.

"Enough of that nonsense.I want Y/N to die. Oh look she is unconscious from me suppressing her air ways too much

"You monster. Let-."

"Here we are."



I just kept silent looked at what he was going on about. I looked around to see we were in a endless void. Their maniacal voice seemed very creepy and their red eyes stabbed my soul. Damn they are⁰ scary as hell.

"I shall explain the rules one hit against me one person allowed in. But no Gojo."

He pulled off the gag on Y/N. They looked lifeless


"That's nice. Now we shall begin."

Without a warning he was about stab me behind the neck but I jumped up but somehow hit my head to the ground and I rolled over breaking his fall kicked him on the ground.

"One person allowed in right."

"Certainty as I agreed."

Itadori came in the void. "We need to stop that thing before it's too late."

With no hesitation Itadori started by kicking his stomach pushing him back a bit. His head was faced down only little bit of blood dripped out of his mouth. He looked up with one part of his hair his eye. His eyes turned into a darker red. He just stared at his hand. That had blood.

"Hah. Never thought this day would come."

"Itadori why didn't you do that earlier in the room?"

"I didn't want to hurt him badly plus I was tired cause my arm was partially still recovering."

Nobara got let in this void aswell. He rushed to both of them and was choking them and they were trying to free his grasp. They passed out. I summoned my shadow dogs. To try and make him get off his balance and he fell to the ground. I was about to strike him again. Till he elbowed my stomach and I coughed up blood.

"I. Need. More. Blood."

"Blood, that sounds a little to familiar." I thought to myself for a second.


"Who the hell is Felix? Never heard of that name in my life."

He used his knife to slice part of my legs and arms. The knifes came back to him and he had the blood off it. I was too stunned that happened but I snapped myself out of it.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I pushed them off and they stumbled back.


"Well it did work."

"What do you mean?" They questioned suddenly they felt a sharp pain in their body. Nobara used her cursed tenique while Itadori was pining then down by their head. And Y/N ,who was fully awake by now, pointed a bow at them

"Now tell me, who the hell are you?"

A game console fell out of their pocket.

Y/N snapped out of focus and their head started to hurt. They are having flash backs and it seems they were about to pass out.

Just as soon as I was about to help them-

A gunshot was fired.