
Origins part 1

No! No! Nononono D*mmit!...it can't..... It can't end like this not after everything *cough* *cough*.... Bastard.

Osawesẹ slumped to the ground as blood leaked uncontrollably from his body. His eyes furiously gazing at the fleeing accomplice of his current predicament slowly closed with the little life still left in his body and then..... darkness.


As Osawesẹ opened his eyes, confusion washed over him. He couldn't remember where he was or what had happened. The surroundings were unfamiliar yet strangely reminiscent. As he tried lifting himself off the ground, a sharp pain shot through his body, making him curse out loud.

Looking around, he noticed the other bodies scattered around him, all dressed in what appeared to be ancient styled armor. _Where is this place.. I was on campus not too long ago_. Remembering what had happened he checked himself all over, he saw injuries but he knew it wasn't his. __Right I was stabbed by that idiot, dammit_

Osawesẹ tried to recall the events leading up to his death. The memories were hazy, but he remembered getting into a heated argument with someone which escalated into a physical brawl. The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground in a different place or whatever this was.

He shook his head ,trying to clear his thoughts. He didn't have time to dwell on what happened, His present situation was much more pressing. He needed to figure out where he was. __Where am I, these bodies... What happened here_

As Osawesẹ stood up with great difficulty he took a cautious step forward, he felt the weight of the armor on his body. It was heavy and cumbersome, but he knew he had to keep it on for protection. As he walked through the debris of the fight, he noticed several weapons scattered across the ground.

Picking up a spear he used it as crutch to lean on, his legs felt very weak. *I seriously need to figure out what's going on but I don't even know where I am* He didn't know how to wield a weapon but looking at the devastation around him he didn't know what to expect next, wielding the weapons would at least give him a sense of security. As he made his way through the deserted streets, he noticed the eerie silence around him.

This place it had a semblance of civilisation mud houses with thatched roofs, they were broken and damaged, the pungent smell of burnt wood was still in the air. It appeared as though what had happened here had cleared out the entire population. Osawesẹ couldn't help but wonder if there were other survivors like him out there, or if he was completely alone in this eerie graveyard of bodies.

He had many questions but no answers. The only thing he knew for sure was that he needed to find shelter and provisions if he wanted to survive. As he continued his journey, he couldn't help but feel a sense of uncertainty and dread about this new world he found himself in, despite all the problems and danger that lay ahead.

With no time to waste he picked a random building that still had its four corners standing. Reaching inside and seeing the wrecked home decor, he couldn't help but marvel at the different bronze works around even in their distraught state they were very detailed looking like little gremlins with ornaments.

Chuckling he moved to wall and slid slowly to the ground, breathing hoarsely he rested his head on the wall.

The village was run-down and decrepit, but it was still standing. There seemed to be people around, albeit not many. It looked like they had just emerged from hiding, as if trying to assess the damage of the battle that had taken place.

As Osawesẹ approached, they looked at him warily. They were all dressed in ancient styled attire just like him, and he realized that he had stumbled upon a group of survivors from the fight. He lowered his sword, signaling that he meant no harm.

_Hmm_..._They're black_ _wait what was I expecting_. Face palming Osawesẹ sighed and continued to approach them

Huu let's do this

Daniel_Asowatacreators' thoughts