
Journey towards the ORIGIN

The_TRUE_ONE · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Enigmatic young boy

Seated upon the rooftop of the illustrious Academy, Asher Delheart appeared as an enigma amidst the bustling energy of the world below. His jet-black locks cascaded like a veil over his sharp features, framing eyes of obsidian with crimson pupils that seemed to pierce through the fabric of reality.

He is engrossed in the pages of an untitled book, its silvery cover emitted a faint, otherworldly glow, drawing whispers of curiosity from those who dared to approach.

The book's cover was silvery, with golden words that seemed to dance as if alive, yet no one on Earth could decipher its language except him. Each word on its pages appeared as a living entity, creating a universe within its confines.

The man, our protagonist Asher Delheart, he possessed a handsome face with sharp features . He currently has a bored expression. His expression radiated extreme boredom, indicating his disinterest in his surroundings. Despite his laziness and apparent lack of goals, Asher was renowned as the most intelligent student at the academy, effortlessly topping each semester without attending classes. Many accused him of cheating, but his consistent success baffled everyone.

After closing the book, Asher glanced at his watch, noting two hours remaining before the academy ended for the day. Deciding to rest, he attempted to nap but found himself unable to sleep. Instead, he reflected on his life thus far. He recalled his happy memories with his loving mother and two sisters, but questions about his absent father lingered, given his mother's mysterious and aloof nature he even doubt his fathers identity.

At fifteen, Asher possessed a mature demeanor and intellect far beyond his years. His family, one of the most influential and wealthy in the world, led the prestigious academy he attended. Despite his prestigious background, Asher disguised himself as a commoner, preferring solitude and simplicity in his attire and demeanor. He had no friends or romantic interests, content with his family's company.

As he views everything in a unique way than others he has a n introverted nature in the eyes of others but for him he considered not worth to befriend others who always have some ulterior motive behind the smiles they shows outside.

As he lost in own thought,His introspective moment was interrupted by approaching footsteps.

As Asher tilted his head to discern the approaching figure, he beheld a young woman making her way towards him.

In her early twenties, she exuded an air of grace and confidence that commanded attention. With well-defined features and an undeniable allure, she seemed to glide effortlessly across the rooftop, her blond locks cascading in a gentle breeze.

From afar, she appeared as a vision of ethereal beauty, her orchid eyes shimmering like stars against the backdrop of the burning sun. Her porcelain skin, as flawless as freshly fallen snow, spoke of purity and elegance, while her cute nose and rosy lips added to her captivating charm.

Known as Sarine Rosesilk, she was the epitome of grace and poise, admired by all who crossed her path. As the class representative of their year, she carried herself with a confidence that bordered on regal, her presence leaving an indelible mark on all who encountered her.

Yet, despite her outward beauty and popularity, there was a depth to Sarine that went beyond mere appearances. Beneath the surface lay a keen intellect and an unwavering determination, qualities that had earned her the respect and admiration of her peers.

As Sarine drew nearer, Asher couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the prospect of yet another interruption. Despite her beauty and charm, he had little patience for idle chatter, preferring the solitude of his own thoughts to the company of others.

And yet, as Sarine approached, there was a glimmer of something in her eyes – a spark of curiosity that ignited a flicker of interest within Asher's stoic facade.

Perhaps there was more to this encounter than met the eye, a connection waiting to be forged amidst the vast expanse of this Academy.