
Journey to Myriad Worlds

A xianxia fanfiction with an harem idea and many worlds to go. Worlds: ATG, MP, Douluo, Doupo and some urban cultivator worlds.

Dux01 · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs

Su Mo

On a clear day, a morning that had just arrived, the sun shone, illuminating the streets, cars came and went, the flow of people was incessant.

Everything seemed normal, until...


There was a sequence of bangs followed by a huge explosion.

"Oh my God! Call 911 already, dammit!" A passerby in the distance screamed right after everything that happened.

Even though he said those words, he ended up taking his cell phone out of one of his pockets and trying to call. Not just him, but several other people.

A few moments later, the sounds of sirens sounded nonstop, drowning out the cries of concern from the population, who quickly gathered to see what had happened.

It turns out that a huge, fully loaded truck lost its brakes while going down a street. The problem was that on that street there was a crossing point for children, on the opposite side there was an elementary school.

It was just when the children crossed that point, the truck went down the street out of control, which would result in a huge tragedy.

But that didn't happen, because a car hit the truck, stopping in front of it and trying in every way to stop it, and by some miracle managed to change the path the truck would follow a little.

The result was the car being dragged, hitting other stopped cars and exploding.

"Why did I have to get involved in this?" Only one thought crossed the mind of the driver of that car, and then he lost consciousness.

Some time later...

Two hours had already passed, the fire had already been contained, and the owner of the truck had already appeared, explaining that the truck had been parked in that location since the previous night, and that he had not returned until that moment.

The only explanation that could be thought of at that time was that the handbrakes had somehow failed. But he still ended up being detained by the police.

Meanwhile, firefighters tried to check the vehicles burned by the fire, concluding that there were no victims other than the driver who sacrificed himself when trying to stop the truck.

"How is this possible?!" It was then that a questioning cry sounded.

This came from a firefighter, who quickly caught the attention of the others, making them come to him immediately.

"Hey, what's wrong?" One of them asked as he approached his colleague.

"Look, there is no body in the car, how is it possible that there is no body? Not enough time has passed for him to be reduced to ashes."

The firefighter who shouted said in surprise, his tone was pure confusion, he was an experienced firefighter with over a decade in the profession, this was not the first time in such a situation.

However, it wasn't normal for a body to simply disappear, and given his experience, he knew that the fire shouldn't have incinerated the body to ash in such a short time.

As for the driver pushing the car to head towards the truck, it was even more impossible, that model did not have the means to do such a thing, and the terrain did not favor such an action.

Some indeterminate time later...

"This... Where the hell am I? Afterlife? So there really is an afterlife?" Suddenly, a man, apparently 25 years old, woke up.

This was none other than the driver of that car. His name was Su Mo, a recent dentistry graduate. Su Mo was on his way to work when everything happened.

His first reaction was to wonder where he was, because in his cognition he understood that he had reached the end of his life.

"It doesn't seem like what usualy happen in these stories, there is no space that is completely white or filled with only darkness, plus I don't look like a soul, am I really dead?"

Su Mo continued to question himself after realizing the place where he was.

This seemed to be a huge golden hall, on the four walls were strange characters, Su Mo saw this, but he was too busy trying to understand his current situation, so he didn't pay attention to the rest.

"Well, there is a way to know if I'm dead or not." After a few moments of reflection, Su Mo stretched out his right hand, shrinking the four fingers and leaving only the index finger extended.


Then what happened was that Su Mo stuck his right index finger into his own eye, causing a horrible pain, making him scream in pain, surprise and confusion. This made Su Mo wonder again, but who would answer?

After some more time, Su Mo began to pay attention to his surroundings, only then did he realize that at the back of that place there was a kind of altar, and on it was a small table.

Su Mo also tried to pay attention to the characters on the walls, but without understanding anything he gave up and then approached that altar.

As he climbed the small five-step ladder, he reached the small table, and then he noticed that above him there was a stone, its size was small, and he could hold it perfectly in the palm of his hand.

"That's definitely weird, but what do I have to lose?" Su Mo looked at the stone for a while and then came to a conclusion, even though he found everything very strange, he had nothing to lose.

Furthermore, his physical body was brought to this place, soon he would experience hunger and other human needs, and there was nothing but this stone in this place, no matter what, wouldn't it be better to continue in this ghost place.

"Damn, my eyes!"

Su mo reached out his right hand and picked up the stone, what followed was an intense glow, irritating his eyes, making him curse immediately.

The glow then diminished until it was the size of a grain, and then flew to Su Mo's forehead and disappeared.

Inside Su Mo's mind, the moment the glowing grain disappeared, he received various information.

Starting with the name of the stone, Immemorial Chaotic Stone, according to the information, this was the first existence, arising directly from Chaos, even preceding the emergence of the Stone of Eternity.

The Stone of Eternity, in turn, was what gave rise to the existence of the Gods, Devils and Mythical Beasts, who were responsible for the creation of the other races.

Before Su Mo could even think of anything, new information emerged, the Immemorial Chaotic Stone seemed to have completely fused with his body, giving birth to the Chaotic Body, causing everything Su Mo felt next was extreme pain.

Su Mo struggled in pain for a while, until everything passed, at this moment Su Mo didn't know what else he could expect, would there still be surprises?

"Shit, is there anything left? Haven't I suffered enough? All I did was save some kids, I should at least get a pass to eternal peace."

Su Mo couldn't help but curse, even though the Chaotic Body was something incredible, he still complained.

"Such a thing granted me Immortality according to this information, but I have to spend eternity in this place? What's the point of giving me Immortality and locking me in a box?" After digesting the information received, Su Mo questioned himself again.

"There's nothing to do, so I'll just try not to go crazy in this solitude." After thinking for a while longer, Su Mo decided to move forward as best he could.

Su Mo then started doing random things to pass the time, sometimes he meditated, sometimes he did basic exercises, and with that, time passed.

Hours became days, which became Weeks, Months then passed, followed by years. Su Mo stopped worrying about time after counting 10,000 years.

In these 10,000 years, Su Mo has been trying to create various techniques, from a body technique to a cultivation method against the sky. He used his knowledge from various novels he read to create variations of various techniques he had read about in his life.

"Well, I'll call this technique the All Heaven Devouring Art." After finishing creating what would become his cultivation method, Su Mo decided to name it.

Then he sat in the lotus position and tried to cultivate it. Making several hand signs and closing his eyes, Su Mo's mind was completely focused on this technique alone.

After executing the technique formula, he began to circulate it throughout Su Mo's body, Su Mo then felt a sensation unlike anything he had felt before.

It felt like a sea of ​​rich, gentle energy was flowing into his body without stopping. Su Mo at this moment felt that each of his 108 Meridians were being unlocked one by one.

With each point unlocked, more and more energy seemed to be absorbed by his body. Su Mo continued to be absorbed in this comfortable feeling.


It was then that a small cracking sound emerged from his body, followed by an even better sensation, Su Mo felt that his entire body seemed to change again, the strength he previously possessed seemed to increase several times.

[Ding! Requirements have been met, the System is being activated.]