
Journey through the Multiverses.

In the cultivation multiverse, a young man named Li Xin is an aspiring cultivator who is desperate to become the strongest in all the land. He trains relentlessly, ignoring all distractions and focusing only on his goal. But despite his hard work, Li Xin is constantly overshadowed by his peers, many of whom are born into prestigious families and have access to resources that he can only dream of. Frustrated and jealous, Li Xin becomes determined to do whatever it takes to become the strongest cultivator, even if it means cutting corners and making deals with questionable characters. As he becomes more and more ruthless in his pursuit of power, Li Xin begins to alienate those around him, including his friends and mentors. But he doesn't care. All that matters to him is becoming the strongest, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. As he climbs the ranks and becomes more and more formidable, Li Xin begins to attract the attention of other cultivators and sects, many of whom see him as a threat to their own power. They plot against him, forming alliances and making deals in an attempt to bring him down. But Li Xin is not one to be underestimated. He uses every trick in the book to outmaneuver his enemies and emerge victorious, becoming a feared and respected cultivator in the multiverse. But as he reaches the pinnacle of power, Li Xin must confront the question of whether or not the ends justify the means, and whether or not his ruthless pursuit of strength was worth the cost. Or at least that was what Li Xin tought his journey would look like.

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6 Chs

New way to power

Chapter 7

As Li Xin and Zhang explored their new surroundings, they were amazed by the strange and advanced technology that they encountered. They had never seen anything like it before, and they were eager to learn as much as they could about this strange new world.

One day, as they were wandering through the city, they came across a strange device that looked like a computer. Zhang, who had always been fascinated by technology, couldn't resist the temptation to take a closer look.

As he sat down at the computer, his fingers flew across the keyboard as he began to explore the strange new world of the Internet. He was amazed by all of the information that was available at his fingertips, and he spent hours lost in a sea of data.

Meanwhile, Li Xin spent his time practicing with his sword, honing his skills as he prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead. He was determined to be ready for anything, and he knew that the only way to do that was to push himself to the limit.

As the days passed, Li Xin and Zhang grew stronger and more powerful. They spent their days training and exploring, always pushing themselves to be the best that they could be.

And as they journeyed on, Li Xin started to realize that the jade pendant that he had always carried with him was much more than just a simple trinket. It was a powerful tool, one that could help him achieve his full potential.

One day, as he was practicing with his sword, he had a sudden realization. He remembered that the pendant had the power to transport his soul into the strange forest that

he had visited before. And if it could transport his soul, then surely it could transport Zhang's soul as well.

Excited by this discovery, Li Xin shared his idea with Zhang, who was equally excited at the prospect of training in the mysterious forest. And so, with a determined look in their eyes, the two of them activated the pendant and allowed their souls to be transported to the strange new world within.

As they emerged in the forest, they were greeted by the same horde of beasts that Li Xin had fought before. But this time, they were ready for the challenge. Together, they charged into battle, their swords flashing as they took down beast after beast.

The battle was intense and chaotic, but Li Xin and Zhang were a formidable team. They fought with all of their might, their skills and techniques honed to perfection as they took down the horde of beasts one by one.

In the end, they emerged victorious, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken. They had pushed themselves to the limit, and they had come out on top.

As they emerged from the forest, their souls returned to their bodies, Li Xin and Zhang knew that they had reached a new level of power. They were stronger than ever before, and they were ready for whatever the cultivation multiverse had in store for them.