
Journey: The Destructive Incarnate

In the Stellar sea of stars, a giant tree stood, rivers made of countless white streaks flowed throughout its giant body travelling toward its root. Those rivers were made of souls going through the process of rebirth, but among those countless rivers, a certain stream travelled directly toward the stem of the tree. In that specific river, a soul flowed like every other; nothing special about it would have remained as such. Suddenly the space it inhabited collapsed as a brilliant golden glow travelled out of that distorted space. The soul unable to escape got showered by that golden glow, its spiritual body absorbing it. Unable to handle the magnitude of the power contained in the golden light, the soul started to tear up. But somehow it managed to absorb it all, but it came at a cost, as the single soul split into two, one being thrown out of that river. Passing through another river, it made its way toward the root, whereas the other part continued on its way. A soul who got the body to handle the power of the golden glow after rebirth but didn't have it, and a body that had the power but couldn't handle it was created. But fate works in mysterious ways as after the death of one body, the soul finally reunited making someone whole. Neo was the part that got the power but couldn't handle it, this gave him a fate worse than death. He couldn't use mana, in a world filled with mana and where the strong ruled. But his family didn't give up on him or shun him, so to help them even if a little he chose the path of a scholar. Knowing that he had the talent to be a mage but couldn't use mana always ate away his heart. Then on the fateful day when he was four, the soul finally reunited, becoming one. All the talent he had finally burst forth, as Neo was born anew, now with memories of 30 years worth of life and the vast amount of knowledge he had collected in this life. So with that, how will he change this world, how will his existence affect the world, and will he be swept away by this world? It is for you to find out as you follow his journey. ... Here are some additional tags. Crafty MC, Strong Female leads, Yandere

youareme · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Ch.36 Plan in Motion(3)

Sitting on the chair inside my private I look at the figure of my son and Agni training with each other. Well, training will be an overstatement as this can be said to be tortured by Agni.

"Sigh, who did you learn it from?"

I ask myself as I release a sigh, after all, I can't understand who taught him to do such risky things.

Well, with both me and Agni here he should be fine... hmm should I teach him to behave..... no, he will lose a part of himself if I do that.

After all, as his mother, I can and will only accept him as who he is, a cheeky, joyous, and kind kid.

"No, let's focus on the topic at hand."

Muttering to myself I look at the stacks of paperwork in the room, the recent activities in the mountain have been a headache, to say the least.

But I guess I can only work over time so that this continent doesn't walk to its destruction, after all this is where my children's future lies.

And I will stop at nothing to destroy any obstacles that may hinder my children, nothing.

"Should I ask for the tower master's assistance?"

I think of various possibilities, as Nexus has already told Ruri about the movement of the rulers Atlas must have already been warned.

Plus the Everlasting Kingdom has been getting too quiet these days, Let's just hope that they don't have a hand in this matter.

After all, they must also understand that the world is going through a shift currently, from an ignorant perspective this can be said to be the best time for the world.

Geniuses are born every year and people have started to get more opportunities to grow stronger, if this prosperity continues a Mana God may even rise in a few millenas.

But since the rule of the world is that for everything good that happens something bad must also happen, the Karmic Debt.


Just thinking about that gives me a headache as I couldn't help but curse, after all, who came up with such a concept?

"Focus Alice, focus it is for your children."

Slapping myself on both of my cheeks I regain my focus as I continue back with my paperwork.


The once grassy grounds have now been turned into nothing but ashy grounds as the flames of Agni continue to burn it all.

Agni with eyes colder than ever after regaining her composure looked at Neo who is currently running for his life.

<Flame Magic: Fire Manipulation>

Casting a spell that will let her passively manipulate and generate flames Agni motioned her hand toward Neo.

A fire wall erupted on the place where he was going blocking his way, fire continued to erupt behind him as pillars of fire formed.

"No Fairrrrr."

Neo shouted but he didn't stop as he kicked the ground and jumped into the sky.

<Fly >

Casting a flying spell he sifted his body and pointed his hands toward Agni.

<Flame Bullets>

Large bullets made of fire started to form as they rushed toward Agni, seeing this Agni smirked as with a single mothing of hand the bullets form was destroyed and they turned into pure flames.

Agni closed her fist as the flames that once were bullet conversed and turned into a miniature ball of intense heat and light.

"Not fair you say, then how about this."

Agni muttered as she made a throwing motion, with a speed surpassing the speed of sound by tens of times the ball traveled toward Neo.

Although he saw the ball coming his body wasn't able to move at that speed as the ball made contact with him.


It exploded with all its fiery glory as it illuminated the entire room for a second, as the light dimmed down the now burnt figure of Neo could be seen falling down to the ground at high speed.

He is most likely knocked out, and is also in critical condition.. with a motion of her hand she she sent a flaming butterfly toward him and it healed him.

Before his body could touch the ground Neo opened his eyes as he recanted the flying spell.

"Using fire Magic against a fire-specialized mage is the same as giving a weapon to your killer."

She warned him as he looked at her stopping the spell he was about to fire.

"Yes, I understand that but didn't you ask me to fight using the knowledge gained by you."

Neo asked a little confused, after all, he isn't someone who is all-knowing and his knowledge only stems from what he read in a book.

"Yes, I did tell you that.. after all I know with your talent you will master all those spells even without my help. So my only goal here is to give you more battle experience and teach you how to make sure that you don't lose control of your flames."

Agni replied to his question as she stepped on the ground and a flaming lotus bloomed beneath her feet.

It started to float as Agni reached a point higher than where Neo was and looked down on him.

"Now then let's continue the training."

She said in a cold voice, and like a drill sergeant, she started her training again ruthlessly.

Well, she planned to do that anyway but it seemed like Neo had other ideas.

"If that is your definition of training then I really pity the future children that you will have with Sir Vayu."

Neo opened the dam again, and Agni's plans changed at that moment.. she thought of going a little easy on him.. but since he wanted to experience death so much she would give it to him.

So with a face fully red, wither due to embarrassment or anger she started to fire at Neo without a second thought she rained fire at Neo.


Neo exclaimed as his face turned to that of panic as he started to dodge all the flames coming his way.

Though he wasn't that fast and even when casting a flame shield or the like Agni will just take control of it and attack him.

He had already gone through a number of butterflies due to the injuries sustained by him, he had a desperate face.

Well, he was desperate, but in looks alone. After all the thought currently going through his head was.

'That's nine.... three more left.'

He was planning something, as there was no way he would let himself be so one-sidedly massacred in a fight without even being able to hit the opponent back.

That was one of the reasons for him saying those words about Vayu, after all, they are the perfect distraction for someone like Agni.

'Ok.. one more left'

Neo thought as his hand was burnt to a crisp again by the flames, using his last life memories he was currently able to handle the pain.. but that also had its limit.

Ignoring the pain for now he moved to the last location he was supposed to be in flames and bathed his entire body.

He was momentarily knocked out but the butterfly completely healed his body.


He exclaimed inside his mind as he turned his attention toward Agni, she seemed to have gained back her composure.

'It's time to break it again, HAHAH... Ouch.."