
Journey: The Destructive Incarnate

In the Stellar sea of stars, a giant tree stood, rivers made of countless white streaks flowed throughout its giant body travelling toward its root. Those rivers were made of souls going through the process of rebirth, but among those countless rivers, a certain stream travelled directly toward the stem of the tree. In that specific river, a soul flowed like every other; nothing special about it would have remained as such. Suddenly the space it inhabited collapsed as a brilliant golden glow travelled out of that distorted space. The soul unable to escape got showered by that golden glow, its spiritual body absorbing it. Unable to handle the magnitude of the power contained in the golden light, the soul started to tear up. But somehow it managed to absorb it all, but it came at a cost, as the single soul split into two, one being thrown out of that river. Passing through another river, it made its way toward the root, whereas the other part continued on its way. A soul who got the body to handle the power of the golden glow after rebirth but didn't have it, and a body that had the power but couldn't handle it was created. But fate works in mysterious ways as after the death of one body, the soul finally reunited making someone whole. Neo was the part that got the power but couldn't handle it, this gave him a fate worse than death. He couldn't use mana, in a world filled with mana and where the strong ruled. But his family didn't give up on him or shun him, so to help them even if a little he chose the path of a scholar. Knowing that he had the talent to be a mage but couldn't use mana always ate away his heart. Then on the fateful day when he was four, the soul finally reunited, becoming one. All the talent he had finally burst forth, as Neo was born anew, now with memories of 30 years worth of life and the vast amount of knowledge he had collected in this life. So with that, how will he change this world, how will his existence affect the world, and will he be swept away by this world? It is for you to find out as you follow his journey. ... Here are some additional tags. Crafty MC, Strong Female leads, Yandere

youareme · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Ch.20 Neo and Ruby(5)

Walking through the hallways of the castle two little figures could be seen talking to each other, the maids and the soldiers didn't bother them as they continued on their way.

"So Ruby don't forget your part of the plan related to Agni."

Neo said as he reminded Ruby of the plan again.

"Geez, what do you take me as, an idiot? I know the plan and don't worry I won't mess it up."

Ruby said in an annoyed tone as she gave Neo a light punch. Hearing her words Neo wanted to reply 'Yes' but didn't fearing for his own safety.

"Well, even if you mess up Aunt Ruri will be able to fix it. So I guess I don't need to worry too much."

Neo said in a relieved tone as he put both of his hands in his pocket.

Sensing something he jumped back and the place he stood a punch was thrown. 

"Hey, what's your problem."

Neo asked in an annoyed tone as he looked at Ruby who threw the punch.


Ruby humped and didn't reply to his question.

"Someone seems to have gotten braver."

Neo said as he gave a wicked smile, seeing that Ruby's face crumbled as she tried to run away.

But there was no way Neo would let her, as appearing in front of her he held both of her shoulders and gave her a villainous laugh.


Before Ruby could say anything Neo started his assault as he started to tickle her, due to him doing this all the time he knew all her weak spots.

So Ruby couldn't do anything as the strength left her body as she uncontrollably laughed under Neo's hands.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Neo asked but he didn't stop tickling her, the look he was that of a kidnapper giving a child candy.


Ruby tried to say sorry but wasn't able to as Neo didn't relent one bit.

"Could you repeat that, I didn't quite hear it?"

Neo asked as he looked at the sorry figure of Ruby.

"HAha, I am sorry ok, Hahah, Please stop, ahahha SORRY, haha"

Ruby mustered all the strength she could as she said her sorry.

"Good girl."

Neo said with a gentle voice as he stopped tickling her.

"haa, haa"

Taking deep breaths Ruby started to fall to the ground, but Neo stopped her as he held her in his embrace.


Ruby muttered as she gave him a pouty tearing look. Seeing this his heart melted as he gently patted her head and said.

"Ok, ok sorry."

Neo said as he helped her get her balance, though even after calming down she didn't let go of his embrace.

"But you know, I did teach you that you should take violence as the first resort."

Neo added to his words as he looked at Ruby's face with the look of a teacher.


Ruby didn't reply as she knew that her actions were, well not princess-like. After all, even if this is the duchy she has to maintain her image.

After all, she is a Solious, one of the members of the Royal family and whether she likes it or not, her actions affect the image of the Royal family.

"Still, isn't to ok, to be like this when I am with you."

Ruby asked as she gave Neo some puppy eyes.

"Silly girl, it is ok for you to act like this to me, but please do that in private. After all even the walls have eyes."

Neo replied in a gentle voice as he played with her reddish-orange hair.

"But it is the Duchy, so.."

Ruby asked as she tilted her head, after all this is the lionheart duchy and there is no way that someone spread information about her.

"Sigh, that's why I call you an idiot. Listen here even though both of our fathers could be said to be one of the strongest existence in this continent, they aren't all-knowing."

"After all there is a saying, that rats can even make a nest inside the god's statue."

Neo replied to her question as he gave her the general overview, after all even though he doesn't wish any servants of this family to be a 'rat' if it so happens he will have to accept it.

"hmm, understood."

Ruby said as she nodded her head, although she hadn't really seen the political and dark side of this word, all of her mothers had taught her everything sufficiently.

Plus Neo always gives her more knowledge regarding this matter and even teaches her various things. In fact, her acting and people-reading skills were even learned from Neo.

"You must understand Ruby, that there are a lot of people that care about you. So please be careful, after all, if something happens to you, Oh, cute little Ruby, this continent may collapse."

Neo said with the gentlest voice and smile he could muster, but if someone looked into his eyes they could only see the promise of destruction and pain.

"OK, I will be more careful from now on."

Ruby promised as she moved away from his embrace.

"Good, Then see you soon for now, after all, I can't keep my father waiting."

Neo said as he helped manage the messy hair of Ruby, seeing that it was done he jumped toward a guard rail and got ready to jump off.

"Hmm, Neo do you really have to work so hard, after all, you just had a training session with Uncle Vayu some moments ago."

Ruby asked concerned about his body's well-being.

"Ah, don't worry about that. After all my body isn't so weak that it will break due to a little intense training."

Neo said as he turned around and gave Ruby a thumbs up.

"Plus, I have been slacking off for two years now, if I don't do this much training I will be left behind by you and my sister."

With that, he jumped off, and using the flight spell he made his way toward his father's office.

"Not, catching up to us. Idiot..... I guess I need to train harder if I want to be able to travel by his side."

Ruby muttered to herself as she walked toward the direction where her mother was.


Flying toward the top of the castle I arrive in front of the office of my father, cancelling the spell I tidy my clothes as I knock on the door signaling my presence.

"Father, I have arrived."

"Come in, son."

My father's gentle voice sounds from inside as the door in front of me opens, entering the room I can see my father wearing some combat gear.

Looking at his desk, he seemed to have just finished his paperwork.

"So, father where are we practicing."

I ask, after all, if it was in the training halls then he would have just arrived there but since he specially called me here there must be a reason.

"Well, son we are practicing in our family's special training hall."

Father says as he walks toward me, he pats my head and with a sudden flash of light the scenery changes.

Instead of his workroom, we are currently standing in the middle of a field, so large that I can't even see the end of it. Above me, the sky is pitch black but it still radiates some light.

"Cool, isn't it?"

"Yes, very cool."

I reply genuinely as being a scholar and a mage I can understand, even if a little what this is.

"It is as you think, this is an artificial dimension. One that was created using the various ancient spells carved into the walls of the castle during ancient times."

Father gave me a more broader description as he talked about this dimension with pride. Well, his pride is understandable, after all this dimension could be said to be another world with its own set of laws.

"Umm, father why isn't sister using this dimension for training."

I ask after all as far as I remember my sister had been training in the standard training hall.

"Well, she isn't strong enough to need it currently. After all this world was created to minimize damage when high-ranking figures train."

"Didn't you notice what happened to the training hall when Vayu and I were playing a little? Hahaha."

Father said as he gave me a hearty laugh.

"So why bring me here?"

I asked after all in terms of strength I am nowhere near my sister, in fact, I can be said to be very inferior.

"That is because my son, I am going to teach you our family's special fighting style. Your sister chose the sword so she can't really learn it."

Father replied to my question as he walked away from me.

Hearing his words I finally understood the reason, after all as a family's special style, this has to be kept hidden from prying eyes.

"Well, before that, less check your hand-to-hand combat skill."

Father said as he stood a few meters in front of me getting into a fighting pose.